Chapter 8

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Elijah’s POV- Watching Drake give his speech on stage, some of the things he said, made me really happy. He was truly thinking of my sister, and he was treating her exactly how she deserved to be treated by her mate. Shadow, my Lycan, was growling at the display. He was jealous that they had each other. Since we found out Diana had been taken, Shadow has been feral, trying to forcibly take over, so he could go save Diana. I knew if I let him out he would try to take control of me, so I had to put him in a literal cage within my mind. He hated me for it. I hated myself for it. But I agreed with everything that my parents had planned. I couldn’t take these moments from my sister, as much as I wanted my mate, she was still only seventeen. I couldn’t mark or mate her until she turned eighteen, but Elisa was lucky, her mate was older than her. I watched as Drake got down on one knee, and proposed to Elisa. Shadow growled at me, “That could have been us. We could have proposed to our mate today, if we had gone and got her sooner.” “Shut it, Shadow. We have no idea how many hybrids there are and you know as well as I do, we struggle to beat Elisa when we spar with her. I doubt we would last very long against multiple hybrids. So we need to follow the plan that our parents have set out for us,” I growled back at him. He hung his head down in shame. He knew I was right, but I could feel his rage, hatred, and bitterness. He wanted his mate and nothing else. He had been growing stronger, and over the last day it had been so much harder to keep him contained. My eyes were fixated on Elisa and Drake, they were both so happy. I did feel happy for them, but I did feel a little jealous. I wanted what they have, who wouldn’t? When they came down from the stage, I joined my family in congratulating them. I hugged Elisa, and gave Drake a hug. I wished them the best. When the music restarted, I disappeared for a short while. I needed a moment to calm my thoughts. I went into my room, and sat down, resting my elbows on my knees, and my face in my hands. Shadow was growling and snarling at me. I had a few tears going down my cheeks, I could feel them. He growled, “You are so weak. Pathetic. You can’t even save our mate. You can’t stand up to your own parents. You think you are so strong for helping to save the dragon people, but they did all the work for you. You are WEAK.” “I am not weak. I will save our mate,” I grumbled. “I hate you, you will never save our mate. You are too weak,” he hissed. He charged into the cage that I had been keeping him in. “Give me control,” he growled. He charged into the bars again. It was hurting my head. I fell to the floor, clutching my head, curling up into a ball. I groaned, “I won’t let you out. You will hurt people.” “Only those that get in my way,” he cackled, slamming into the bars again. The hinges of the doors shock, he slammed into it again. The door fell, he was free, and I blacked out. It wasn’t until I heard the music that I woke back up. But all I could see was blackness, with what was like a huge theatre screen, I could see everyone at the party. They were talking to me but I wasn’t talking to them. I looked around and realised I was trapped in the same cage within my mind that I had been keeping Shadow in. That screen was the only light I had right now. Shadow chuckled when I realised where I was. “Not so fun to be trapped in a cage, inside your own mind. Don’t worry, I will play nice until everyone goes to bed,” he chuckled. I was speechless. I have heard things like this have happened before, but only with werewolves. I have never heard it happen with Lycans. When it does happen with werewolves, they are out of sync. The werewolf and the human side can’t agree with some things, and they fight over it, rather than having a civilised discussion. I used to talk about everything with Shadow, because he has always had a temper, but as his anger and rage got worse, with me hitting puberty, Diana stepped into my life. She tamed that side of me, the side that was wild and feral. I spent the last three years going out with search parties to find her. But the moment we discovered where she was, I was told to wait. Of course, I was angry, but Shadow was far worse. I had to cage him. I had to make sure he stayed contained. I couldn’t spoil our twin’s special day. But I knew he only cared about finding our mate, not about anything my parents had said. I could hear him chuckling at my silence. It was like he was the evil half of me. I hated being a Lycan sometimes. Our beasts were always harder to control, even on good days. How the hell will I get control back? That is going to be a hard thing. I know he won’t sleep. He will fear losing control over me. If he gets too heavily wounded during a fight, he will have no choice but to give me back control. He won’t be able to shift fully either, because I can forcibly take control back when he shifts back into our human form. But until I get control back, I am going to be continuously concerned about the fact that he could hurt someone. If he hurt our people or anyone I loved, I will never be able to see eye to eye with him again. “If you hurt anyone, the moment I get control of my body back, I will not let you out ever again,” I spat. “Oh come on, I won’t hurt anyone unless they get in my way. You should really trust me more,” he smirked. I growled, “How can I trust you after this?” “Then, maybe you should have gone and rescued our mate the moment you found out where she was,” he shrugged. “You and I both know why we waited. I told you. We can’t get in alone. We may be the future king of all beasts, but we are just a Lycan. There are hybrids in that house, ones we will struggle to fight alone. We would need back up and support from other warriors. Most importantly, we would need Elisa. You know she is a hybrid, and that she is far more powerful than even Mum. You have witnessed her power. You know how deadly she is. If there is a fight, we will need her. We had to wait like two days for the troops to be ready, the plan to be given to them, for us to turn eighteen, and to give Elisa the chance to complete her mating ritual. Forty-eight hours is next to nothing. You know as well as I do, Mum, Dad, and all of their children have immortality on our side. Diana also has an entire month before she turns eighteen,” I ranted. “I don’t care. I want our mate,” he growled. After that, he shut me out. I felt entirely alone. There were moments when I tried to regain control, but it was hard. I spent most of the time with my knees tucked up to my chest, while I watched Shadow control my body. I wondered if anyone noticed that I wasn’t me. But he kept in contact with people, especially my family, to the absolute minimum. It made me realise that they would never be able to tell. Well, at least, not yet. The party finished, and Shadow headed up to our room. He kept me caged the entire time. I hated it, I mean I can understand why he hated it, but he was fighting me for control. So, I had to cage him to stop him from taking control of me. It is not something I wanted to do. It was something we were always told not to do, because of the risks to him physically and mentally. But I felt the risk was worth it. Obviously, I was completely wrong. We got to my room, and I was feeling completely lost. My emotions were all over the place. I was distraught, scared, and angry. But I was also excited, somehow I knew that soon enough we would be heading to save Diana, my mate. I wonder what my mate Diana, the daughter of the moon goddess, would think of me now. I can’t control my Lycan, I am weak. She will probably reject me, and I deserve it. Shadow scoffed, “She won’t reject me. I will be exactly what she needs. I will show her what a real Lycan can be like.” “She will reject you, just as much as she will reject me. I love her, and I can’t be with her. She won’t be happy that we are keeping each other trapped inside the other, whenever we get control. We need to talk things out and you know that,” I said, trying to be as calm as possible, even though he could feel everything I was feeling. “I know we need to talk, but I am taking control, until I have Diana next to us, safe and sound. Then I might let you have control back,” he smiled. I shook my head, “You have to let me have control back sooner or later. But, if this is what you are so set on doing, make sure to pack a bag, in case we have to shift. We will need clothes, and we will need food.” He grunted his agreement, he felt more at ease now that I was agreeing and helping us to go and save Diana. I just had to wear him down slightly, maybe make him angry and get him to shift. Elisa would be so much more helpful with this. Shadow never liked it when Elisa pushed our buttons. I was able to keep his anger in check, but in this state, he won’t be able to control himself. I just had to distract him or delay him long enough for Elisa to catch up. I know the moment they realise I am gone, Drake, Elisa, Kenneth, and Hunter will follow after me. They will try to stop me, and that should piss off Shadow just enough, for him to shift. Elisa will know what to do. She would put Shadow in his place. I can not believe this has happened to me. This has left me wondering whether or not Dad will actually let me take over as King. This whole incident has proven how weak I actually am. I am not fit to rule over the people. I just hoped he would find help for me, and help me become stronger. I need to know what he would do. This is such a rare occurrence, but I believe my family will know what to do. I was still trapped within the recesses of my mind, while Shadow controlled my body. Watching everything he did was torturous. I couldn’t control my own body, and it was infuriating. I hated it. “We will be leaving in a moment. I can hear everyone has gone to bed,” Shadow chuckled. “Fine, but do not hurt our people. Or, they will hate us and we could completely lose our right to become King,” I responded. He nodded, but his excitement was evident. I was, but I did hate the possibility of Diana meeting me for the first time and I wouldn’t even be in control of my own body, because Shadow was an impatient bastard. I was also concerned about Shadow hurting people unnecessarily, though to him it would be necessary. They would be in the way of him getting to his mate. Soon enough, we left. Sneaking out of the palace reminded me of when I was younger and Hunter and I would sneak out to drive the car. Shadow, thankfully, doesn’t know how to drive, so we will have to be on foot. Small miracles, I guess. The trip would be a two-hour drive, but on foot there it would be three times that, if we ran in. We would have to walk it, and that would take more time, roughly about eight to ten hours, due to the terrain we would have to cross. We would also need to stop somewhere along the way, so we could get some sleep. We will get to this mansion probably around noon. That is providing we don’t get caught. We kept quiet as we travelled through the woods, crossing different park territories. Lucky, we were bothered by the other packs. They could tell we were a member of the royal family, so they would just stay clear of us. We travelled on foot for a few hours, before Shadow decided to set up camp, so we could rest. I was getting tired, so I knew he would be, too. He sat us down to rest. The best thing about being Lycans is that we have a much higher body temperature, the night’s cool breeze wouldn’t bother us, in human form. The longer we are here, the better for us. When we wake up, I will have to delay him by talking to him, until Elisa gets here. Then hopefully we can work everything out, beforehand. I know Elisa will force Shadow to give me back control. We have always said she is a whirlwind. I know she will be able to get my control back. I just need to repair things with Shadow, and then get help with the rest. I believe that is the best thing for me to do. It really is the only thing I know to do. Once Elisa gets to me, it will not be long before my parents get to me. They will know what to do from there. I am sure Doctor Brown will be there too, and she will no doubt have a way to help me. It is doubtful though, because as far as I am aware, this has never happened in the history of the Lycan people, but that is written history, not verbal history. It could be a secret history of our people. After awhile, sleep finally took my exhausted mind, and eventually my body that Shadow controlled. He fell asleep too. If I was lucky, I would wake up and be able to get control back.
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