#Chapter 12: Truthful Lies

1151 Words

Aldrich As we walked into the lion’s den that was once merely my living room, I tried to focus on other things–the conversation that needed to be made, the argument that would surely break out. The threat I would rattle both of their bones with. The murderous anger I’d have to stifle. But I couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful she looked. Cathy walked in with her chin high, and she looked like royalty way more than I ever did. She didn’t even look earthly–she ascended royalty, more like supernatural beauty. The glistening, ruby gown defined her blonde hair, the gold around her neck lightening the green in her eyes. She hated me, but I would fight wars for her, alone. My ex-lover and her husband look at us with unmasked surprise. They certainly were not expecting a guest. I

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