Chapter 3

1020 Words
"You don't have to go with me here, Mister Mendeleev. I don't plan on running away, I just need to change clothes and grab some stuff." He raises his brow. My eyes travelled back to his hand. His eyes followed mine and when he sees where I was shamelessly looking at, he hides it back on his waist. Ender walks around. He took a frame from my nightstand. It was me and Kuya Maxence back when we were kids. He's in middle school while I study here at home as a grade-schooler. I smiled. Seeing him studying in a normal school made me really envious. That's the first time I thought that my life is odd. After a fleeting seconds, he puts it back on the stand and glances at me. "You're not bringing any of your things, just change your clothes and we will leave." I nodded. I enter my walk-in closet and instantly search for a comfy piece of clothes that I wouldn't regret wearing regardless of where we are going. In the end, I decided to go for a jeans, t-shirt, jacket and sneakers. The comfort of this clothes are the best in this world. "Leave the door open." He demanded even before I can touch it to do so. I gave him that you gotta be kidding me look but he just shrug his shoulder as if what he's asking me to do is not really a big thing. "I just need a minute. I told you I won't runaway, I never lied!" I raised my voice a bit because of the frustration he and his demand is making me feel. The looks on his eyes sharpens even more. I sighed and nodded in agreement to his order. Did I conquer a country in my past life and make the people's life there miserable for me to not have a taste of freedom? I just want to watch a firework display and now I'm in this situation. This changes will put me on assylum, seriously! I hide myself in the corner and changed my clothes as fast as I could. I succeeded on changing my jeans without any problem but when I was about to remove my t-shirt he suddenly barge in. Panicky, I covered my barely naked chest with my hands. "Turn your back!" I yelled. Luckily, he did it without fuss and argument. "You're taking so much time---," "I swear, I will slit your throat with blades of my eyebrow shaver if you'll dare to turn that head of yours." I pick my shirt that fell off the ground. With my eyes never leaving him, I wear it and the jacket. I fix my hair and cleared my throat. He turned around. "So, there's a sprinkle of violence deep within you." He move his forefinger, like he's telling me that it's not a good thing. I forced a smile. "I said it because of uncontrolled emotion. Maybe I could really slit your throat if you turn your head earlier." I lift my shoulder like nothing embarrassing happened. Who knows? We make impossible things possible when we're threatened," I said and leave him behind. "Leave your phone too." I'm sure. Even if someone sent over a great painter to draw my expression, it'll be impossible. The last statement of Ender before he went straight to the room's door made my face contorted. My cell phone is my life! It's like my personal oxygen and he'll take it away from me, too. "No!" I declared bravely, disagreeing on his command. His intimidating eyes traces my face. I sighed exasperatedly. "No," I repeat with a calmer voice now. We heard sets of approaching distinct steps. Later on, my parents show themselves. "What is happening?" Daddy asked. He obviate his eyes from Ender and directed it to me. "Did he hurt you?" I shook my head. "N-No, but he's telling mo to leave my phone behind," I said while gesturing the unbothered hoodlum. Slowly, he shifted his eyes back on Ender who’s watching us patiently. "Ibixa, let's go." He pulled me away from my parents. I couldn't help but worry as I saw tears in my mother's eyes. I wanna wipe them off. I was planning to do it but his hold in my arms is too tight that I feel paralyze. Maxence took a step forward that made him smirk. "Just let her bring her phone for our communication," Maxence Fivel spoke. He's not trying to negotiate. He's demanding him. Everyone knows that it is what he's doing. God, no! His bossy attitude won't give me any help here. Endeavor's smirk slowly turns into a mocking and playful smile. He put his arm around my shoulder that I tried to get rid of, but nah. "There will be no communication between your family and Ibixa after we leave this filthy house." My mother, Elena gasped. Maximus helped her stood up as she almost lost her balance and fall. With the remaining strength that I have, I pull away from Ender. "You can't do that to me. Yes, I will be your wife but you're not gonna be my master. There's no way I'll do everything you ask me to." "Oh, Darling, wait for it and you will see." That was his last word before he pull me. He's walking way too fast that every time I took step I stumble even if I'm already wearing a sneakers. "Ibixa! Maximus, no... Our daughter, my daughter." I looked back. I tried to seize our movements to bid goodbye to my mother but he won't let me. "Get inside," he said after he opened the same Audi R8 that I crashed earlier this night. I bit my lower lip to deny my sobs that wants to be notice. I heard Ender tsked before he starts the car's engine. "They are to blame, Ibixa. Things wouldn't be so hard for you only if they remain truthful to their words. Maybe you'd get the benefit of being caged in a bigger hedge and not in the four walls of your family's mansion."
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