Chapter 1

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Edited Author It was a fresh start ,fresh day. Viren woke up at 7:00 and went straight to his exercise room.  He worked out for half an hour, flexing and strengthening his muscles. After getting satisfied with his regime, he went to kitchen and boiled a glass of water. Taking the glass, he sat down on the chair and took a moment to clear his mind before carrying out with the day. At 8:00 am sharp, Officer Viren Vadhera was ready in his uniform to leave for the mess. Being alone, his breakfast was always at the mess during weekdays while he cooked for himself on weekends, enjoying the off days. Reaching the mess, he was greeted by his colleagues and staff to whom he greeted back. He made his way towards the food court and placed two toasts and an omelette, taking his breakfast to the huge dining table. After finishing his meal, he excused himself and went to office. Office work was always stressing. After going through many files and reports, Viren took a break from the loaded work. He leaned back, resting his head against the soft cushion of the chair. Few minutes into his meditation, he was disturbed by a call.  Seeing it was his Colonel, Viren quickly straightened up and answered his phone. "Officer Viren, there was a huge bomb blast in Rajasthan. I want you to quickly leave with few more officers and the rescue team." Ordered the voice from the phone. "Yes sir." Viren replied back and cut off the call. He quickly stood up and went to inform his colleagues and call the rescue team. ~~~~~~~ One hour later, Viren sat with few officers and the members of the rescue group, discussing the plan. It took them 4 hours to reach Rajasthan and another 1 hour to reach the blast spot. It was a complete chaos situation. Dead bodies were laid down on the stretchers, people trying to find if their families were okay and injured people tended upon. The rescue team helped injured people and took the dead bodies to ambulances. Viren and his colleagues were running here and there, helping anyone who needed it. As soon as Viren was sure that everyone was helped and he was about to get in the truck, he saw something sticking out of a broken wood. He went closer and saw a hand sticking out. He could figure out that it was a female. He tried to lift the wood but it went in vain. The wood was heavy and Viren used all his strength to lift it and pushed it aside. He saw that the girl was on her stomach. He slowly turned her. Her face was covered with blood and dust. She is beautiful. While Viren was removing the rocks around her, he was interrupted by some girls. "Oh God! Jeevika!" One of them who was short, exclaimed while kneeling down next to Viren, inspecting the injured girl. "Please take her to the ambulance." The other girl standing, said to Viren. He nodded and carefully lifted the girl, Jeevika, in his arms. He took her to the ambulance where she was immediately hooked to oxygen mask. "Thank you so much for helping." The shorter one thanked Viren to which he nodded and then headed to his truck. Later that day, after receiving orders from the Colonel to stay there, Viren checked in the Army Guest House with other officers. While tending to his small cuts, Viren couldn't help but remember Jeevika whom he had saved the last. Her blood, on his shirt, had dried up. She was definitely beautiful. Viren thought as he took off his shirt and threw it in the basket. He took a long bath and after which he had his dinner. Getting in the bed, he switched off the lights of the room and went into deep slumber after the day's hardwork. However, Jeevika managed to slip into his dreams. The next day, Viren woke up  early as he got order from his Sir to reach the hospital where victims from yesterday's disaster were admitted. Reading the words 'victim' and ' disaster ', Viren remembered Jeevika. Reaching the hospital, he saw his one of his colleagues, Officer Rajeev Mehra. Viren greeted him and they both discussed the situation. "Is the disaster management clan here?" Viren asked Rajeev. "I'm afraid not, Sir. We informed them about the earthquake and they promised to be here today by 9 but still no sign of them." Rajeev informed. Viren sighed "Call them again and say it's urgent." "Yes sir." He left after saluting Viren. ~~~~~~~~ Two hours later, Viren was sitting idol on the hospital chair near the reception. He was lost in his thoughts when he heard the receptionist calling him. "Sir, can you help me?" The receptionist asked Viren. Standing up, Viren replied, "Yes. What can I do for you?" "Actually Sir, there is a patient whose family members haven't reached here due to some reasons. There is no nurse free at this time and the patient is all alone. So, Sir can you sit there for a while? Because we cannot leave the patient alone." She informed him. "Of course. I'll sit there if the patient does not have any problem." Viren answered. "Oh no, she doesn't have a problem with that." "Thank you sir." The receptionist thanked Viren to which he nodded. After the conversation with the receptionist, Viren went to the patient's room. Entering the room, he didn't found anybody there. She must be in the bathroom. Sighing, he sat down on the couch, waiting for her when his phone rang. "Sir." Viren answered, seeing it was his Colonel. "How's everything going Officer Viren? Everything under control?" Colonel asked. "Yes sir, nothing to be worried about." Ending the call he placed the phone back in his pocket. After few minutes, he heard the door opening. ------------- Kaur D
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