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The next morning Issabelle did not attend college, she was sitting on the bed lost in her thoughts. She could not remember much about the meals with Ryan, that they had the previous day. All that she could remember was how when he had kissed her goodbye, she had got so breathless, and was shivering with emotions and arousal. At that moment she had actually felt that he should not take his mouth away from hers ever again. So lost was she in her thought that she did not hear, Mrs. Baker, calling her down for breakfast. After that, she also did not realize that Mrs. Baker was sitting in her room and observing her worriedly. Mrs. Baker found her more silent than usual. She very gently coaxed Issabelle to speak out about what was worrying her.  Issabelle decided to confide all her doubts to Mrs. Baker. She told her about Ryan, and how he kept following her for so many days, and then how she ultimately accepted his friendship. But Issabelle was not sure, that it was an only friendship that was building up between them, or there was more to it? She told Mrs. Baker that she was afraid of ever falling in love again. Issabelle was so shaken up by what Sam had done to her previously, that she knew, that she would never trust any men again.  Mrs. Baker told Issabelle that she would like to meet Ryan once and then could probably form her opinion about him. Issabelle agreed to it because she knew that Mrs. Baker was very wise, and would definitely give her a good, and sound advice about Ryan. Issabelle assured her that she would convince Ryan, to meet Mrs. Baker the next day. The next day during her lecture break, when Issabelle met Ryan she asked him whether he would come home with her for lunch, and would he like to meet her family? He eagerly agreed to that. Ryan accompanied Issabelle to her place, but not before he bought some flowers for Mrs. Baker, and pastries, and a small gift for her sister Emma. Mrs. Baker welcomed him home and approved his charming manners and thoughtfulness. She asked Issabelle to check out arrangements for lunch along with Emma so that she could speak to Ryan in privacy she thought. She checked out whether Ryan was genuinely interested in Issabelle, or he was only a rich playboy. Mrs. Baker informed Ryan that though Issabelle was her adopted daughter, her welfare was of prior importance to her. She said that she would not spare him if he ever hurt her, or played with her feelings. She told Ryan that if playing around was his intention, he still had the chance to back out. Ryan assured Mrs. Baker that he had gentlemanly intentions and that he would never do anything that would hurt Issabelle. He confided to Mrs. Baker, that he was in fact in love with Issabelle. Issabelle and Emma announced lunch, once the table was set. They all sat down for lunch. Mrs. Baker gave a silent nod of approval to Issabelle. Issabelle was very happy seeing her stamp of approval. After lunch, they had a glass of champagne, and then Mrs. Baker, and Emma discreetly moved out of the room and gave Issabelle and Ryan their much-needed privacy. Emma closed the door behind her, but not before winking at Issabelle, silently giving her the message to make good use of this privacy. After they left, Ryan came closer to her and explained quietly, "I don't want you to be pressured in any way, I just want you to know that to love someone your whole life, the way I love you and yet not be able to share it, and keep that love a secret, wouldn't that be very awful. Issabelle, I truly love you." Issabelle didn't want to taint his happiness, especially when Ryan always went out of his way to see her happy. She replied that she would just think over to what he had owned up in front of her. After that, she gave a half protesting gasp when Ryan took her in his arms and gave her a gentle and then fiercely passionate kiss. Issabelle started trembling with delight, as her body responded to his passion. She clung to his shoulders as if she would never let him go. Her face was flushed due to her equally strong desire as his. Ryan lifted his mouth to look down into Issabelle's eyes, cupping her face with one hand. They could both hear each other's thudding heartbeat in that moment of passion. A small sound, as if in protest left Issabelle's throat, when he gently separated himself from her. He gently held her hand and they sat that way in blissful silence for quite long. Ryan realized that if he would have wanted, he could have taken her then and there. He had realized that she equally loved him, but was not able to utter it in words. Her heartbeats, her lips, her body had all done the talking. Even her shining eyes had given him his answer. Very reluctantly Ryan bid her farewell and promised to see her tomorrow. Issabelle was very happy and elated. She shared her feelings with Emma when they were alone in the bedroom. Issabelle confessed to her that she had fallen in love with Ryan. Emma wished her the very best. She also informed Issabelle, that Mrs. Baker had given her approval for Ryan, and had also conveyed that Issabelle and Ryan should see each other more often. Issabelle slept very peacefully that night, though she had wild dreams about Ryan and herself. She knew he was the man that she wanted to spend her whole life with. That night Ryan too had wild dreams, where he dreamt that he was taking Issabelle to bed. He wanted her to be his forever and till eternity. He would never want another man to touch her, or make love to her. He knew he was very possessive about her.
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