Chapter 2

802 Words
The winter is particularly harsh in the valley this year. It has been several days since the continuous snowfall, yet it was still going strong. The whole of Shimla was now enveloped in a sheet of thick white snow. This time of the year attracted tourists and travelers like no other. When the morning rays fell on the majestic expanse of white, it glittered like pearls. It was indeed a sight to savor in the day. But the same cannot be said about nights. Nights arrived early during winter. It would be fun to snuggle away the night in the warmth of a fireplace. But for someone who had to drive at night, it was no less than a ride through hell. I was driving back to my home after a photography session for a newlywed. The day was exhausting. It was around 6 pm when I finally bid them adieu and collected my day's pay. I thought of checking into a hotel for the night, but that would have taken a big chunk of my entire day's pay. The valley wasn't new for me. I knew every road, every turn here, like the back of my hand. Of course, it was going to be a rough ride, but the thought of spending such money for a night's stay made me determined. The time was 7.33 pm and I was halfway through. I was going at an unusually slow pace to avoid any unnecessary mishaps. My house was essentially on the top of a hill and I had to ride through several of these dangerous curves called hairpins, it was my biggest concern. The field of vision was very limited, and the roads were damn slippery. The fog-lights in front of my car tried their best to illuminate the road for me. But there was only so much that they could do against the thick cloud of fog and continuous snowfall. The windshield wipers were working tirelessly to scrape off the flakes of snow. I let a huge sigh of relief as I slowly turned through last of the hairpins, now it was just a straight road ahead. Another kilometer and I was home. I accelerated slightly, I was shivering even under my jacket, getting home fast and sipping something hot was now a priority. But the universe had other plans for me. Something crashed onto the side of my car with a loud thud, shattering window glass all over me. In that panic, I slammed my breaks, with force of course. The vehicle skid uncontrollably along the narrow stretch of the slippery road and stopped itself after smashing into a concrete barrier. At that exact moment, another car, a big-red one, coming along the road from opposite side, too was startled by the scene. It was a deer running down the valley that had hit the side of my car. My vehicle gliding uncontrollably on the slippery road, made them apply breaks suddenly as well. But unfortunately, their vehicle wheels imparted more traction resulting in sudden overturn. As my car crashed into that concrete barrier, the other car was lying upside down on the edge of that road, completely totalled. I struggled to get out of my car. Unable to move, I wriggled through onto the ground. I wanted to help whoever was in that other car. Vaguely I saw a young woman and man, unconscious, in the front seats of that overturned car. Another newlywed probably. I was crawling on the road to reach to them as fast as I could when out of nowhere a fire sparkled to life. The ruptured tank pumped fuel into that fire resulting in a sudden blaze that engulfed the car within seconds. I screamed for help, but with no one to hear, it was silenced by the howling winds of winter. I was slamming my head on the ground cursing myself when I heard another sound, something big. At first, I thought it was the car exploding, but then I realized it was something else entirely. An avalanche, a massive bulk of snow and soil, was sliding down swiftly along the mountainside. I didn't even realize the magnitude of that then, but within a matter of seconds, that overwhelming rush of ice, earth, and vegetation, washed down everything that was on its way including the burning car. I watched everything in disbelief as all these unfolded before my eyes, like from a Hollywood movie. I was awake for a few more minutes, realizing that the avalanche had somehow missed me completely. But I couldn't stop thinking about that couple. They must have come to the valley to celebrate life, but instead, they met with a most gruesome death, being burnt alive in an upside-down car, then being wiped out of existence by an avalanche. How could life be so cruel? Was it life or was it me?
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