4. Crowned Queen

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Alice's POV. Panic washes over me that the first thing I did once the guy in front of me said mate, I ran away. I bolted to the stairs that lead to my floor where my room was. As I opened and slammed the door shut, I heard Frances voice. “What is going on?!” She yelled with confusion. “I come in the room and call your name but your not here?” She says with a questioning look. “Then I see the window wide open and a cat meowing at me but now Alice.” She adds once she sees that I look at her with wide eyes. She opens her mouth to speak again but I beat her to it. “Frances! I just met my mate and I’m freaking out!” I yelled which caused her to shut her mouth and stare at me with wide eyes. “What? When and how!” She threw questions at me. “My mate!” I yelled. “I slid two storey’s down but a tree helped me half way and it was because of a cat, that cat” I stopped in my explanation and pointed at the cat that still sat on my window ledge, Frances looks at the cat. “Then I walked, well speed walked through the kitchen and as I was about to come around the corner I ran into a wall. Sorry not a wall, my mate he is a huge dude.” I finally finished and saw that Frances stared at me weirdly. “Alice are you okay?” She asked. “I’m telling you the truth!” I exclaimed. “So, your mate, he is the wall at the corner where the kitchen door ends?” She continues to ask. “Well, yes I suppose since that’s how you see it.” I replied slightly confused? Or was I just completely shocked that I met my mate? “Okay well, it’s seven thirty. I suggest we finally get you….. Well cleaned up again, the dress you before your ceremony starts.” France said, I heard her confused still fresh in her tone. “Okay.” I sighed then held my hands up in surrender. “How about we get ready and after the ceremony I will explain to you everything that has happened during me leaving the bathtub and entering my room again.” I tell her and she nods her head but still shows confusion. . . . . Standing in front of the mirror, I stared at myself. I wore a light champagne, long evening gown that was off the shoulder and I must say, it look so good on me. I almost didn’t recognise myself, I remember doing the fitting but the results after it is done to perfectly fit me, it’s almost magical. “It’s ten o’clock, everyone that has come to witness your crowning has now been seated." Frances says. "Where is Waylon?" I asked as I began to feel nervous, as always my two best friends always gave me words of encouragement to keep me calm. "He is making sure that the security for the occasion is alright, he will meet us before we get to the doors. You need to calm down Alice, your breathing a bit heavily." Frances placed her two hands in mine as she attempted to calm me down. I balanced out by breathing and walked out of my room with Frances beside me. There were about ten guards waiting outside my room , as they guarded me from my room to the doors of the great hall. This is where every single one of my ancestors were crowned before me and now it was my turn. Just like Frances had promised Waylon was already waiting by the door. "Oh thank Hecate, I though you weren't going to make it." I say to Waylon in a shaky tone. Waylon placed his hands over his heart pretending that I had just hurt him. "I would never miss my best friends crowning ceremony. Both Frances and I will always be by your side." He said as he hugged me. "Always." Frances said from my left as Waylon stood by my side. I took a deep breath in and exhaled as I held my head high just like how my father had taught me. The doors opened and the whole room went silent as they stood up from their seats. I began to walk down the aisle with my two best friends close behind me. I remained calmed and held my head high even when I got to the front. It didn’t take long for each elder from the covens to do what they had to do and Frances uncle was the one to crown me. "I hereby crown thee Alice Handsley, Queen of the royal coven and all covens of witches and warlocks." His voices boomed throughout the hall for every creature that had come to bear witness to my crowning. As I look out in the crowd I keep my face straight once I notice the man from earlier, my mate. He looked at me with shock and surprise but he quickly recovered from it as I continued to hold a Stright face and scan the rest of the room. The crowned cheered and clapped for my crowning and a few minutes went by when Waylon stood beside me holding out his arm as I looped my arm in his. He lead me back down the aisle and Frances followed behind. Once we got outside my guards followed the three of us back into my room before I ordered them to return to their assigned posts. "Well that’s over and done with. I don’t know that had you worried to begin with." Waylon said as he sat on the couch. "Oh she ran into her mate earlier." Frances said to him and his eyes widened. "Do I have to check him? Or her?" He asked with a mischievous grin. "Okay, first of all it’s a HIM and secondly no you don’t have to check him." I replied to him quickly. "Oh that isn't the interesting part Waylon." Frances said looking at Waylon with an expression that said, you're not going to believe this. Waylon looked at me, "It’s the boy from my dreams, the one I described to you two. Blue eyes like sapphire and hair as black as night." I tell Waylon as I watch him widen his eyes with shock. "So, your dream boy is your fated mate?" He asked and I nodded. "Wow, so is he a warlock?" Waylon asked. "Uhhh.. no." I said answering his question. "DO you know what he is?" Frances asked. "You didn’t say, I mean your gift allows you to read people and most of the time your gift allows you to sense what supernatural creature is in front of you." She knew a lot about my gift and h=what I can do with it since I tell her and she writes it in her journals. "When we ran int each other and I almost fell, he caught me and I felt the sparks of the mate bond." I began. "At the same time my gift automatically saw a lot of things, not everything, just what had happen today in his life before he arrived to the castle, he is a werewolf." I blurted out as I saw that my friends made faces that showed they knew I was stalling. "Not just any werewolf but an Alpha werewolf." I say and if they weren't in shocked before they certainly are right now. "Remind me again, I mean I know I'm your right hand and should know these things but isn't there a law by the council that says that you cannot mate with another creatures that isn't your king or human?" He knew very well as both Frances and I that was the first law of the supernatural council. "Which is why I hesitated to tell the two of you about what my mate is." I said. "Also he now knows who I am, he saw me and I saw him in the crowd when I looked at everyone after being crowned just moments ago." I get it all out there so they can tell me it’s a bad idea. "I'm going to go ahead and say this is a bad idea, it the aw agreed upon by the supernatural council. One of each elder of the supernatural agreed on that mating law." Waylon's response was so quick that I saw Frances close her mouth from whatever she was about to say. Frances nodded in agreement of his words. "Also isn't there a council meeting? And leaders of every supernatural will attend it? As you and my uncle discuss some things not that you have been crowned." She remined both Waylon and I. "That meeting is in an hour." Waylon confirmed. "Maybe you should change into something comfortable, unless you want to still wear the dress." He added. "I'll just keep the dress on, the fitting was torture for me to only wear it for thirty minutes of the day it was made to be worn." I replied causing both of them to laugh from the memory from my complaining of the two hours of standing while getting fitted into this dress. "It was worth it though." I add as I admitted the beautiful work of the dress. "Well, let's go mingle before we step aside to the meeting. I'm sure my people would want to see their new Queen and the other supernatural leader would be interested to see a female be the leader of so many witches and warlocks." I said as I stood up. "You also have to show us this mate of yours." Frances says on between giggles. "Yep, I have to see who the goddess Hecate paired you with." Waylon said putting on a protective face. "Alright, let's go before all the food is gone." I smiled from both their words. "Now you think about food?" Frances said in a joking manner and we all laughed. "We rather inspect your mate." She said seriously but ended up laughing again.
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