Involuntary manslaughter

1141 Words
James and Lola were walking slowly through the ruins taking it all in. As they moved through the overgrown grass they would listen to the soft chirps of birds nearby. A faraway echo of a woodpecker filled the air. Lola smiled at the sound as it was soothing but also proof of a bustling forest. Lola broke the silence first, “what happened here?” James sighed, “you heard of how we lost all our females almost 20 years ago?” Lola looked up at his face and shook her head. James continued, “we were attacked by rogues while the men were away helping another pack. Only the children and elders survived. After we buried all the remains we torched the town and moved away, we started anew where we live now. That’s why we need to get females to our pack, most girls that grew up here met their mates and moved. The few males here that met their mate were convinced by their mate to move to them. None of them liked it here, there were no female friends for them. Joseph didn’t bring you here to fate you to someone, he brought you here because you are tough enough to stay. We need to make our pack more inviting if we are to survive.” Lola nodded at that, it made sense to expand their pack. And bringing in females was a good place to start. “James, what does the tattoo at the side of your head mean?” James turned to look at her, he stopped walking and shifted his legs a bit. “The skeleton hand you mean?” Lola nodded and gazed at the side of his head for a second. James sighed, “It’s kinda like... hanging on, no matter what. I would claw myself out of any situation to keep my family and pack safe.” Lola looked him in his eyes, “You only have your brother left?” He nodded, “dad died thirteen years ago, I was fifteen at the time.” Lola shook her head slightly at that, “I’m so sorry James, it must be hard to lose your parents at a such early age. I too lost my dad when I was young, but I had my mom to lean on.” James nodded and gave a quick exhale. He looked around the area and just let it sink in, “was it rouges?” Lola nodded, “yeah, I was ten. I guess the same age you lost your mom, he was out on patrol. I remember mom broke down when they told her, I couldn’t quite grasp it. I thought it was just a mistake. But then he never came home, so I slowly realized he would never come home again. Mom took it hard, but she was my rock anyway. But then she got sick, and we had no money to get her help. So I took over as beta since mom and dad did not have a son. And the alpha needed help to run the pack. I was good at it too, I got us some added ways to get cash. I learned from the older guys how to fix things so we didn’t have to hire help, but when our car shop burned down we lost most of our income, and we couldn’t get enough money to feed the pups. Your brother has been keeping his word, I guess I should apologize to him and thank him. Alpha has been calling me and telling me how they have gotten food, clothes, and books for the pups. And enough cash to fix the school building.” Lola sighed as she kicked some dirt with her foot. James smiled and took one hand under her chin. He gently lifted her face so that their eyes would meet. He was much taller than Lola so she had to lean her head back to meet his gaze. “You are the best purchase my brother has made, you are one tough cookie Lola.” Lola half snorted and chuckled at that, “because I’m tough enough to admit I’m wrong and apologize?” James took his hand back and put it in his jean's front pocket, “that, and the fact that you can fix cars. Especially since you can fix cars. And that you don’t take sh*t, we need that in our pack.” Lola's eyes scrunched, “how do you know I can fix cars?” “I saw your work as I walked through the barn. I could only smell your scent there, and I found you out back behind the barn. Thank you for helping me with my car by the way!” Lola smiled, “that’s your car?! I love it, that model particularly!” James gave a big toothy grin, “of course you do, it’s the most sought-after model and year. And it is a dam* sexy car.” Lola chuckled, “that it is.” She paused a bit before she got serious “could I work on it some more? It needs a workover.” James nodded and hummed, “yeah sure, as long as you don’t mind working alongside me!” Lola shook her head, “neh, I won’t mind. You’re not that bad.” James laughed a hearty laugh at that as he leaned his head back a bit. They both started walking again. Slowly they moved out of the clearing back to the path in the forest. They walked back to the packhouse in silence, on a few rougher parts of the walk James would extend his hand to help Lola. When they arrived at the clearing behind the barn, James broke the silence, “so those were the only questions you had about me?” Lola nodded, “yeah, for now at least.” James made a puzzled look at her, “now I’m curious, what else do you want to know?” Lola stopped walking and looked at him, “I hope you won’t be offended, or that I’m too personal.” James scoffed, “I’m sure it’s fine.” Lola let out a breath before she asked, “what were you in for?” James nodded a bit before he looked over to the horizon. He took a moment before he answered, “involuntary manslaughter. I got five years because they couldn’t prove I was driving recklessly.” Lola nodded and then started to walk over to the packhouse, James followed. As they walked into the house Lola went over to knock at alpha Joseph’s door, she could hear a ‘come in’. Before she opened the door she looked at James and they both gave each other a small nod. Then she entered the alpha’s office.
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