Episode 2 - Nova's POV

3000 Words
Finally back on the 4th floor after Mr Parkers moment, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him the way I acted was bitter, bitter is not the way I am, I will try and catch a moment with him before we leave and put everything right, PING the lift door went and out he walked with the two other boxes I took down from the shelf, he walked over to me, "I believe that's everything you wanted madame" he said I smiled and giggled at him, I curtsed and said "why thank you good sir for your help" we both smiled at each other for a moment forgetting where we were, thankfully he broke the trance we were in, "so what's the plan next?" he said I blinked a couple of times then looked down and back up, "oh ...yeah well we need to go through everything in the boxes and make a list of anything we need to buy extra usually it's nothing much, I unusually bring things from home or I make the extras using old rusty over there" I said pointing in the direction to a old sewing machine in the corner, "wow so you do alot of extra things for the shoots we do" he said I shrugged my shoulders when he looked at me, "its not a big deal, the last time me and Lee asked for a budget so we could get new equipment, Wilma turned it down" I said Lee appeared over my shoulder wrapping my arms around my neck, "so it's a good job I have this gorgeous little elf to help me around here, she can make a silk purse out of a sows ear" he said all of a sudden I blushed, I felt so uncomfortable, I never used to I used to accept compliments but now it was like they were foreign to me, "can we please stop talking about me now?" I said trying to play it off as a joke, "awwww come on Nova, I mean no harm" Lee said "I know you don't but I'm not that good I just try to help where I can" I said before walking off, I began moving the stage blocks to build a platform, after a moment or two Mr Parker came over and helped me, once we had secured the blocks, "right what's next boss?" he said to me, making me smile again, "we need some tarp to drape from the ceiling to floor, I've ordered sand to be delivered for the beach shoots" I said "ok boss let's go" he said "come in then we need to find Billy he'll have some" I said we entered the lift again and I pressed the button for the basement again, while we were in the lift, I decided it was the best time to say sorry, "I'm sorry for the way I reacted in the store cupboard" I said we looked at each other, "it's ok Nova I'm sorry for what I said I never meant it the way it sounded" he said "I know you didn't ...Friends?" I asked holding my hand out for him to shake, he took hold of my hand, I looked up at him, he lifted my hand to his mouth and gently placed a kiss on the top of it, "friends" he said the next thing the lift bell rang I ripped my hand away and got out of the lift as quick as I could, my cheeks flushed, he was enjoying me suffer he knew what effect he had on me, god if I was Nova three year ago I would have him eating out of the palm of my hand, now I'm a blubbering mess, I need to gain some control back, he followed me out of the lift and we walked to Billy's office, when we got there Billy was laying on the floor, "oh my god Billy" I ran to him, I checked his Airways, he was still breathing I placed him into the recovery position, Jaxon had used the office phone to phone an ambulance, "what happened here do you think?" he asked "well Billy's office used to be on the first floor but he got moved down here because he was told his office wasn't in keeping with the magazines image so he got moved down here and it's way too hot, I told him he could share the 4th floor with us but he didn't want us getting in trouble, I've been checking on him every hour since he came down here take sure he's OK" I said the paramedics arrived and were shown down to the basement by Sally the main receptionist, Billy was taken out on a stretcher, "Nova go with him, its ok I will sort everything here" Jaxson said to me, "do you have your phone on you?" he asked I nodded "I will put my number in it so it you need anything give me a call" he said I got in the ambulance with Billy and was off to the hospital with him, on the way I phoned his wife and his son to tell them what had happend, I waited in the waiting area for Billy's wife and his son to turn up, "oh Nova thank you for getting him here and staying with him" Jean said I gave her a hug, "what happened?" Mark said as he gave me a hug too, I had seen him earlier, he seemed fine then but when we went down again to ask him for some supplies, the whole basement was filled with heat and he was laying on the floor, I know he mentioned about the heating system needing checked but when he seen Wilma she said it was fine you guys I'm so sorry" I said "oh sweetheart its not your fault" Jean said giving me a hug, the doctor walked out of a ward and towards us, we stepped forward, "how is he?" Jean said "he's doing OK he fainted from heat exhaustion, there was some evidence of carbon monoxide poisoning luckily he wasn't breathing it for long" Dr Phillips said "oh thank you Doctor that means so much to us" Jean said "can we see him?" Mark asked "yeah you can go and see him not for too long he's very tired and needs his rest" Dr Phillips said "thank you Doctor" Jean said the doctor left us, "oh thank god he's OK, look I don't want to be in your way I will leave you both to see Billy" I said "oh sweetheart your never in our way your like family to us, come on some and see him" Jean said I nodded and walked into the room with them, Billy was hooked up to a machine, his lips were a little redder than normal, but other than that he just looked tired, "hello sweetie, I'm so glad your ok" Jean said to Billy, as she leaned down to give him a kiss on the fore head "hi dad" Mark said as he reached out to hold his hand, I stood at the bottom of his bed, "Nova?" Billy said I gently waved my hand at him, "hi Billy how are you feeling?" I asked "much better thanks to you" he said I was shocked, I had no idea he knew I was there, Jean and Mark were looking at me, "Nova I heard you sweetheart talking to me, keeping me calm, reminding me about my family, thank you I owe you my life" he said "oh no you don't, Billy you don't owe me anything, just knowing your safe and well is all I need" I said "no you can come round to our house one night this week and we will cook dinner for you" he said "definitely" Jean said and smiled at me, "ok deal but I'm bringing the booze" we all laughed, "ok you guys well I will come and see you tomorrow ok I better get back to work" I said "ok sweetheart see you tomorrow Nova" Billy said "bye" I said and began to walk out of the hospital, I got a taxi and was dropped off at the office, luckily I had enough money in my pocket to pay for it, I began to walk towards the entrance, when I accidentally bumped into Jaxon, "oh I'm so sorry" I said I looked up and seen who it was, "Nova ...hi I was about to come to the hospital, I hadn't heard anything and I was worried" he said "oh ... sorry I only left about 20 minutes ago, Billy is fine but the basement needs to be checked he has slight carbon monoxide poisoning and it was way too hot down there, I remember Billy telling me he told Wilma but she never checked up on it" I said "are you ok for half an hour while you help me, I'll get my friend to meet us here and sort the problem" he said "sure" I said we walked into the building apart from the cleaners and Lee and us of course everyone had left, "hey baby girl, how's Billy doing?" Lee said "he's OK but the basement need checked and sorted out" I said "oh I'll come and help" he said "cool I just came to get my.... ah ha its here" I lifted out a touch I kept with me encase I needed it, we decided until we knew it was safe we would shut all the power off and wait for Jaxons mate to come and take a look at it, luckily the basement had two set of doors that opened up out to the lane at the back, we walked in and opened both sets of doors to let fresh air in, Jaxons mate Bobby soon joined us, he instantly started looking at the heating system, "how long has this been like this?" Bobby asked "a little while now, Billy reported it but nothing was done, why?" I asked "because a y longer and this building would have been a crator in the ground your very lucky" some of the pipes have worn away and the heating system is so old regardless of if you want to or not it needs replaced" he said "Bobby mate do whatever you need to do no expense spared when can you do it?" Jaxon asked "for you tomorrow I will order the parts tonight and pick them up in the morning" he said "perfect done I will be here early in the morning I've disconnected everything so until its done there won't be any hot water or heating" Bobby said "no problem I'll be in early tomorrow myself" Jaxon said Bobby left it was only 5.15pm but it was the end of a long and hard day, Lee locked up the double doors to the basement, we headed up to the 4th floor so I could get my bags, I needed to change anyway and get my helmet, "right I'm going to get changed I'll see you both tomorrow" I said as I walked out I headed to the locker room on the first floor, got changed in to my suit, packed everything I needed away in my bag, but my helmet on and walked out towards the lane to grab my bike, I put my bag on my back, started my bike up and set off, i roared off down the road and headed straight home, I parked my bike in my garage, ran up the stairs as quick as I could, and got in to my flat before Mr Cravits from the first floor heard me, god it felt good to be home, I took off all of my clothes, ran a both, poured myself a glass of Berry cider, burned some insence and played some calming music feeling my muscles finally relax in the hot water from the long day at work let's see what tomorrow brings... The next morning I thought I would go in early and help if I could with anything in the offices while the basement is being done, it was 6.30am when I got to work, I decided I wouldn't go to the locker room today to get changed, I would go straight up to the 4th floor get changed in the toilet and hang my suit up on my coat stand I had behind my desk my helmet and boots I would put underneath my desk hidden out of the way, as walked out of the toilet after getting changed, I was wearing another black t-shirt and a pair of long skinny jeans, left my belongings on my chair and desk and used the stairs to walk down to where I could hear the noise coming from, when I finally reached the noise it was Jaxon with a team of lads in the lobby of the entrance, "right boys thanks for coming so quickly, we need a full over haul of this entire lobby, I want in brought up to health and safety standards, I want it to be cosy and welcoming, the basement I will be using for the sewing department, they will be moved down there so they can be near, everything they need, all the sewing machines, work benches and tools are all down there it's about time they were used" he said my heart was racing he was so confident, strong and powerful, "right let's get going everyone" he said walked out from behind the wall I was hiding behind, "I know you said you'd be in early but not with your own team of decorators, builders and plasterers" I said he turned smiling at me, "well this is my magazine and after yesterday with Billy I want to make this a great magazine again, great to read aswell.as work for" he said "ok then" as I grabbed hold of a paint brush from a near by table, "where do you want me" I said he just stared at me for a moment then shook his head, I giggled "what do you mean?" he said "well I'm here early to help I figured another pair of hands would be a help" I said smiling, "well Bobby is starting on the basement I was going to go and clean all the machines up cover them over and add a lick of paint to the walls to brighten the place up, I'm going to get all the machines serviced so the seamstresses have the right tools to work with" he said and without any other word it was like my body took over my brain, I reached up on my tip toes held his arm for support and kissed his cheek, he was completely shocked, "sorry just it's good to see the old place being put to good use" I smiled he smiled back "shall we" I said as I stood next to him with my arm out so he could link it, "we shall" he said laughing linking my arm and we began walking off together, as usual though with me something had to spoil everything and that something came in the shape of Wilma Woods "NOVA SCOTT!!!" She shouted across the room, she walked towards me, I had turned and tried to let go of Jaxon, when Wilma had finally reached me, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? AND WHERE DID YOU DISAPPEAR YESTERDAY AFTERNOON LEE WAS SHORT STAFFED HE NEEDED YOU!" She whisper yelled at me I was about to speak, "that was my fault Wilma the maintenance man Billy collapsed due to the heating not being fixed Nova has been helping me, and yesterday I told Nova to go with Billy to make sure his family was told of what happend" Jaxon said I was completely shocked, he stuck up for me normally I was the one who stuck up for everyone, "oh oh Mr Parker I didn't recognise you dressed in your work wear" Wilma said "obviously" he said I couldn't help but nearlly burst out laughing, "yes well make sure you catch up with what you missed yesterday" she said "yes Mrs Woods" I said she walked off, I turned around at the same time as Jaxon I giggled "thank you" I said "thank you for what?" he asked "for sticking up for me normally I'm the one who sticks up for everyone" I said "well it was the truth I told you to go, it was the right thing to do for your friend and colleague, by the way Lee was fine, after you left I blocked access to the basement and went and helped him so that he wouldn't get behind" he said I stood there staring at him for a moment "you did that" I asked "yeah why wouldn't I?" he said "well thank you" I smiled we both walked down to the basement and began cleaning the machines, Lee's came in at 9 as always I had messaged him to bring 2 bacon butties for me and Jaxon and being the amazing friend he is he did, we all sat in the basement, eating our breakfast, "thanks for the buttie Lee" Jaxon said "it wasn't...."I butted in before he finished what he was going to say, "it wasn't busy on the way to work was it Lee?" I said "no no it wasn't and your welcome mate anything for my two best friends" he said recovering well "right I'm going to get cleaned up and start work before the wicked witch calls on me again" I said both of them laugh and I gather my things together and begin to walk off, "thanks for your help Nova" Jaxon shouted after me "your welcome" I said without turning round I went up to the 4th floor and got on with putting the stage together for the photoshoot....
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