Chapter Two- Not Dead

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Megan (POV) Everything is dark. I can’t see anything. Is this what being dead is like? I was hoping to see my mate, my little son. Where am I? Moon Goddess, you can’t be this cruel to keep me away from my family. Why is it cold and dark here? Suddenly I am reliving the death of my son. I feel him being pulled from my arms and the cruel look of the rogue as he held my son and twisted his little neck. I screamed and screamed as I watched as he dropped my pup’s body to the ground. I couldn’t stop screaming as tears fell from my eyes as I crawled towards my son’s body and took his little hand in mine. I sat up screaming in pain and agony. Suddenly there were a strong pair of arms around me. Holding me as my screams turned into heavy sobbing. “My son. He killed my son.” I kept crying over and over again. “I know.” I hear a male voice speaking softly in my ear. The arms and voice were oddly comforting as I sobbed my heart out. I suddenly come to realize I am not dead after all. Why am I not dead? I wanted to join my family in death. Why was I alive? And why do I feel sparks in this stranger’s arms? “I wanted to die.” I sobbed, “Why am I here?” I cried. “We got the message to come help too late. I am so sorry we didn’t get to your pack in time. You were barely alive when we found you.” “Why didn’t you let me die with my mate and son? I wanted to die. I was prepared to die.” The grief is deep in my heart. It was weighing heavy there. “I couldn’t do that.” The voice whispered in my ear. “Why? Why couldn’t you?” “Because I waited my life for you. Can you not feel it?” He kisses the top of my head softly. “You are my mate.” I shake my head, “No, I can’t be. I had a mate, and he is dead. Jason is dead.” I sobbed again thinking of my mate Jason with his light brown hair and deep green eyes. We grew up together and once I turned seventeen the age where you feel their mate, I was so happy it was Jason and so was he. We were in love even before the bond we felt we were to be together. He was a great Alpha and father and most of all mate. And now he is gone along with our son and our pack. Why was I the only one to survive? I don’t understand. Why did the moon Goddess keep me alive? “GABRIEL” I begin screaming, “My beautiful son.” I cried out. I hear the door open. Then a woman’s voice, “Yes, Alpha...” When she saw how distraught I was being, she put something into my IV as a calm feeling then darkness came over me. I woke again and this time I am no longer in a hospital room but in a large suite. I look around and see a sitting area with a large fireplace and a flat-screen TV above the mantle. The bed I am laying on is large and comfortable. The room is decorated in soft neutral colors and is quite pleasing to the eye. I look over as the door opens and an omega walks in carrying a tray. She notices me awake and smiles. “I am glad to see you awake. Are you hungry? I brought you something to eat.” She asks me in a sweet voice. “Where am I?” I ask as I sat up. “You are in the Blue Lake pack. The Alpha found you barely alive and brought you here.” “Why?” I swallow with a dry throat before finishing, “Why would he do that?” “Excuse me, ma'am?” “I wanted to join my family,” I say with deep sorrow. “And where might they be?” She asks me with innocent curiosity. “With the Moon Goddess,” I whisper looking away from her. “Ooh,” She says in understanding. “I too lost a mate and my pup.” She says with sorrow as I look back up at her. “How do you cope?” I asked her amazed that she is still breathing. “I take one day at a time, and I have the love of my pack behind me.” She sets the tray down on the side table and sat on the edge of the bed. “I won’t say I never grieved. I did. It was the most painful time of my life. Yet my pack never gave up on me. Now after five years the Goddess has given me a second chance mate and I am smiling again.” She rubs her belly and I watch her hand. “I am also carrying his pup.” At this moment I feel a kindred spirit with this woman. “My name is Megan,” I say to her. “I am Julie. I have been assigned to you and I believe I now know why.” She takes my hand in hers and smiles at me. For the first time since I arrived, I smiled back at her. “It will be nice having someone around who understands all I have been through.” “Could be why the Alpha assigned me.” “Who is this, Alpha?” I asked as I reached for the cup of tea on the tray. “Alpha Nathan. He is a good and compassionate Alpha.” I nod as I took a sip of the tea to wet my throat. “Would you happen to know if there were any others that survived from my pack?” I asked her fearing I already know the answer. She shook her head, “No. I am sorry. You were the only one found. The Moon Goddess must have a plan still in place for your life.” She spoke quietly. “I think I already knew that, but I had to ask,” I said with deep sorrow. “I have to get back to work. If you need anything or just need to talk, ask for me.” She said standing up. “You know, Megan, It may not seem like it now. But it does get easier.” She says with a smile before walking out and closing the door.
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