Chapter 8

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Our time was just wasted. Now we are riding in the train coming back to the Holy University. We only have 30 minutes left and 10 minutes for the train. I do not know what Lady Penelope want from me that she had to asked the royalties to find me at home. What Kean said frustrates me a lot. When I asked him if he was embarassed of being a daughter of a vendor. Gillian stopped me from doing things I would surely regret in the next seconds. I was so ready to kill them. Kean really knows what to say to stay in the track like where he is right now. How can he even disrespect mom like that? She still gave birth to him. She gave her life to birthed him but now that he finally got the strong bones, he'll act like that? I would kill him the next time he will let his tongue disrespect mom again. How he has the guts of saying that he doesn't have a vendor mother and that's a good thing. Because he would be covering his face the whole time if he got a mother like mine? Luckily he got a Queen of a mother? What Queen? Queen with no substance? "It's okay, Ara. Kean will realize it soon. He'll realize it and he will surely sorry about that," Gillian said. She was really trying to comfort me since earlier, she knew I was mad that I could do things I won't like. Kean is really crossing the line. He can talk anything he want but not in my face, not about mom. I will kill him my hand if he will let mom hear those sh*tty words from his mouth. I promise! "It's not okay, Gillian. He knows that I was there. He knows that I could hear him, he knows that I value my mother. If he don't like to be a son of mom probably the real reason why he didn't even pay a visit to mom and not his father. Not because he was controlled over. He got his own mind, strength and decisions. He can pay a visit to mom anytime he wants even just a second and call her mom but he never did that, now I know. Now, I understand," I angrily said. I immediately released the thing I was holding here in the train when I realized I was denting it. He should know better not to get close to me because I will kill him. He can disrespect other Holiesters all he wants but not mom! Not my mother! "I don't get it. Why would Kean speak such words? I mean, those are mean and he was talking about his mother. Was he siding Camille? Even if he knew very well that Camille was at fault? If that so, f*ck those royalties siding each other! They can eat their title and hopefully when they get full, they'll learn manners!" She yelled into the air. Loo p0 She can control her voice, she can make it sure that no one can hear her even in her loudest shout. And that is why she is not afraid of releasing her voice. "I will make him sorry." And I said what I said! I promise to make him sorry for disrespecting my mother. From now on, I will never call him my brother again. From now on, I will never let him talk about mom again. He was thankful that he has no mother like mine. I will prove him that. I will never let him speak such words into mom's ears. "Calm down, Ara. I know you are mad but I know you as well. You don't want to get involved with the royalties. They can mess up your life anytime they want and we are not strong enough to fight them all." I know, Gillian. I know. I know what the hell is waiting for me once I get involved to any of them. Camille mocks mom even more when she heard what just Kean said. It wouldn't be a surprise if other Holiesters mocks vendors because of the royalties. Rest assured, I will never get ashamed of having a vendor of a mother. I am blessed and I am loved by her. "I was waiting for you like forever." I took a step back when Lady Penelope just showed up infront of me. I blinked and deep breathe. What now? Is she really not kidding that she wants a battle with me? Why would she desire to have a battle with such lower class like me? She know she is powerful enough compared to me. It was just a luck for me that I did defeated her once or maybe she wasn't focused and didn't gave her best. She probably was just playing before. And now she's here, right in front of me wanting to have a battle with me. "Lady Penelope, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were looking for me," I apologized. "Hello, Lady Penelope," Gillian greeted her and bowed her head. Lady Penelope looked at her and bow her head as her response. I sometimes didn't know what the hell is running in Lady Penelope's head. She sometimes a b*tch and she sometimes a crackhead. Although, most of the time she is someone that I don't like because of her being a supporter of inequality. She was so fond of belittling lower classes just because of our levels. And I hate because of that, she was even caught bullying an elder from class 1 before and those incident shaken the class 2 land. If she was able to bully a class 1 it would just be a piece of cake for her to bully the class 2. "I want to have a battle with the two of you," she said. I felt Gillian looked at me with wide eyes but instead of being shock, I just closed my eyes tight and breath. How can she even ask a battle against her students? She is way older than us. If I am not mistaken, she is in her late 20's. "Lady Penelope, I don't think that would be okay ----" "What do you think is okay, Gillian?" she said, cutting off Gillian while speaking. The heck? "I mean, it would be a disrespect for you when me and Ara to have fight with you. You are supposed to be respected," Gillian said and I can sense how she was controlling herself and her tone. "Do you think saying no to me is not some kind of disrespect?" she asked that made the both of me and Gillian stunned. She was now changing her tone and I'm starting not to like it. She's something like giving us warning or more like threatening us. Why the heck she was kind off desperate of having a battle with us? Was she planning to get even in the board? I defeated her and now she's going to to defeat me and with the combination of me and Gillian, she could declare herself the strength she thought she had. I know she'll win. She's strong and for the record, she got the abilities that we don't have. They royalties have special power that only them got. "Lady Penelope, that is not what she meant ----" "Amara, the last time we fought, you defeated me and that was the shocking news the Holy Land have heard. Now, I want you and your best friend to fight with me, give your all because I might get the two of you killed when you hold back," she seriously said. She really want to get her name back. It was all about her pride. A royalty like her won't like the idea of being defeated by a lower class like me. And now, she summoned two individual from the lower class to fight with her. "Lady Penelope, I don't think this would be a good idea. How about let's just each other in the battle activity of our subject?" I asked her hoping that she would say yes. In 2 weeks we will be having a battle activity and that will be touching the rank 10. This time, I will show Kean that it's not a shame to be a child of mom for she knows how to keep her child strong. You will only get stronger when you two the proper discipline. Aggressiveness would just bring you in your downfall. "Amara, I won't wait days for this. I told you, I want to fight with you and your friend. Today." I sighed and looked at Gillian. I can see that she is worried as so am I. We will get punished when we accept her challenge. They would think that we did wrong and that made Lady Penelope punish us. Royals knows how to get out from the mess they made. "Lady ----" "Gillian, shut up. When I said now, I want now!" She said hardly. Her eyes are shouting with authority like she really don't like and she won't accept no. And I guess, we really have no reason to say no to her. Because now, I found myself and Gillian entering the ring for a battle with Lady Penelope. I don't know what's with her to do this but I think, it's all about her pride. Why the heck she didn't forget the first time we fought that I lost her. I have forgotten that. "Lady Penelope, we can declare defeat right now. I don't think we really need to exchange strength and power," I calmly said. She looked at me, most likely glared at me. She seems to be not liking the words I chose to speak. She grimaced and stepped closer to me. We are her inside the bulletproof glass where it's also fully tinted. "Give me your all, Gillian and Amara. I am asking you two to never hold back. Show me your strength and show me what you've guts. You were able to stepped over Camille and Hailey in the board, now I would know if you two were just playing with me. Treat this battle as a board recorded battle," she seriously said. *We are going to lose, Gillian* I saw my best friend looked at me after I spoke in her mind. I chose not to look at her back, Lady Penelope would notice that. I used my ability to know if we really are under the fully tinted glass and this fight is a secret. Luckily it is. Because I have no plan of fighting her with all the ability that I got. Holy University only knew that I have water and the ability to see from a far. But they didn't know that I have much ability than that. Mom told me not to just to maintain the peaceful life that we have. I saw Lady Penelope holding a whip in her left hand, not an ordinary whip because an electricity was lying in it. It could cut my body if it would have chance to get coiled all over me. In her right hand, she have the sword with an electricity all over it as well. *She's really serious,* Gillian said in my mind. *Dodge if you can,* I told her. *I badly want to choke her with sand. She's too bossy,* she said hardly. "Lady Penel----" "Are you two ready?" she shouted, cutting me from speaking. What does she really want? To get even? I will give that to her, I will let her win and hopefully after this time, she would have the peace of mind she needs. It was clearly her pride. It hurts her butt that a class 2 once brought her in the ground. What a loser! I was almost caught by the whip when she swing it all over to my direction. Luckily I was halved focus and I was able to see it coming before it had a chance to even lay in my skin. I saw Gillian dodging the sword. I made a water whip in my hand as well and coiled it in her hand just to make sure it won't touch the electricity her whip has. That would have an effect to me. "Aaah!" My eyes widened when I saw how she didn't hesitate to stab Gillian with her sword. I looked at her with disbelief. She was focused with Gillian that she didn't even mind me but when I was about to pull my water whip when in got to coiled in her hand, she stabbed her sword to Gillian. "Gillian! Lady Penelope, why did you do that?!" My lips tremble when she pulled out her sword and much amount of blood from Gillian's stomach came out and she slowly lay in the floor. Lady Penelope smiled as she looked at me. *Gillian, can you hear me?* I tried to enter into her mind to speak with her. I glanced to Lady Penelope who seems to be happy facing with me. "I just had to notice that you don't seem so serious, Amara. You were holding back and I am just giving you a reason to fight with me," she seriously said while sending a death glare to me. *Gillian! Can you hear me?! You have to talk to me, Gillian! Damn it!* *Stop shouting, Ara. I am okay. Don't worry, I am not dead.* As she said that, I looked at her body and my eyes narrowed with what I just saw. What the hell? Ops! Lady Penelope doesn't really have patience. She throw the whip once again to my direction but I think I just got the luck today. When I throw my water whip back to Lady Penelope, she dodged in it and she did. Wow. I think, it really won't do good if we take here too long. She's so hot, she's so serious. This fight is really not making any sense. I don't know what will happen next. I am certain that if I got to do wrong and wrongly hurt her, I know the head and the council will go run after me and Gillian and we have no right to defend ourselves. We are dealing with a royalty that happened to be our teacher. I sighed and glanced Gillian laying on the floor. She was bathed with her own blood. She was looking lifeless — that would surely freak me out if only I didn't know her. But Gillian was smart enough that she came up into that idea. I don't know if Lady Penelope knew what she did or even notice her now. She perfectly tricked her. I wanted to do the same, however, I don't have the ability like hers. And the only thing that I can do in order to stop this nonsense fight is to make her believe that I am fighting back and that I wasn't strong enough to bring her down, again. She was prepping herself to attack, don't worry, Lady Penelope after this day, you can again gain your peace of mind back and I swear you can finally sleep at night, in peace for getting back your pride. She swung the whip she was holding and I did to my whip as well. I counted the second that would take for both our whips to touch each other. I have my water whip locked into my hand and the electricity will flow in it until to my body. I'm sorry Lady Penelope but we are tired of this game. "Aaaah!" I screamed when the electricity that comes from her whips flows into the water whip I was holding and runs into my body. "Sh*t!" I heard her cursed before everything went blank. *Ara, wake up. You have to wake up now!* I almost groaned when I heard Gillian's voice shouting in my head. I slowly opened my eyes and scanned the unfamiliar place. I looked at the bed I was laying. It didn't looked like a clinic room, it's something like a dorm. "Goodness! We need to leave, now!" I saw Gillian in a hurry and as I looked at her, she has bandage all over her stomach. I remembered what happened and without saying anything, I grabbed her arm and left the place. Thank God for the teleportation blessing. "Who's room was that?" I asked her when we finally landed in front of our town's gate. "That was our dorm. Lady Penelope summoned the doctor to come over there for she don't want anyone to know what happened to the both of us. She didn't know I was faking everything. I thought, she was great and focus for someone from the Holy Kingdom of Soldiers," she said shaking her head while removing the bandages. She wasn't wounded. One of her special ability is that she can copy herself and can make another one like her. She did that earlier and that's the reason why we saw blood coming out but that wasn't a real Holiesters that was just something like a hologram. Gillian just made herself invisible. "She will surely get surprised when she learned that we're gone," I said imagining Lady Penelope's possible reaction. But in the side, she would also be thankful that we already left the place so that no one would be able to see us and no one would know that she was the reason and was the one who did everything to us. I wasn't wrong after all, it was all about her pride, her name. "Where did you two go?" Gillian and I almost jump in startle when mom just showed up in front of us. She was looking at me very serious like she was trying to read me. I'm sorry mom, but I had to close my mind so that no one would be able to invade my privacy.
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