The bite

1506 Words
Rory fell face first, straight to the floor when his hand lost its grip on the door. His knees no longer had any strength in them. The loud clank echoed throughout the house as pieces of glass scattered on the floor when he stumbled on the cabinet while trying to stand up. Realizing the futility of his actions he mustered his remaining strength to kick the door closed, the wall shook as it slammed letting out another loud sound. A loud groan escaped his mouth when the searing pain seem to crawl inside of him. Taking few fast breaths, he forced himself to turn around to lay on his back. He felt the piercing sting from his side and noticed that something was dripping from it. He stayed still for a few moments wanting to catch his breath since he was barely able to move a muscle, he did not dare to move though his whole body was starting to itch, feeling sticky, icky, and wet from his sweat, all he wanted right now was just to take a good rest since he felt so weak. Rory only forced himself to move again when he suddenly notice the feeling of being lightheaded. He gathered all his might to move. His hands felt so numb, his arms were shaking as he reached for the lower hem of his shirt. Slowly he slid it up. His whole body suddenly felt electrified, his eyes hot as they widened with tears. “f**k!” He screamed, trembling, even more, when he saw three large gashes on the side of his abdomen. The adrenaline from all that's happened had finally worn off, giving him the sheer feel of every wound that he got from the accident. Blood kept leaking from it like it was one of those little waterfalls, as streams of his blood kept coming out. Several memories flashed before his eyes wherein he was rolling, trying to avoid the two huge shadows that clashed before him. It wasn’t that clear but he saw an instance where one of the creatures manage to place its jaw on him but before it could have managed a bite he was thrown off when the other one tackled it, this allowed him to flee from the two. Blood began gushing, even more, he felt like a bottle that had lost its cap his content uncontrollably spilled on the floor. When he tried pressing on it the sharp pain intensified making him weaker. His body was beginning to get cold, he could hear whispers all around him as his vision began to slowly fade, his head was starting to numb all the while his breathing began to finally slow down. Everything around him started to become cloudy, he tried to utter a few words but even he was unable to hear it himself. It became dimmer, darker until there was nothing anymore. The solemn, calm, and rippling sound of water dripping chimed in his mind. Next was the slashing, clapping, gashing of leaves outside. The ashy scent of dust and mold seem to cover his nose but it was mix with the moist and grimy smell of the rug. He breathes in, a deep, warm, and soothing air. When was able to open his eyes again he saw a huge sphere suddenly appeared before him. Its mesmerizing white glow bathing on his laid down body, the light seemed to give out a reverberating tone all over him, somehow making it resonate, he felt warmness covering him, though his skin felt the cold icy breeze of the air. He tried to look around and was only able to see complete darkness like he was in space. Was he dead, dreaming or was he awake somehow? Rory couldn't tell since he could still feel a lot of things around him. There was this sense like he was floating in the water, his whole body just staying perfectly still while being carried by an unknown force. There was a soft howl followed by several whispering on his ears, this kept going and going until a shadow covered his face. “Who are you?” Finally, he could hear his own words, though it sounded like it was echoing. Rory scrunched his eyes when he heard a familiar, joyful giggle. The black thing finally began to gain shape, allowing him to see the figure of a shadowed face with long hair that seem to touch him. The form was looking down on him. Though it was pitch-black he could make out a form of a face, seeing a line on it which seem to be smiling at him. For some reason he felt like the light of the sphere behind the silhouette was calling him, causing his eyes to shift to it. There was now a part of him that wanted to know if the thing was the moon. “Don’t look at it, Rory,” a gentle, caressing tone cooed to him as he tried to take a peek at the large white spear behind the figure. “Roselyn?” he frowned upon saying her older sister's name. Once again the figure let out a playful giggle, he then felt warm, familiar hands caressing his cheeks. “Get ready, it's coming,” the voice suddenly became deep as it turned towards Rory’s legs. His whole gravity seem to shift, from laying down he then felt like he was now standing up. He looked down when he felt like something was pulling him to do so, his whole body shivered, frozen in place when he saw two red orbs glowing just below his knees. It didn’t take long before he could hear the shaking gnarl of the beast as it began ascending towards him, its form started to be seen as it came closer and closer. First, there were the sharp fangs, then there was the snout until it finally showed its full wolfish form that glared and growled. “Make sure to grab hold of it,” His sister's voice whispered. Rory felt his heart racing, his blood, streaming all over his whole body. “What, how?” he cried out now seeing the large furry hands that were grabbing hold of him. The beast was slowly climbing on him, its claws piercing through his skin as it slowly lifted itself. At first, he wasn’t able to do anything with his cold, clammy hands since it was shaking non-stop and felt like his bones had turned soft. But when he felt the warm, tender touch of her sister's shadow’s on his elbow’s, lifting it which gave him the strength to continue. “Get ready,” the soft, tender voice of Roselyn ushered once more. This time, Rory finally felt his arms turn rock hard and his whole body was finally responding to his bidding, it no longer felt numb or paralyzed, allowing him to move his fingers. The wolf-like beast let out a menacing growl, its snout creased as it bared its fang before pouncing at him, reaching for his neck. Rory screamed with all his might, all the while he reached for the creature's neck. He felt his lungs almost burning up as it began to lose air but he was able to grab hold of the beast's neck stopping it from taking a bite. They wrestled as it kept snapping, clawing at him, he could feel his heart pump twice the speed all the while fighting the large beast. He could not make out how long he fought against it before the creature just suddenly burst into a puff of black smoke then started swirling around his body. “Good work, now It’s time to wake up, sleepyhead, wake up,” the giggling soft voice of her sister said. It kept saying the same words over and over again while slowly fading away. After that Rory felt his chest tighten, twisting from the lack of air. His eyes jolted open before he let out a loud wheezing sound as he took in deep long breaths. He was now able to move his whole body, his strength somehow returned to him. The first thing he did was pat himself as he remembered the wound that he got. He ended up frowning while gasping when he saw that there was no such wound there. He quickly sat up to have a look around, there was glass all around the floor and the doors hatch was unlocked, his shoes and clothes were full of mud and dirt, and his shirt was still covered in blood. The sun was already rising, its yellow glimmer was starting to pierce through the window. The chirping of birds could now be heard, coming and going one after the other. “What happened?” He ended up scratching his head trying to make out all that's occured. Yet he was unable to properly piece out the whole thing together, even though he could clearly remember everything from the accident to his vivid dream.
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