Chapter 12

458 Words
        They opened it. Found a remote in it. Sharon took it and shutted down all the robots and animals. They found another 2 boxes in it. One was written "antidote" and another was written "as a gift from Stanley as I put you through these difficulties.         It's a most valuable gift from me as a gesture. You earned it as you made everybody aware of what an original man is capable of, Surprise.”They first opened the antidote box. The opening of the box triggered a chemical reaction with air and green fumes started to enter the air.          They started to celebrate and dance. Some person asked to open the surprise box. Steve told that man to open it. And all men gathered near it watching the opening box, some of it thought of diamonds and all    started to imagine things. Steve suggested they open it and see inside than to imagine.          All agreed to it and started to open. While opening. Steve started to step back slowly. And started to increase the speed. The opening of the box triggered a reaction inside and for a sec after opening it seems empty with a small test tube inside. Steve left a considerable distance in that time.          Suddenly brown smoke got out spreading just 2 feet radius. All started to cough and couldn't understand what had happened before. Coughing and seeing back, Steve stands nearly 3 meters away from them, weirdly smiling at them.          And suddenly sand under his foot holed up. It is pipeway out. They are all shocked and stunned and don't understand a thing. It took a while to settle down and suddenly the projector got beeped.         Sharon took it and pressed the button. Other side man is Steve in a white coat. All are shocked, what's Steve doing there, Steve talking "hi companions, feeling surprised, what's Steve doing here,( laughing) every person is stunned and listening very carefully, Steve replied '' this is my game (laughing) all are shocked to hear it.          He called Stanley. Stanley entered the picture and said yes boss. All are shocked to their core. Steve talking showing Stanley "you know him very well.          Stanley, I've to tell you something" Steve (mockingly) "Stanley replied" tell me boss" Steve laughs and tells, while I was with them, they all thought to track you down after the release and kill you (laughing).         Stanley replied'' oh boss I'm terrified. They will definitely kill me boss. Please help me, boss. Pleaseee..(laughing). All are listening without a word.         Steve started to talk "feeling sorry to say this, I've enjoyed every moment with you, I've never felt as much challenged as in these few days. But it's time for you to leave." Sharon asked "leave!! What have you done to us? To be continued...
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