Take a seat

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Lola was wielding two thin metal rods, her face contorted in agony. Her tongue was sticking out slightly as she was concentrating immensely. Some of the other ladies were chuckling at her, and one spoke up, “you need some help there Lola? You seem tense!” Lola dropped her shoulders, they had crept up to her ears. She sighed and dropped her hands, “this is way too complex for me, I don’t understand how you guys can use two sticks to produce such elegant garments.” The elderly ladies chuckled at that. Another older lady addressed Lola, “we will continue teaching you, you will get it eventually. For now, just try to relax your shoulders while knitting.” Lola huffed, she tried again, but her tongue darted out straight away and her shoulders tensed. The older ladies were smiling amongst each other, one winked at her friends. A third mustered enough courage to address the younger lady with a sensitive subject, “so Lola, as we are the elders, and you a young female that just joined our pack” Lola raised an eyebrow at that and met her gaze, listening in to her proclamation, “we think it is wise we take over the motherly role, after all, you are not yet fated to be a male.” Lola seemed to anticipate where this was going, and a slight tug on one side revealed a small smirk. “We don’t know where your mother left off, we would assume you know about the birds and the bees, but there are much more important things to pass down to a young female like yourself.” Lola was now intrigued, she tried to hide a smile as she asked, “well, of course, my mom told me everything I needed about reproduction, being fated, and safe s*x. But I am very intrigued by what you think could be more important than that.” At this point Lola could not hide her grin, she was looking forward to hearing where this was going. “Well, we ladies talked, we are after all seasoned ladies, we have with us a lot of experience with them males.” Lola nodded at that, still a small grin on her face. Her attempts at knitting went slightly easier as the topic got her focused on something else. “We think it’s wise of us to teach you about the pleasure of s*x sweetheart.” Lola stifled a cough at that, she was not expecting such a bold topic. “The males seem too eager to get their pleasures, so it is up to us females to guide them in the right direction. We just think it would be best to teach you how to manage a male in the bedroom.” Lolas' face was now beet red, she did not anticipate the group of elderly women to be so blunt. They took turns to continue the conversation, but at this point, they all joined in. “I find it best to tell him what is expected of him, if he tries something only pleasurable for him I simply tell him how he should pleasure me before he can have his fill.” Several ladies nodded in agreement. Lola’s eyes bulged, her knitting was going poorly at this point. “I only find satisfaction in him fingering me, I do not care for tongue business. So I trained him well in that department.” By now Lola was slowly falling back into her seat, she was shrinking by the second. “LOLA, pay attention! You need to know how to get yours, no male will give it to you for free.” Lola made big eyes and just nodded at the elder lady. “You might think it's wise to start with giving him oral pleasure, but you’re wrong. He needs to start with you.” Lola continued to nod politely at all input. “Oh don’t forget the balls sweetheart, it’s easy to forget. Whomever he is, he will like it.” Lolas' eyes darted back and forth as each lady spoke up. “We think it’s wise of you to choose a male from the pack to have your fun with. There is no need to just wait around for your mate, have some fun while he’s taking his time to find you.” Lola nodded, still with eyes wide and cheeks red. “The delta seems to not have gotten anything lately, you should try with him. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” Another lady scoffed, “they have all not gotten any lately, there are no females here to f*ck them.” All the ladies laughed at that, all but Lola. At the end of the knitting club, Lola hurried to gather all supplies and lift them to where they were needed. Lola then bid her farewell and ran out of there, she bolted over the field back to the packhouse. As she ran through the common area the males sitting there were making eyes at her swift appearance. Lola took swift strides up the stairs and ran to get to her room, as she was being very loud with her running some people opened their door to see what was happening. As she neared her door James came out from his room. Lola stopped dead in her track, almost running into him. She grabbed his shirt and threw him back into his room. She closed the door behind her and whisper yelled at him, “for the love of the goddess, say something utterly manly!!!” James looked at her like she was insane, he scratched his head trying to understand what was going on. Lola crept toward James as she hissed, “your pack is filthy!! Did you know that? I spent the last three hours being told how to sexually exploit the males by the elder females!” James made big eyes, “you said what now?” Lola nodded frantically, “yeah, the elder ladies in the knitting club were giving me advice on how to get the males to sexually gratify me! Could I please get pup care instead?” Lola was pleading. Suddenly James burst out laughing, he bent over and rested on his knees. He took a moment before he was able to compose himself, “please, Lola, tell me everything.” Lolas' cheeks reddened, she sighed and then stalked over to his sofa. She sat down and patted the seat next to her. James walked over and sat down, he waited patiently as Lola gathered the courage to tell him everything.
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