Chapter 13-2

2351 Words

"I have never been in love in my life," she replied, and he was quite satisfied. On the way home that night he purchased a steam yacht, and built a million-dollar villa on the Black Sea. The next day Hazel Strong enjoyed one of the happiest surprises of her life—she ran face to face upon Jane Porter as she was coming out of a jeweler's shop. "Why, Jane Porter!" she exclaimed. "Where in the world did you drop from? Why, I can't believe my own eyes." "Well, of all things!" cried the equally astonished Jane. "And here I have been wasting whole reams of perfectly good imagination picturing you in Baltimore—the very idea!" And she threw her arms about her friend once more, and kissed her a dozen times. By the time mutual explanations had been made Hazel knew that Lord Tennington's yacht had

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