Chapter 15

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"Amara." Amara stopped when she heard Lady Penelope's voice. She was about to step her feet outside the door of their classroom. She give Gillian a little glance and Gillian was looking at her as well. She didn't just give any expression and breath deeply before turning her head to see the woman behind her. She awkwardly smiled upon seeing the royal Lady Penelope who's waiting for her and her best friend walk over towards the lady. "Amara, I will be waiting outs---" "You stay as well, Gillian," Lady Penelope butt in to stop Gillian from telling she's going outside. She knew it, Lady Penelope wasn't just calling her but Gillian as well and by this moment, she already knew the concern of their royal teacher. It's either the battle they had or the council already knew that she and Gillian went to the mountain and was bumped with the royalties who are looking for something she would never admit she knew. "Yes, Lady Penelope," Gillian respectfully bowed her head and stood up beside her. She felt the hand of her best friend touches her elbow. She didn't remover her eyes to the Royal Teacher. She had so much encounter with royalties and she would say, they all have similarities and that is being so entitled. They were living the title they got in their lives and they're threatening the weak. She hoped that Lady Penelope won't go beyond her impression with this woman. She had already bad impression with this Royal Teacher, she's now hoping that won't go too far. "You were both absent yesterday," Lady Penelope calmly said and it wasn't a question, it was just a mere statement asking them to confirm with neither yes or no. She and Gillian nodded in unison. The Royal Teacher nodded as well and smirked. Sometimes, calmness of whoever you are standing face to face trembles your knees and the aura Lady Penelope has today was trying to shake the ground they had their feet locked. "Yes, Lady Penelope. And wer sorry for not giving you prior advice for not attending your class," Amara said with so much respect in her tone. That part, she admitted the wrong of them made. "It won't happen again, Lady Penelope. We are very sorry," Gillian seconded. "I am not actually concern with your absence in the class," Lady Penelope said, crossing her arms in her chest while leaning her back in the edge of the table. "It would sound a bit harsh but I know that you two knows that nobody would give about your absence." "Then why did you call us, Lady Penelope?" Amara seriously asked a question. She don't need sugar coated words such as "they have already know that they don't matter and that no one would care if they're around or not". "Because I want you two to explain to me honestly, what did you two do in the mountain? You happened to bump the royals who are doing a mission given by the director. Do you know what would be the punishment for me and the Director when there was something bad happened to both of you?" Lady Penelope mumbled each word as deep as well. Her voice are firm that even it was just in a low tone she can feel how hard she was holding it not to raise a voice. "I'm sorry for that, Lady Penelope. I admit it didn't cross my mind that it would possibly put you and the Director into the situation we would never want," Gillian answered lightly and Amara was thankful that Gillian chose to never go far of her answer to give them a chance to ask them again. She don't want to give a loopwhole of this to give them a chance to go and ran after her just to seek whatever they want to see under her wings. "Why did you go there? What did you do in there?" "We were resting our bodies who are both in pain because of the battle we had, Lady Penelope. While resting, it popped in my mind that it would be better if we wouldn't just lay our back in our cold floor we call a bed, and it would be fine if we at least try to climb uphill and that's why the royals bumped us there," Amara explained. She saw how the Royal Teacher narrowed her eyes trying to process each word she said. "Do you even have an idea what are the royals doing in there?" Lady Penelope asked — no, more like, mocked. Gillian glanced at Amara who's not even moving an inch in her place. She was looking straight with the Royal Teacher's eyes. Amara already went to the library and found something about that ball but it wasn't clear for her yet. She still need to seek a deeper explanation to help her understand each detail of that mysterious thing that happened to be her property for now. No one can even touch their finger on that, how can she even missed the information of that ball when it connected with her power like it has a force of magnet? She can't sleep at night without solving everything she had in her mind. "No, we don't know why they came there but I remembered Camille and Hailey mentioned that they were looking for something that me and Gillian didn't even know what," Amara said straight, she didn't stutter. That's Amara. She would just stutter and gamble her tongue when she's forcing herself to lie and all but when she's in her power, she would never. She's a daughter of her mother and if she's not going to stand strong, who will be going to protect her mom? Definitely, not Kean. "They were looking for something we all have no idea if that could be something would harm the Holy Land or something that would help Holy Land to be free from the darkness. So if you find something you wonder what it was, you better hand it to the council. We don't want a commotion around, Amara," Lady Penelope seriously said while looking straight to Amara's eyes like she was looking or sending those words into the deepest part of her mind and soul. Amara gulped and took a deep breath. She don't want to disrespect Lady Penelope for even with the vulgar and insults words, it still wouldn't change the fact that she came in the lower class that the woman she was facing would just step on with her stiletto without a sweat. "Lady Penelope, with all due respect, you do sounds like telling me I had something with me or found something. But, just what like I said, I don't have anything, Lady Penelope, and we didn't found something strange nor mysterious when we came over the mountain. We were busy strolling and looking at the over view of the entire Holy Land," Amara said standing in her own feet. She felt Gillian's hand in her elbow once again. It was always Gillian's hobby everytime they were in the hot scenario nor in a intense conversation. Lady Penelope nodded and smile at them. She walked closer to Amara and Amara didn't move, she waited for their Royal Teacher to get close to her. "I am so proud of you strong of a woman you have become, Amara," Lady Penelope said smiling and caresses her cheek. "You have no power and authority in you but you stand on your own and you never let anyone hold you in your neck." "I'm not doing like that, Lady Penelope. We have nothing to hold on, we don't have power and authority like what you said, we only have our pride and our life and I don't want that to be gone," she seriously answered that made the royal teacher nodded. "I understand but always remember that you still have many people around you that you should look up to. You should bow your head and kiss their feet. Amara, I admire your courage and strength but always know your place so you won't get into trouble," Lady Penelope calmly said but it didn't calm Amara. She gritted her teeth secretly and Gillian saw how she clenched her fist. Gillian hold her hand to calm her as well. "I will keep that in mind, Lady Penelope. Thank you gpr the reminder," she said that made the royal teacher stepped back with satisfaction in her face. Amara bow her head to leave and Gillian did the same thing however after her first step of turning her back, one thing popped up in her head. "I just want to know why are you telling those words, Lady Penelope," she said and faced back the royal teacher. Lady Penelope's smile was slowly fading. "I suggest you two should go now." The Royal Teacher said. Amara nodded, "we will, Lady Penelope. We will be leaving you alone here, I just want an answer. I want to know," she said in her low tone. "I didn't tell you those words to frighten you, Amara. That was an advice from your teacher and I did said those words to anyone who deserves to hears such words. And I guess, you are one of those Holiesters who needs to be reminded. We all have proper places for our own stand," Lady Penelope proudly said. Amara smiled and once again bowed her head. "I will always be thankful that I got the chance to hear your advice, Lady Penelope. I will make sure that I wouldn't be moving in the wrong path," she said in happy sound. She saw how Lady Penelope's eyes turning into something very serious and before the royal Teacher got her chance to speak, she immediately turned her back and Gillian followed her. Neither of them speak a single word while leaving the classroom until they reached the gate of the Holy University. They looked at each other when they sighed in unison. "I didn't knew you can be that badass, Amara. I know you can be a b*tch b*tch but talking like that in front of the certain Lady Penelope, that was fire. I am sure Aunt Juliet will be so proud of you," Gillian happily said that seems to be cheering her. She looked at her best friend and chuckled. "Let's just go first to the Holy City before we go home. Mom is there, she's selling veges now and I want to help her, do you want to come?" She asked Gillian who didn't even think a second and immediately nodded. "Yes! Grandma was there as well and I promised her that I will go there to see her and we'll be going home together," Gillian answered and it was a luck for the both of them when they saw the train coming over. They don't want to abuse their power by using it in not so important thing. Although, it was part of their lives, their body but it would also be some reason why some elder Holiesters can no longer handle their own abilities. They were losing strength and they're getting weaker and weaker. If the prophecy is real, then they really should be saving their strength of power and they really should be doing things such as practicing that would help them really big. No one would know what kind of storm was coming when the prophecy will happen. No one can tell when and it was just written in a book wlof prophecy. They both laughed and even gave each other a high five when they found the last two chairs. "I guess, we're still lucky enough today," Amara mumbled while chuckling with Gillian who also giggles. *" I know that Royalties are strong, but I never expected they were worst because of their strength,"* Gillian speak thru her mind. Amara didn't bother to look at her best friend and just acted like nothing. Sometimes it's really nice that both of them got the ability of telepathy and only difference was that she can block it if she want while Gillian can't. *" They have the power and the words, their words are the rules. We couldn't expect more from them,"* she answered. *" Isn't it funny that the Holy University were teaching us and telling us that the enemy was the demons when the fact was that, the real enemy of each Holiester was the fellow Holiesters?"* Gillian said while sarcastically laughing with a roll eyes and that made Amara smiled. She knew that, they grew up in the cruelty of the royalties rules. She was wondering why the King and Queen didn't do anything about it. Maybe or she just think thay maybe, the King and Queen were busy enough to find a solution how to defeat the cursed of the demon and they trusted their fellow royalties a lot to run and handle the rules of the entire Holy Kingdom. They heard that the King and Queen barely visited the Palace and where did they go? Who knows. And that is why she never believes in that Prince Stanley Flores. The only son of the King and Queen, he always acted like everything was fine. That everything the Holy Kingdom was equal. He knew how the royals treated the lower classes yet he didn't do anything. He already is not a minor, he should've his voice be heard. He is the prince and the next ruler of the Kingdom. Amara despises that kind of attitude, no wonder Kean was a monster because he was surrounded with Holiesters who doesn't have a heart for their subordinates. They only think of themselves. She pity the next generation that would be under this Prince Stanley's hand. She just hope that one day, before she died, she would be able to witness the rises of the real sun of the entire Holy Land and the fairness treatment of all the Holiesters. Well, that was a big impossible dream. *" We couldn't expect anything from them, the council members came from the royal bloodline. The director himself is a royalty, they would never let their line down,"* she answered after thinking such so many things. *" What a pity, look at these Holiesters here, all of us here were class 2 and that is why we are here in the edge of the train while the royals are there in the safest wagon box, the class 1 is next to them and we're here in the last, what a perfect example of discrimination,"* Gillian said and again rolling her eyes. Amara laughed in her mind and Gillian heard that. Gillian looked at her with a sharp eyes and she just winked. *" Stop complaining,"* she said laughing and Gillian just hissed. *"We can't anything about that now. We both know that Lady Penelope wasn't a good royal from the very beginning. We both know how cruel she can be, it's just that, their power made the Holiesters chose to forgoet their wrong doings. That is why I am not surprised that she said those words in my face. Knowing that she didn't know anything about the reason why we were in the mountain. They were just accusing us for something... Well, they were right but they don't have evidences against us."* she added and shrugged while following the lane of the Holiesters going outside the train for they have finally reached the Holy City. They both didn't waste a second for they have already been wasted it when they chose to listen Lady Penelope's warning — no, more like, a white threat. Amara and Gillian was about to run when this certain Holiester who looks like familiar just suddenly came to block their way and that made them stepped back glancing each other. "Who are you?" Gillian asked. Amara was trying to remember why the heck this face is familiar. She know she have already seen this looked wherever she just couldn't point out where among the countable place of the Holy Kingdom she was able to go. "Pretty girls, you came from class 2? I am Lemuel and I was from class 1. How about, let us be friends?" This Lemuel said flirtatious. Amara grimaced with that. "I'm sorry, Mr. Lemuel but if you can see I have my best friend here beside me and she has her best friend here beside her and that's me. So, if you don't mind, please step a-side and let me and my best friend go," Gillian said trying to control herself. They don't want to waste another time and it seems like the luck for the both them have already ended. Amara ready herself when the guy's face turned red after hearing what Gillian said. He seems to be cranky. "Miss beautiful, I pressume that you two heard what I just said. I came in the class, with that you should know that you can't do anything about that, you should know that I am way stronger that you two combined," the guy said that made Amara and Gillian switched to face palm in no time. "I'm sorry, man, but we don't waste our time." And with that, after saying those words, Amara grabbes Gillians wrist and they both teleported in front of the gate of the Holy City public market where class 2 Holiesters were allowed to sell their products. "What is going on with our day? Why do we have to have words with crazy and pain in the ass Holiesters?" Gillian mumbled as they landed in here. Well, maybe Amara doesnt want show to everyone the abilities that she got, teleporting is not a shocking news to them all and none of these Holiesters knows who she is. As they entered the gate of the Holy City public market, they both stunned in unison after seeing the scene that both boiled their bloods. Amara wasn't able to control herself.
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