Chapter 3

1229 Words
- Cornelia Warner - As said, momma called every hour. She kept reminding me to stay away from people and stay with Dee and Felix and grudgingly I had to say yes. I didn't like that even if I was given permission to stay out for a day, I was still controlled in this way. Dee was like a tour guide for me, she knew every place, even better than Felix. We ate out in a restaurant and continued to explore cinema's, some famous parks and lastly I was about to see the lake where Felix and Dee used to play at as kids. I was so jealous of them at that time, I cried to momma because I wanted to go with them but I was never allowed. Now I was about to go there! "Don't wander around. We will leave you for exactly thirty minutes and then you will be brought back and since it's getting late already we will be heading back after this. Cool?" "Yes! Now bug off!" I said closing the door of the car. I stretched like a cat and took in a breath of fresh forest air. The lake we were at was just a few metres into the forest, Dee was suddenly feeling ill so she didn't want to go to the lake, Felix decided to accompany me but I turned down his offer and told him to take care of his sister instead. I had a chance to explore alone, how could I possibly let it go? Shouldering my backpack I started moving deeper into the forest, green trees surrounded me, leaves tickling the exposes skin of my arms and the soil felt soft as I took every step in. It had rained not long ago so the forest felt moist and just refreshing. The scent of wet soil was the best thing about this place. With a smile on my face I clicked pictures and recorded a few short videos, a little video of myself being happy, to show papa and momma how happy I was to go out. Admiring the pictures I kept moving when I suddenly looked up and realised that I was probably more than a few kilometres in and I hadn't spotted a single pond, let alone a huge lake. I furrowed my brows and decided to call Felix. Did they lie to me? There was no lake here! I dialed his number but the mechanised voice of the lady said that I had no reception. Confused, I looked back and decided to trace my way back, but the problem was that I didn't know which was I came in. My heart caught in fear, I was lost. I started walking into a random direction in hopes of getting out of the forest, it had to end somewhere right? The stretch of the forest couldn't go all the way to the end of world. --------------------- I huffed out a loud breath and fell on my butt in front of a large tree bark. I didn't know how long I'd been walking, it must be long because the sun was about to set. The sky was a nice orange colour and was getting ready to be dark and welcome my old friend, the moon. But today I didn't want him to come out. Can't he stay hidden? Don't let this day end, not until I find my way back to momma and papa. By now Felix and Dee must have know I was lost, help must be on its way. My backpack felt lighter than before, because I had finished the few packs of snacks and the only bottle of water that I had. I was thirsty now and my stomach reminded me that I hadn't eaten anything in some time. I remember this morning when Momma wanted me to eat more and how I brushed it off by eating a slice of sandwich, never in my life will I ever refuse her food, no matter now healthy or flavourless it may be. I bit my tongu and stood up, once again going straight. This thing had to end somewhere. I was sweating in the cold, which didn't look like a good idea. My long hair were stuck to my neck and were getting annoying so I tied them in a bun on top of my head to get them out of my way. In a distance, a small flash of light flickered. My eyes widened and my heart soared with possibilities, with hope flooding my mind I increased my speed and went straight towards the flash of light. It took only a few minutes to reach a clearing where the light came from. The clearing was bordered with a fence and it had wires on top of them, to avoid trespassers. Smack in the middle of the clearing was an old grey building with four floors. It looked abandoned and there was no one else around. Since it was getting dark, the building looked like a good place to stay for the night. With the help of a big stone, I made a hole in the fence at the bottom, just big enough to get me inside. The light flashes again, and I noticed it came from above the building. It must be to help the people who were lost. The one who came up with this idea must have been a good person. The ground surrounding the building wasn't large but still big enough to make my legs cramp again. I finally reached the entrance of the building. Just like the overall building, the entrance looked bad. A metal door that was covered in dirt greeted me when I cam closer and a big board was hung over it that said something, maybe the name of this place? But it was so dirty that even if it was written in this English I wouldn't be able to read it. I knocked on the door a few times, but got no response. Then I realised why and smacked my head. This place was abandoned, why would anyone be here? The door itself looks like it hadn't been opened in a few years. So I decided to try my strength on it and pushed it a little. Now, my strength was not anything extraordinary, I was as stong as any other human. Being a Siren with no powers really sucked. However, the door did open. I did a little happy dance because I didn't have to stay outside with other living creatures that could be dangerous. A loud thunder growl was heard nearby. Was it about to rain? But the grown sounded so close, I almost thought it came from inside the building. I brushed off that thought and opened the door wider. The inside surprised me so much that my eyes widen to the size of saucers! The inside was worse than what I had expected. Cobwebs hung low from the ceiling, old wood pieces, possibly furniture was thrown everywhere and covered in a thick layer of dust. The whole floor was only one open space so it wasn't difficult to spot the set of stairs that lead up to the second floor. I decided to check out the other floors because the first one was not habitable. Surely coming here wouldn't be that bad. 
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