Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 *Annabelle.* A loud boom spread across the room as Hades destroyed his own thrown room. "The stupid bastard failed me. He failed me for a second time. If Embers fire had not killed him I would have. No better yet I would have made him wish he would have died!" His breathe was heavy and shacking. At this moment no one who didnt already know could tell he was a God.  "I can't believe she got away again! I sent him up there to bring her back to me! She is mine!"  The metal rings to the curtain scatter across the floor filling the room in the noise. His demon servants can do nothing to stop the onslaught of items being tossed and smashed. They can only wait for everything to stop then clean the mess.  Hades has a temper he always had so this was no surprise. However what was unusual was the fact that he had gone on so long now with out it lessing or doing something about it. He was normally just like a spoil petulant child. Always working on how to get what he wants. Ever since he lost the place he had on Mount Olympus, he has refused to go without what he wants. And though only he knows why he wants this half-breed Ember is unbeknownst to even his most loyal servant. It's only been through his Tantrums that they have learned that he chose to send a full hell hound to trick the bond and to mate with a wolf to produce Ember. And even more to watch over her. Which Drew managed to hide from. The fate told him what would come of this union. From what anyone can see it is in fact true. He  only recent found out about the mistreatment of her from the one he called Drew. Which only fueled his anger. Hades current tantrum seems to end as he throws him down on to his thrown.  "She was meant to be mine in all ways. Meant to bare my childern. To love me. To be mine."  He leans back propping on arm upon the rest and covering his face with his hand. It was only then how clear it was made the pain of the loss of this girl, the mutt was to him. It was at this point I could no long stand back. I have been his consort over the years and yet since this he has barely looked my way. I chose now to spent out of my hiding spot behind the door hidden with then the wall.  "Hades when are you going to stop this." I gesture accross the room at the mess he had made. He barely looks up at me and growls. The nerve of him!!! I maintain my composure.  "You there!" I point to one of the maids. "Clean up this damn mess!" "You are not the Queen, Annabelle."  Those words cut deep, for up untill recently it had never been a problem. And to undermined me in front of people! " So what now that this damn child isn't here I lose all my power as lady of this house?" I yell I can't help but be mad. I always thought one day I would be the queen here. "The only power you ever had was what I gave you. And you have never been a lady just a consort and toy really to occupy my time and to take my needs as needed."  He has never spoken to me like this before, it was always words of love and praise. And now I'm seeing a whole new side to him it is only now that I understand the manipulation but is Hades. Even though now it seems he will never get his beloved Ember. I can hear my own malice in my head the sound of her name. He can play these games if you want so what he doesn't understand is I too can play games. If he chooses to be so petulant over the situation but I will just have to remind him why chose me first and why he will choose me last.
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