I have just been Violated.

1483 Words
I read the email.on my phone screen and laughed. “A Nigerian Prince? How dumb does he think I am?” I said. I continued to read the email. “ My name is Khari Obasei. I am a pretty important person in my country. I was given an allowance to finish my schooling. I have completed almost everything with the exception of finding my queen. I need to return home as soon as I can. I give you my word if you can give me any amount you have, I will repay you. I am aware of the scams that come to you from my country. I assure you, I am no scammer, just a man in need to return to his country.” It read. I read it a few times and replied. What Is the harm in this? If I gave him the money I have, and he turns out to be a scammer, I'd be crushed. I sent him what I could afford and that was that. I forgot all about. Princey. Years went on and I finished school and got a wonderful job traveling and teaching at different schools. It had been five years to the day that I helped Mr. Obasei go home. I believed that i’d never see the money I loaned again. I had just come home from.work and was tired. My home was decent and I rarely let people come by. Just as I sat down to take off my shoes, a knock at my door startled me. “Who is it?” I called as i walked to the door. There were small windows on each side of my front door. Imagine my surprise to look out of the left one and see a white stretch limo. “Ok what in the hell is this?” I thought. “I am looking for a Regina Black. Your presence is requested by my boss. ” said the driver. “ I am Regina Black. What is this?” I asked through my door. The man on the other side sighed. I could hear him shift his weight from left to right. “Miss Black, I was just told to bring you to the Anwar Hotel. I wasn't given any other information but i can assure you this is legal. ” said the driver. I was curious about this limo and the person I would meet. The Anwar Hotel was elegant and usually only.the highly rich or famous people stayed here. I put on my shoes and grabbed my jacket. “Well sir. Lets go. I suppose i need to get to the bottom of this. I hope I'm not being punked.” I said as I opened the door. We walked to the limo and i got in. Inside it was just as fabulous as the outside. The whole inside was white leather and buttery soft. Whoever owned this limo had great taste. In a few random places there was kente cloth shaped into stars. I enjoyed the smooth ride to the Anwar. The company i worked for rented out the conference rooms sometimes. It was wonderful. The Anwar had and old hollywood style of glamour. Understated elegance. The walls of the lobby were high and white. The floors were black and white like a checkerboard. When we pulled up the place was moving with the usual activity. People being greeted and checking in. The driver sent me inside and told me to ask for His Highness at the check in desk. Now I was sure I was being set up. I did as the driver said. I had a surprise for the i***t that felt they could scam me and get away with it. They were in room 412. I was glad I had taken those kickboxing classes cause i was going to give this person the whooping he should have got as a child. When i walked in i was surprised to find a room almost full of light purple roses. The couches were white and also made with suede. A mudcloth blanket was draped over the back of it. More opulence than I expected. This guy was laying it on thick. As i looked around this suite I didn't hear the owner come into the room. “Miss Black? I am glad you have come. I would like to repay you for the kindness you provided me. I am Khari Obasei.” said the guy. I turned around to find a man dressed all in white with the exception of a swath of mudcloth. Khari was six foot three and from what I could see through the linen shirt , well built. Khari looked like his face had been carved out of the finest onyx. His eyes were honey colored with dark brown flecks in them. His cheeks were set high but his most tasty feature was his full lips. I had to step back and take a breath. “ You are the same man I sent five hundred dollars to all those years ago? Why didn't you ever let me know you made it home? “ I asked. “I am truly sorry about that, Miss Black. In my homeland we are just getting the fiber optics for the internet. I have thought of the kind woman who gave her last to help a stranger everyday for the last five years. I am so glad you have come. ” said Khari, taking my hand. Now what was I going to do? He was sincere and sweet. I felt horrible. I was really about to unleash all my anger on this unsuspecting guy, who was actually appeared to be a sincere and handsome man. “I don't know what to say. I really never expected to see you or even meet you. Why was i told to ask for Your highness at the front desk? “ I asked Khari. He was still holding my hand. He led me over to the large picture window that was in the back of the room. It was amazing. There was a small loveseat that faced the window. We sat down and he pulled me closer to him. He smelled like cinnamon and sandalwood. It was intoxicating. “ That's the thing. I am a prince. I left it out in that email because I knew most would think I was a scammer. I want to return the money you.gave me and a little more. My parents say that I must take a wife. I was hoping you would fill that role.” Said khari as he leaned in to kiss me. I leaned away from him. A freaking real life prince and he wants me to be his wife? I barely know this guy. While I am very attracted to Khari, I feel a little crazy accepting his request to marry him. Five hundred dollars and a marriage? Whoa there bucky. Khari pulled me to him again and kissed me so softly. His lips were so soft, and there was a hint of mint on them. This was forward. I felt a little dizzy though. “Khari, I feel this is rushed and while I'm very attracted to you, is this real? Is this how you really feel, cause you are a stranger to me. ” I said,breaking his embrace. He looked at me and down at the floor. Maybe he really did care. He might.really believe in love at first sight. I did let him kiss me twice, so I was attracted.to him.in some type of way. "I am attracted to you, Khari. If I wasn't, do you think i'd allow you to kiss me? I want so much to say yes, but we barely know each other. And you're royalty. " I said. He took my hands again and smiled. I had a good.job, a nice car,and I owned my own home, but I wasn't happy. I came home to my cat Snoop every night. I had my friends but no one I could share myself with. Here was my chance sitting right in front of me. Was I going to blow it with this man? Khari walked towards the window and then back to the loveseat I was sitting on. He knelt down in front of me and took my hand in his. " Regina, I could never force you to be my bride. How about you think about it? I have a whole day planned for us. You have my word you won't be out late unless you want to," smiled Khari. A day planned? If it was anything like the limo ride I was in for a great time, but right now I had to shower, change and get dressed if I was going to make this event tonight. I said good bye to Khari and headed home. I had to be back at The Anwar by 6:30. I needed to brief my boss on the Anansi account before the ball started.

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