Chapter 5

743 Words
A teardrop rolled down a pale cheek, her crystalline eyes were closed as sorrow filled her face. The land was dyed red with specks of black, the blood of millions had spilled in this tattered shattered land. Millions came in and none will come out.  ********** Yukino woke up to the sound of many voices and other loud sounds such as trumpets. Letting out a groan she sat up, looking around. "Yuki, you're awake." Taiyo said. "Where are we? Did we arrive?" "Yes."  "Oh…" Yukino looked outside the windows and saw her parents talking with others. In the next minute Yukino and her family was lead inside the grand golden palace. "This will be your room. If there's any questions you may simply ring this bell." The maid bowed down and left after saying what she had been trained to say.  "Yuki, Tai remember to get ready in three hours, we have a welcoming party to attend tonight." Yukino let out a groan but still went to her selected room to get unpacked. 2 hours later… Yukino finally got an uninterrupted sleep. "I am not bringing you to the party!" "I'll be stared at! Who after all brings a book to a party?? A banquet that's held by royalty???" "No I will not bring you to the banquet!" "No!" "Tiny? You can turn tiny?" "Why didn't you say so before?" "Why…?" "Rage? You want to see me rage?" Yukino turned to the book with a scary smile as she tied her kimono stash. "Really?" "Drool? Why would I drool?" Yukino said looking at the book with a questioning and doubtful look. However, she soon understood what Kami meant. A beautiful golden chain with an equally beautiful pendant.  The pendant was a butterfly, a much darker blue than her eyes. There were silver linings around the entire butterfly and traced the shape. The wing area closer to the body of the insect was darker and the color slowly faded to the silver lining. "Its beautiful…" "But why an insect? I hate insects. Nasty, creepy crawlers. Yuck. Disgusting. Awful. Long legs and antennas. Big disgusting eyes-" "I'm not wearing it." "Why should I?" "You what…?" Yukino turned towards poor Kami with a wicked smile.  "Good." "Come on, I'll bring you to the Dragon Clan volcano if you don't talk." "Well, I was expecting that." Yukino turned to glare at Kami. "Look, just because I'm lazy does not mean I'm stupid." "What did you say…?" Yukino gave a closed eyed smile to Kami. "I thought so too." Yukino turned around, looking into the mirror.  Now, I know all of you are wondering where her maid went. Well, Yukino told her to go and she'll (Yukino) call her (maid) back when she needs to do her hair. "Karin! Can you help me with my hair?" Yukino called to her maid in her childish voice. "Yes princess." Karin, the maid walked in the door, and positioned herself behind Yukino and started styling her hair. In about half an hour she finished.  Taking a step back, Yukino let herself twist and turn her head, feeling awed at the skillfulness of Karin.  Since Yukino liked her being down, Karin had carefully curled Yukino's hair. The braids that were by the ears were tied together at the back so it formed a shallow 'v'.  "Princess, you should wear this necklace it'll match your outfit very well." Yukino, who had still been admiring herself in the mirror turned at the voice of Karin. When she saw Karin holding up Kami, her eyes twitched. Unable to say no to her most beloved maid, she agreed. Karin smiled and placed the necklace around Yukino's neck, causing her to shiver and the thought that an insect was on her throat. Fake or not. Karin then bowed before excusing herself. When Karin closed the door behind her, Yukino grabbed the necklace.   Kami cried out when she felt Yukino's nails trying to scratch her to death. "Change into something else." Yukino's venomous voice held no room for rejection.  Kami, too scared to refute changed into something else. Hoping to appease Yukino's anger Kami changed into Yukino's favorite flower, the spider lily.  Yukino looked at it and smiled. "You've escaped death this time, but next time you pull a stunt like that…." The rest was left unsaid as it didn't need to be said.
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