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INDIA MUMBAI RAM'S HOUSE After coming out , found all others present in the launge and seeing him coming inside ... AJAY ( seeing the condition of his buddy took the charge and stood up as ) : Let's go or wants to sleep ... JEET ( hesitatingly ) : I actually sir ... AJAY ( interrupted him with ) : Jeet go to sleep , if in the morning Daksh gets to know that you have been awake whole night then what all class you will great we know about it , but he will take our class also ...( turn towards the kids with ) ok kids now everyone move to your own room ... ( looked towards the other elders ) you all also go then the kids will also go with you , go to sleep everyone ... ( all unwillingly left from there towards their rooms and Ajay turn towards Ram with ) should I give you invitation in some other will , hmm ... ? RAM ( looked at him and ) : Ajay , actually Daksh ... AJAY ( pressed his shoulder with ) : Till the morning he will be perfectly fine ... Aryan has given him injection , now you also get up ... Ram taking deep breaths stood up and followed Ajay inside the room and both fathers lay down on the bed while closing their eyes , worried about their sons ... While on the other side ... After entering inside the room , Bhavna found Jeet standing near the window while looking outside in silence ... Bhavna kept staring at his back for few moments and then stepped forward after closing the room door behind her ... she approached Jeet in silence and softly pressed his shoulder which made him , come out from his thoughts with a little jerk and he turned towards her ... JEET ( seeing her there said undeliberately ) : Ooh it's you ... ( took a deep breath with ) I actually didn't heard ... were you saying something to me ... ? BHAVNA ( in concern ) : Why are you standing here , you will not sleep I know it very well but at least you can sit down please ... JEET ( nodded silently with ) : You go to sleep , I am feeling better here ... BHAVNA ( softly ) : Then sit here at least ... you have travel such a long flight , so if you keep yourself so much restless then your health will deteriorate and with this how can you take care of my brother in law , hmm ... ? Jeet looked that her in silence and moving his gaze away silently got seated on a nearby chair while resting his forehead on his palms ... Bhavna started at him for few moments in silence and in pain and then first composing herself will , she stepped forward and sat beside him on another chair ... BHAVNA ( softly pressed his shoulder with ) : You don't take so much tension please ... Jack told right he will be perfectly fine till the morning ... Jeet just looked that her in helplessness and pain and then moved his gaze away but that single glance was enough to make Bhavna alert ... BHAVNA ( worriedly ) : Is something which I don't know ... ? is there something which you are still hiding from me , hmm ... ? ( smoothly turned Jeet's face towards her with ) you told me that when you will come back you will share all your tension with me then now tell me please ... JEET ( in extreme pain and scare ) : Daksh is not fried Bhavna , he is not at all ok ... A drop fell from his eye and Bhavna tightened her grip on his hand to assured him , gave him her presence and support with ... BHAVNA : You keep faith , if you will do like this then who will give support to Jack he will be untolerable ... Daksh is fighting with this migraine from so many years then he will be ok by morning , you just see ... JEET ( looking at her in extreme pain and replied with ) : Daksh doesn't have only migraine problem Bhavna ... ( Bhavna look at him in shock and tension Jeet added in painful whisper ) he also got some cardinal problem ... BHAVNA ( in extreme shock ) : What cardinal problem ... ? ( getting really worried ) from when and does Jack knows about this ... ? JEET ( shook his head a little with ) : Jack doesn't know anything about all this and neither any of the children's should know about this , hmm ... ? ( Bhavna nodded assuringly and Jeet added silently ) from past few years Daksh was experiencing pain on the left side and nearly one and half hour your before , we got a severe heart stroke ... ( and he got stopped and Bhavna in pain pressed his shoulder and Jeet added slowly ) he had to stay in the hospital for nearly one week , nearly one week ... BHAVNA ( worriedly. ) : You must have made with the doctor of Daksh after knowing about all this then what doctor told about his health ... ? Jeet took a deep breath and then told her the whole thing , doctor had told him and completing all , he just rested his head on the headrest and there prevailed a complete silence in the room for few minutes ... BHAVNA ( in a fresh tone while breaking the silence with ) : You are taking tension without any reason ... ( Jeet looked at her with jerk while she added ) dad also had the same kind of cardinal problem and I at that time was giving matric exams and when my exam ended he faced the first stroke , doctor made a spear very much but see , mom didn't had anything any past history but still he left us before dad ... ( Jeet softly wrapped Bhavna's hand in his hands and Bhavna looked at him and nodded in a small smile with ) your brother is already a fighter , he knows how to fight for himself and for each and every relation which is related to him and he knows how to stick stand for all and you know dad always used to say that a person's disease doesn't kill a person in that way on which hopelessness kills a person and I have not seen hopelessness in in my brother in law , his will power is very strong , right ... ? JEET ( nodded silently with ) : Yes Bhavna his will power is very strong from all the time and this may be because he has seen the world more than us ... ( in hurt ) but that doesn't mean that if you are strong then God always try one or the other thing to hurt them ... ( in scared while tightening his grip on her hand ) you don't know Bhavna when Daksh told me about all this then how much scared was he at that time , still now I can feel his tears on my shoulder , maybe he remains strong in front of all of us , maybe he is a fighter to all of us but he is still now my brother , I can't see him crying and he at that time what all told to me , really I am telling Bhavna I got so much scared , once more I don't want to lose my brother ... BHAVNA ( consolingly while placing her free hand on his hand with ) : Why you thinking so much negative , hmm ... ? you only told that both of you are strong pillar of each other then you give him support to fight with his fears , not yourself getting into the shell of the fear ... ( softly cupped his face and wiped off his wet eyes with ) you can't be so fragile I like this because if your brother will not see that strength in your eyes then he also well lose all his strength to fight ... ( Jeet nodded in pain and just hugged her tightly and Bhavna supportingly wrapped her arm around him while rubbing her free hand in his head with ) you should make your shoulders very hard please because in this whole world he only have the shoulder in which he can share all his fears and scare he have and with which he can share every pain and every hesitation he has in his life ... Jeet said nothing just nodded in extreme pain and hurt still resting his head on her shoulder who was rubbing his head in silence , absorbing her husband's scare and pain in her shoulder ... after few minutes , Jeet calmed down and silently separated himself from that encouraging hug and Bhavna wiped off the reminices of her husband's scare and pain from his face ... Jeet gave her a silent smile with an assuring nod and Bhavna forwarded a glass of water towards him in same silence , which was grabbed by Jeet silently. .. JEET ( fixing his stare on the water glass in silence ) : How much Daksh was happy right , we all were enjoying so much , we made so much plans all together b, now everything has just went upside down ... BHAVNA ( shook her head a little with ) : Nothing is destroyed till now ... ( Jeet looked at her and Bhavna added softly ) whatever plans you have made , once it is morning everything will be fine , just wait and see your brother will only compel you and make all his plans fulfilled ... ( a sad smile approached on Jeet's lips while Bhavna added in smile ) and also they came here only for two days , and they shouldn't stay at home and get bored maybe Jack will never come back because we did not show him places ... JEET ( smiled a little with ) : Yes he is the son of Daksh so he also likes to roam around places but I don't know if in the morning he will like to go somewhere or not ... he is just like his father only , if he have some kind of tension , he just hides It inside him and in one way he will cut off from the whole world ... BHAVNA ( smilingly ) : Daksh I will handle him well and if if by any chance he can't then Punit is there , and if Jack still does not say yes to go sweetly then Punit will by force take him ... JEET ( nodded in a smile ) : In this whole world getting such kind of friend is not less than a blessing Bhavna and I feel very much happy whenever I see both of their bond ... BHAVNA ( mischievously ) : You feel happy after seeing their bond or because of both of them you remember all the naughtiness you and your brother used to do ... ? JEET ( looked at her in shock with ) : Naughtiness ... ? ( Bhavna nodded mischievously Jeet protested with ) I don't do any kind of naughty behaviour ever your brother in law always use to do something or the other things all the time ... now also see what he have done , he came after so many years he came but he came only for 2 days , this is not done , in 2 days the tiredness of so long flight does not goes properly and on top of that he had also fallen sick , now there will be not search enjoyment and on top of that there is so much tension ... I will not let them go , at least I will say them to stay for one week , just wait and watch ... BHAVNA ( getting shocked ) : What are you going to do ... ? Jack has his own college , you know this thing right , hmm ... ? JEET ( jerked his head in frustration with ) : After one week he will join his classes then also nothing will happen , if I will not spend time with him now and then ... BHAVNA ( shook her head disappointingly with ) : You talking such like a small kid now ... you do not let your children to be late for their classes even one minute and here you are saying that Jack will join his classes after one week and you are making plans for that ... JEET ( protested with ) : What do you mean by plans , hmm ... ? and you you don't take my class like a teachers , I was just saying like that I am not stopping them from going , huhh ... BHAVNA ( smiled a little with ) : If you will only talk like a small kid and make friends like that then I will have to be a teacher right ... Jeet jerked his head , making a face while grumbling which brought a sweet smile on his wife's face ... JEET ( remembering something turned serious and looked at her with ) : Bhavna why did you tell each and every truth to Danny ... ? I mean that did he knew everything from before only or you did like this to bring Daksh directly to Mumbai ... ?
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