Chapter 2

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Eleven people sat around a round table, talking among themselves with a smile. The wind howled with indignation, only to once again be ignored. The people's faces were blurred and like the wind that whispers secrets with a tongue in which no one can understand; the words spoken by the people were lost, the wind sweeping them away. Forgotten. Gone. ****** White eyelashes fluttered opened, revealing a pair of pale blue crystalline eyes. Eyes the color of the purest aquamarine.  The eyes stared up in confusion, taking in the gold spider lilies painted onto the white top of the canopy bed as she felt a pang in her heart. Curtains surrounded the bed, gold and blue, like the color of her eyes. The girl sat up only to fall back onto her bed. That took so much energy. Just to sit up! "Waaa de hawl es ging on?" When she heard her talking she was shocked silly. She frantically looked around. Unfamiliar place, very unfamiliar place, very very unfamiliar place. She brought her arms up and saw the tiny fists and immediately knew what was going on. She has reincarnated. Well…… Oh well….. Who cares. This bed is really comfy! Her hand instinctively rubbed the very fuzzy blanket. Heaven! She was in heaven! Fuzzy blanket, fluffy bed, big bed, and soft pillows.  While she was in the midst of her baby laughing a bang was heard.  "Miss? Are you okay?" I heard a soft voice of a young female as the footsteps grew closer. The curtain around the bed was opened and she once again fell into shock.  Fox ears! A fluffy fox tail!!  "Miss?" The young maid once again repeated.  "Yuki-tan!" The sound of running feet was heard along with the voice of someone scolding the person running. The person however totally ignored the scolding and continued to run. "Yuki-tan!" A boy with black hair popped into view, jumping onto my bed, making Rose fly up and then fall back onto the bed with an oof! The toddler saw a black tail swishing back and forth, like the wagging tail of a dog. "Taiyo!" A woman came up, her green eyes was as fiery as her bright red hair. She dragged the boy by the ear off the bed and gave him a quick lecture before turning to the white haired toddler on the bed. "Yuki are you alright?" The woman came to pick up the toddler as she simply stared at her supposed brother. The woman holding the toddler frowned, realizing that her baby just woke up and was yet to be dressed. She looked towards the maid and kindly asked. "Can you get Princess Yukino's outfit ready?" "O-of course, your majesty!" The maid scurried out and soon came back with a small beautiful icy blue kimono. "Alright dress her, I am going to have a word with my son." She handed Yukino to the maid and smiled at the boy who was shrinking back into a corner, trying to disappear. "Taiyo, let's talk about the manners a prince should have. Not to mention you could have severely hurt your younger sister!" The lecture went on as she forcefully dragged the poor boy out. Yukino let out a giggle at the sight, but an unsettling feeling sunk in. Taiyo….. the name sounds familiar, especially with the name Yukino. Where have I heard the names before? She tossed the thought aside as the nice maid helped her change into the dress before placing her in front of a mirror. Yukino was finally able to see her appearance in the new world and boy, she was shocked.  White, silver hair nestled on her head, just slightly wavy. Two pointy snow white ears popped out from the hair, similar to a fox's, but what really caught her eyes was her tail. Big and furry, Yukino touched and rubbed it, deciding it would be the perfect pillow! "Princess?" The maid hesitantly asked, holding up a comb, "May I?" Yukino smiled and nodded, facing towards the mirror again. Taking in her face. Small nose on the center of her face, full pouty lips and a pair of sparkling light blue eyes stared back at her. She was adorable! There was no doubt that once she grew up she'll be a heartbreaker. "Princess, I'm done." The maid moved back with a satisfied smile on her face, clearly showing her happiness.  The silver wavy hair was combed, but left down. The kimono was a perfect fit, not too tight and not too loose. The maid had also placed a silver spider lily ornament into her hair. Yukino also gave a smile, indicating that she liked her look. The maid then carried her to the dining, the maid was talking the whole way. Showing Yukino this and that, explaining to her what they are and just talking about random stuff, thinking that Yukino could not understand. However, reality is cruel and Yukino could indeed understand it all. And she was getting really annoyed. As a lazy soul, she liked quiet places. Where she could easily sleep or read in peace. The maid however was not a quiet place, making Yukino want to punch the poor girl in the face. However, the maid was like Yukino's past life's best friend. Lily.  Rose and Lily met in grade four. Hating each other to the guts at first sight. Lily was a chatterbox and Rose didn't like anything that was associated with the word loud. Lily's endless chattering finally caused Rose to snap and punch Lily, hoping it would shut her up. The plan failed as Lily started to scream and cry, causing the teachers to come over. Rose was suspended for a week after that. Fate is fickle though. In grade 6, the entire school had a competition.  It was simple, decide on a flower, research the flower then give a presentation on the flower. The project was a two people project. The teachers assigned the groups. And the teacher paired Lily and Rose together. Yeah, a bad, bad decision. On the first day Rose and Lily couldn't settle on a flower. Lily wanted to do water lilies while Rose wanted to do red roses. This continued for two days before the teacher stepped in. Telling them to look through the thousands of other flowers out there and chose one. Reluctantly, the two complied as they couldn't speak back to the teacher. Surfing the web they looked at looked but couldn't find anything. Then on the fourth day a flower made both of they point at it. "This one!" They both said simultaneously, and miraculously they were pointing at the same flower. The Higanbana, also known as the red spider lily.  The two shared a look and decided to cooperate only for this project. They only had three days left to finish the project, and most of the people were done putting their presentation together and was just going through their script. They however, just decided on the flower. So they split the job. Rose was already a very talented artist. So she drew and crafted the flowers, making them look unbelievably real. Lily did the research and put together the script. She had a lot more talent for speaking in front of others than Rose. Because of this project the two of them had to spend hours together outside of school, to make sure that the script would work with the presentation, to know what to add and what to not add, they also went through the editing process together, and deciding who was going to say what. Their project was a success, even snatching first place. From then on, the teachers placed the two together more often for projects and the two girls grew closer. "Yuki-tan!" The yelling of Yukino's brother snapped her out of her daze. She looked up and saw the woman she thinks is her mother in this life and another stranger. Probably her father. Then there was her annoying brother, Taiyo. "Yuki, come, join us for dinner." The male smiled at Yukino as he smiled gently. "You may leave." He said to the maid, once he had Yukino in his arms. He sat Yukino down at a seat. Before he ordered the chefs to bring in the food. Soon, a divine smelling and looking dish was placed in front of Yukino. Without further ado she started eating like a starved person. Her family watched on with amusement before starting to eat. After dinner it was bedtime. Yukino was perplexed as she had just finished sleeping, but she had no problem with going back to sleep again, after all if she could, she would sleep 24/7. Thus she laid back onto her comfy bed, hugged her tail and fell asleep within minutes. -In the middle of the night- Yukino suddenly sat up. "Wait… Yukino, isn't she the Villainess of the otome game I played in my previous life? Taiyo… isn't that the name of the Villainess's brother. Isn't he a capture target? This is just a coincidence…. right…..?" Yukino sighed and plopped back down onto the bed. "Screw it, I'll worry about that later. I need some sleep." A second later~ Yukino suddenly sat up again. "My speech…. it's back to normal…. How the world did that happen????" Yukino sighed again, "Screw it, I'll worry about that tomorrow…" she laid back down and closed her eyes.  Another second later~ Thump! Thump! Thump! "God damnit!!!" Yukino flung her blanket off her as she sat up to see what was causing the ruckus. Eyes twitching she stared as a golden book continuously bonked itself onto the headboard of her bed. A blue gem engraved in the middle of the cover.
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