Chapter 3

478 Words
        The beeping sounds and red pulses are coming out of the den. The wanderers came back to the camp and told about it. They started to ask each other whether they should enter the den or not.         Some group of people opinionated that we have to enter it to gather clues of why we are here and then we can find the way out.         Others opinionated that they are expecting us to enter the den otherwise they won't set up that, we shouldn't play by the rules of them. It may cause danger to us. After a vigorous debate they decided the final opinion that we should enter the den. All the people enter into the den.         Sharon is leading the pregnant women and Steve is leading the men.The den is pitch black and red light is beeping at the end of the den.         They are moving very cautiously seeing for traps. At the end there is a small instrument beeping red. They wonder what would be that?          Sharon saw a button on the thing. While pressing some of them stopped her from pressing the button. We don't know what will happen if we press the button. What if it is a threat! Sharon said that at least we should know what is happening here to get out of here.          If we get at least some information then we can decide. For now just play by their rules. After we know what's happening here then we will play our game.         All of them agreed with Sharon and pressed the button. A holographic image generated through the machine showing the flashes of visuals of a lab.         Scientists were preparing something. After the flashes are completed, a person appears on the screen. He is smart, rich looking with a suit.         He started to talk. "Greetings my fellow people, you might be wondering what is the reason for k********g you and leaving on the island with a den with a holographic projector. Steve replied" who are you? , you ******Why did you kidnap us? , what do you want from us?"         Person in the projector said "who am I (chuckles) well, I can't tell you my name. You can call me STANLEY (discoverer of prions). Steve replied, OK Stanley can you *****************. Stanley laughed and said save them for the future you will be in need of them.          Steve continued to ask" who are you? Why did you take us? Stanley replied very peacefully "I'm a Monster"           All of them started to tremble. Stanley "wanna play a game?."Everyone's stunned. Steve was not able to control the anger and smashed the projector to a wall. To be continued... But failed. Not even a single scratch. Stanley replied laughing" I didn't think you are that fool. Do you still think you can't play by rules "everyone shocked that how did he know about the discussion in camp   
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