
1047 Words

“...then there’s the whole budget thing, I can’t seem to get it to balance. Our cost’s for the kitchen alone is.... HELLO? Earth to James?” Joseph was waving a hand in front of James’ face, he caught him staring out into thin air while going over budget for next year. James gave him a small smile, but it fell into a face of sorrow soon after. Joseph peered at him, his lips in a thin line. Then he huffed out, “please James, just tell me, what happened between you and Lola?” James shook his head while sighing, “I don’t know Joseph, she just said she needed time. Nothing, in particular, was going on, then suddenly she stopped sleeping in my bed, then that text from Ron...” His face got red as he mentioned Ron. Joseph sunk into his seat, “want me to kick him out of the pack?” James

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