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Alley POV:     Everything started moving in a flash, my brothers moved back to my side as my mate stood protectively in front of me pushing me further behind him. I was not weak however, and jumped into action, barking orders at everyone close to me. "Get the women and children to the cellar and station the guards out front!" My brothers already knew I was in protection mode for my pack members and didn't stand in my way. "Get guards to the west border where they are attacking but spread out to each in case more show in different areas". My dad yelled before shifting into his large grey wolf and sprinting off.      My mother started herding all the women and children to the cellar trying to calm everyone’s nerves, especially the children. "Alley come to the cellar with me!" my mother yelled. "You go ahead mom I will follow shortly." I replied, shooing her to go with a group of women. Why would they choose to attack now! Anger bubbled inside of me, surely if they had half a brain to see what was going on they would have thought twice, there was a huge number of wolves present and they should have known they wouldn’t stand a chance.       My brothers also shifted into their large wolves but stayed beside me "You two go help dad and the others I will be safe here."  I said through our mind link. My brothers looked at me for a minute before I pushed them away. I watched as they bolted off, silently praying to the moon goddess for their safe return. I finally turned to my mate and firmly stated "You need to go help and I do not need a babysitter. I have my guards that will keep me safe and I have others to protect." He stared at me, confused at first before he shifted into his enormous black and white wolf. His wolf licked my face before sprinting off. I felt sad as soon as he left, Rose was whining but it was quickly replaced with a deathly rage. She started growling and snarling louder than I've ever heard her and I couldn't blame her.       I looked to my guards and they hurriedly started rushing the rest of the women and children to safety, promising them we will protect them before I closed the cellar doors and headed to the front to stand guard alongside my men. There were some other wolves I didn’t recognize.  "Alley what are you doing, get in here!" My mother shouted through our mind link. "Stay safe momma and know we will protect you all." was all I said. I could feel her fear for me but I knew she would understand. I smelled them before I saw them, they reeked of death and dirt. My head snapped to my right to see 6 rogues snarling and growling at us and that did not sit well with me. I let out a menacing growl baring my fangs as a warning not to come closer but just like every other rogue they ignored me.       I would be damned if any of them got past me or our guards. I knew I was risking my life to save others and in that moment I did not care. All our members were important no matter the rank and behind us were innocent women, children and even pregnant women. I would do whatever it took. I let out a loud roar that seemed to have surprised the rogues as a few paused briefly.I felt Rose close to surfacing but I didn't want to let her out just yet.They looked at each other before they turned their attention back to us. They slowly crept towards us trying to figure out how they should attack.      They started spreading out cautiously but none of them took their eyes off me. The more they spread the more we did. I stayed in my position scanning, trying to keep them within my sight. They looked as bad as they smelled. They were all brown with red spots and their fur was clumped up with dried mud. Their eyes were a dull red as if their human side was gone. They each bared their teeth and foamed a little around the edges of their mouths. For a moment time stood still and we all stared at each other.       The rogue in the front bolted towards me and I quickly gave Rose control as she was already raging that they had interrupted her time with her mate. I shifted in less than a second making a few of them pause because of how odd Rose looked. One of my guards caught the rogue before he got too close to me and the fight was on even though it did not take long. "Alley get your ass in the cellar, what are you thinking?!"  My dad screamed through our mind link as he raced towards me since I was the target of the rogues. But I couldn't reply as one rogue lunged at me and I charged at him. Our bodies collided like thunder as we snapped and clawed each other, neither of us letting the other get the upper hand.      Rose’s aggression took the rogue by surprise, we may not have been big but we were strong, the rogue bashed his head into ours but it didn't really faze us as he thought it would. Rose swiped her paw across his face, cutting his cheek, he turned back to us growling with as much force as he could before he lunged back at us, Rose dodged his attack, spun around and latched on to his back leg, he let out a yelp before kicking us off.         The rogue latched on to our back leg and bit down hard making Rose yelp out in pain, when we tried to kick him off he clenched his jaws tighter causing us to tumble to the ground. I could feel the blood pouring out of our left leg. We thrashed to get him off of us. The rogue took that as a chance to try to latch on to our throat but Rose quickly rolled to the opposite direction and he bit into our right shoulder instead. I could feel his teeth puncture past my muscle pushing closer to the bone. Using our front paw we hit him straight in the nose leaving a gash in his snout catching the rogue by surprise. As I got back up I realized that it hurt worse than I thought it would, pain shot throughout my entire body and our vision started to blur. I took my stance and growled, baring our teeth, preparing as the rogue ran back at us, before we had the chance to lunge back at him a large black and white wolf jumped in front of me colliding with the rogue. Myfather and brothers surrounded me, shielding and helping me to stand. I ignored the sharp pains that were shooting through me, and leaned against my father for support to keep standing. I watched in amazement as my mate fought the rogue, he had taken him to the ground, not giving him a chance to fight back, latching his teeth around his neck and viciously ripping his throat out. We could hear the sound of bones breaking and flesh being torn from his body.     My mate’s wolf turned to see me leaning against my father and growled at them to let him through as he ran to me, smelling and licking my wounds. Rose whimpered from the pain and we saw him tense and pin his ears behind his head. As everyone turned back to their human form my brothers, dad and mate surrounded me so that I could shift back in privacy and slip on an overly large shirt. "Oh my goddess Alley! My baby where are you hurt??" My mother ran to me checking me over, seeing my leg and shoulder injured. I flinched a little when she touched my shoulder, there were visible deep cuts and a lot of bruises. "I'm fine Mom, it'll heal soon enough. I just want to go inside and shower but please have Leia help me." I told my mother, now seeing my father, brothers and mate. As they walked towards me we heard a low growl, "MINE" He snarled. I leaned my body against his to keep from falling over, he wrapped a protective arm around me being careful not to touch any of my wounds.       As I looked up to him, I gave him a warm smile, "That’s my dad and brothers, you have nothing to worry about. You and I will speak after I get cleaned up okay? I promise." I said. He stared at me with conflicted emotions in his eyes, concern, fear, pride maybe? "I will carry you to your room and leave your friend to help you, I just need to know that you’re safe and won’t hurt yourself anymore." He replied, his voice husky and strained as he picked me up carefully so as not to put any pressure on my wounds. I leaned my head against his chest and took in his scent. We didn't speak the entire walk back to my room, I wasn't sure what to say and I felt like all the energy had left my body. Without the adrenaline I felt extremely exhausted.  **Alpha Quincy POV**     I couldn't believe these damn rogues, I had just met my mate and these bastards attacked. My wolf and I weren't happy that she told us to go but we also understood. We rushed off to help her father, we were surprised to see only a small amount of rogues. I charged at the first rogue I saw and our bodies collided. He tried, with everything he had, to go for our throat but my wolf wouldn't allow it. We latched on to his throat easily and ripped it out. Blood splattered on the ground, we let out a growl before running to the next. It didn't take us long to kill every rogue that had attacked this side but something didn't feel right. I snapped my head to see her father and brothers running full speed to where Alley had been in the cellar, fear shot through us and we bolted to our mate.        We saw her guards fighting with rogues, these ones seemed stronger than the others. Were they just a distraction? I rounded the corner and saw the most beautiful wolf I'd ever laid eyes on. She stood nearly to my height which was large for a female and she was all different colors. Reality hit us when we saw it was our mate. Our Alley fighting that disgusting wolf. We were filled with pride that she fought with such force, when we got closer we saw that she was covered in blood and then saw her wounds. My wolf went into a frenzy at the sight of our mate being hurt. It seemed like time had stood still, we were pushing our legs to the limit as we watched her stand back up and take her stance letting out an earth-shattering growl. We got there just in time to collide with that bastard before he had the chance to reach her.       We wasted no time in sinking our teeth into his throat, feeling the tissue, muscle and bone tear and break when we ripped his throat out. My wolf and I weren't satisfied with his death. We wanted to kill every last rogue for what happened. I turned to run to Alley when I saw she was leaning against her dad in support and I growled. They moved away and we quickly looked her over. My wolf started pushing his nose against her licking her wounds when we heard her whimper. We immediately felt bad, we backed off and shifted. When I turned to her I noticed she was surrounded by her dad and brothers so she could shift back in privacy putting on a large shirt but not before I saw the extent of her wounds. Before I could say anything her mother came barging out. "Oh my goddess Alley! My baby where are you hurt??" I watched as her mother looked over her entire body, I noticed how Alley flinched when her mother touched her wounds and anger sparked inside me.       My eyes were fixed on her watching every little detail "I'm fine Mom, it'll heal soon enough. I just wanna go inside and shower but please have Leia help me." I heard her say. I stood next to her when I saw her dad and brothers start to move and I couldn't help the growl that ripped through me. "MINE" I snapped, making them freeze where they stood. I felt her lean against me and I felt sparks everywhere. I wrapped my arm protectively around her waist, pulling her close but watching where I touched, the last thing I wanted was to hurt her more. She looked up at me and smiled and I swear for an instant I stopped breathing, she was beautiful, her eyes were a chocolate brown and her hair was a shade darker than her eyes, her hair looked like the aftermath of a tornado even when she tried to straighten it out. "That’s my dad and brothers, you have nothing to worry about. You and I will speak after I get cleaned up okay? I promise."     The thought of her being away from me hurt. It was as if the air got sucked out of my lungs but pride swelled in me at how she stood her ground and fought. "I will carry you to your room and leave your friend to help you, I just need to know that you're safe and won’t hurt yourself anymore." I replied. Carefully I picked her up and walked towards her room. She snuggled against me and lay her head on my chest and in that moment I was the happiest man in the world. I had a beautiful, strong little mate. We didn't speak for a while and that was fine by me. I knew she was exhausted and honestly I had no idea what to say. As long as I had her in my arms nothing else mattered.
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