Chapter 3

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"I really want to know what is in there in this crystal. I was never this curious but this crystal is showing something different for me. But you know, the other royals thought I was just saying anything impossible," she said sighing. I looked at Gillian when she poked me in the side and pointed the merchandise. Some of the Royals are coming out and I saw my brother coming out from there. He was with his colleagues, the royalties. We don't talk and I wouldn't see any problem with that at all. At least I got to have a peaceful life anywhere I go and even in the Holy University. Royals are powerful and that is why they were ruling Holy University but it's just a good thing that they are not doing illegals and bullying. But they were boastful and they thought they were the strongest making the weaker had to stepped back. "Let's just wait for them all to get out. We want to get out stuff there, right? We need to go there," Gillian whispered into my ear, making sure that Marj won't hear a thing. "Hold on, where are you two going?" Marj asked us. I looked at her and pointed the merchandise, "we were about to go there to buy our stuffs since school is in two days but Royals are still there and that is why everyone is falling in line in here, outside." I honestly answered. He looked at the merchandise herself and grimaced. Yeah right, that's how you Royals thought that those Holiesters that doesn't have any titles were useless and weak. "We thought we were early enough to not to bump any of the royals but I thing we're wrong because here they are, came earlier," Gillian said. I held her hand and nodded. "I'm sorry, miss, but we need to go to the other merchandise somewhere in this City so that we can have those what we need," I told her and grabbed Gillian's arm. Marj looked at us and nodded as if she was saying it's just fine. "She just wasted our time," Gillian whispered and I chuckled. She did right. And now, we're just roaming all around we passed by until we saw this newly built merchandise. I had to look at inside to see if there are some royals in there and luckily there's none. "Gillian, let's get inside," I told Gillian and she immediately nodded. We had to do it as fast as we can before royals came in and pushed us outside. "Why is that there's no royals in here?" Gillian asked loudly. "This merchandise was built not for royals." Both Gillian and I turned to see who just had answered Gillian's question and saw a smiling woman in I guess, in her late 20's or early 30's. Something like that. She was really pretty and she could pass to be part of the royals or even a Goddess. I bow my head down to show respect to someone who had a golden heart for Holiester that doesn't have titles. My mom would also give respect to someone like her. "Hi, your products are good. I like them but why is it there are still more Holiesters outside in the other side waiting for the royals to come out so that they can get inside? Why aren't they just come over here instead of waiting for those Holiesters who don't even think of them?" I asked her, without putting any filter in my mouth. I can sense that she's not someone who would give a support to a Holiesters who are very proud of themselves. Those Holiesters who only sees themselves. I can feel like she's someone who would stand in my side, cheering my words that I had in mind. "I agree, why is it I can only count in my fingers how many Holiesters came here?" Gillian echoed my question. "Because this merchandise was built only for the Holiesters that has beauty in their hearts," the woman answered with a sincer smile in her lips. "What do you mean?" Gillian again asked but the woman only gave her a smile. "It means, this merchandise is invisible to other Holiesters," I said that made the woman wider her smile. "And I'm glad that you two saw this. I was looking at the two of you from afar and I was hoping you could see us here," she said with so much happiness in her voice. "But this one is even more beautiful from the old merchandise that is full of royals. How come they can't see this? Aren't they good Holiesters?" Gillian mumbled. "They may or may not be pure hearted Holiesters but as long as they are not demons, they are good. You know, a purity doesn't come from the name, title and power. They came from the heart and mind. You can be the most powerful Holiester in the entire Holy Kingdom but if your heart is not pure and even how much you pretend that you are, your greediness won't get covered," the woman said and all of those made sense. The Holiesters that are sitting in the throne was respected by the Holiesters and the entire Holy Kingdom because of their names, their strength and ability. They were respected because Holiesters are tend to respect them and not because they were pure hearted that even if they choose to be greedy, still, Holiesters are not allowed to disrespect them. "Can we tell other Holiesters that this invisible merchandise in the Holy City exists?" I asked her. Though, Gillian and I, we doesn't have any friends a-side from each other. We only have each other and we're good with that. We don't need to be in the huge circle of friends who only talked back behind their friend's back. They were pretending to be each other's friends so that they can get along with each other and I hate that kind of friendship. My mom and I, it's fine with the two of us without talking to my brother as long as he won't force himself to talk to us. My mom would just live staring at Kean from afar as long as he won't kick her out from his sight. Kean's father was the most common greedy King in one of Holy Kingdoms. And we're just so thankful that Kean didn't get that manner from his father. That Marj, his cousin, seems like to be a good Holiester but obviously one of the brats. "I'm sorry but you can't. After you would have your last step going outside of this establishment, you will forget this merchandise. But when you again look it back, you can still see us here," she answered and that made me curious. Is she that powerful to make this kind of establishment here? Obviously she is not an ordinary Holiester. Her beauty says is and this ability say it louder. "We have already gathered everything that we need. Where are we going to pay them all? I haven't seen a cashier all over the place," Gillian said that made me scanned my eyes all over here. She was right, there was cashier in here. "Because that stuffs are not for sale. Those are free, free for the Holiester who still have chooses to stay pure hearted. Please from now on, always choose to stay out of the sins. I know that making mistakes are inevitable but it your choice to be bad hearted." I was about to ask her some questions when she just disappeared without saying goodbye. Gillian and I looked at each other and shrugged in unison. We picked up the back of school supplies for the two of us and slowly taking the way out of this establishment. "So are we going home now?" Gillian asked me. "We just completed our stuffs, I think we don't need anything now plus royals are getting inside again. Let's just go home. I have to water the plants and vegetables later in the afternoon," I responded. Mom and I will be harvesting those craps and that is why I have to make them grow faster. Vegetables are much in demand in the market because Holiesters who are living the life in the same level with us barely can afford meat and that is why they would always choose vegetables and almost 90% of us doesn't have the capability to grow a vegetables. That is why I took the chance that I can help mom to grow vegetables so that we can also have enough food to give to the abandoned town. "Are we going to fly or we'll be riding the train?" Gillian asked me for I have the ability to fly. But mom told me to never let anyone know about it. Flying is one of the rarest ability that a Holiester could have but I found out that I have. Gillian is one two Holiesters I can trust my whole life so I told her about this ability that I got. I don't even know why the heck I can fly. We flew all the way here and since she got the ability of being invisible no one was able to see us flying in the air. "Let's just fly. We can't join other Holiester in the train in this kind of days. They're probably crowding themselves in the train," I answered. I had enough with those 1St and 2nd class Holiesters who always just making fun wherever they go. They won't even mind if they're making so much noise as long as they're enjoying and I'm so sick of those Holiesters. "Hi!" I saw Gillian looked at me when a guy we both don't know who he was approached us with a huge smile in his face. We both took a step backward and I guess he saw that act. "H-hi," I stuttered, like why the heck? "What class are you on?" he asked. I tried to read his mind to know the reason why he would asked us in which class do we belong? He belongs to class 1, that means they're earning much of what we earned and they're more stronger than we are. They're next to the royals and they usually get the attention and protection from Royals because they were the one who always give gifts and anything to the palace. But for sure, not the palace of the Holy kingdom of Holy Land. The King and Queen, they were powerful and they gave us light and I am certain that they're not greedy because if they were, they won't waste their strength to give us light after the demon's Queen cursed the entire Holy Kingdom. I held Gillian's wrist and pressed it a little just to give her a warning to never answer his question. I know his friends are here, waiting to attact and bully us here. They got the courage because there was no council in here that would punish them all. Even if Royalties kids would see us getting hurt in the street, they won't mind. Unless it was the crowned royalties. Some of the are greedy to power and money but they would never tolerate seeing a Holiester hurting other Holiesters. Well, not them all. Holy Land have 3 Kingdoms. The Holy Kingdom of Soldiers, the Holy Kingdom of sinners and the Holy Kingdom of Holiesters. The Holy Kingdom of Soldiers were headed by the King and Queen of Soldiers. They were the strongest when it comes to weapons and they can easily make weapons by their powers. The Holy Kingdom of sinners was not a Kingdom but after the one Holiester offered her soul to the demon and attempted to end the life of the King of Holiesters, she was thrown in that kingdom where she was no where to go out. That became a kingdom for the Palace decided to throw whoever commited a crime to that place until it became a place for sinners. And lastly, the Holy Kingdom of Holiesters, where Holiesters are living in freedom. "We need to go home," Gillian answered without answering the boy's question. "You didn't answer the question yet," he said wearing the smile that no one would trust to. "Why would you ask us in which class do we belong?" I asked him. He seemed to be younger that me and Gillian. I am also taller than him. I doubt it if he really is stronger than I am. They were planning to attact to get our money. They were complacent of doing such thing because we have no chance of winning against them. When we bring the case into the council. Council is always in their side. And that sucks the Holy Land. It's always in favor of the powerful. "Do you question me? Because you don't look like royals so it's either you belong in the class 1 or class 2," he said laughing a little. "They're class 2," the other guy joined. I almost cursed when I saw who was that. He was one of Kean's friends from class 1. He was a bully whenever they're outside of the Holy University. For bullies doesn't have a room in the Holy University. I don't give any attention to any of the Holiesters inside the university, no wonder these boys didn't know me. I was just a commoner walking in the side like an air that no one could see. Gillian also hiding herself most of time especially when she's alone. "I'm sorry but we don't have time for your game," I said, pressing Gillian's wrist and thankfully she got what I wanted to say. Those Holiesters wouldn't get to see is now. They were scanning their eyes in the place to look for me and Gillian where the two of us now flying above them, invisibility. "Hopefully they can't remember our faces so that we can still have out peaceful life in the Holy University. Those Holiesters are really are pain the ass," Gillian said and she was so pissed until we reached at home. "They'll forget us. I don't how but I know they will," I answered without knowing how that even comes into my mind. Because honestly, I would also pray for them to forget their encounter with ours. I don't want to join their chaotic life in Holy University. "Oh. You two are here, did you buy everything you need?" Mom asked when she saw me and Gillian entering our tiny home. We don't have a bungalow house like where the class 1 are living but it's fine with us. Living in a nipa hut home is not a problem as long as we have shelter to cover our head from the rain. "Yes, auntie. We also got discounted stuffs because we went to the small merchandises that sells the same stuff," Gillian answered mom. "But why are you didn't go to the big merchandise?" I gave an answer to mom by shrugging my shoulders. She knew what does it mean and she no longer give us follow up question. "Do we still have food, mom?" I asked mom. "I have already prepared food for you two. I am going to the next town to bring these packed foods for them." My eyes widened when I heard that and I saw Gillian's excitement in her eyes as well. I remember she mentioned she wants to come with me and mom there. "Auntie Juliet, can we come with you?" she immediately asked mom. Mom looked at the two of us with her questioning eyes. "Can we?" I softly asked. School is in two days and when school started, I wouldn't know when will be a chance of coming with mom into the next town. In the next level, we will be training how to use guns and battling with each other, that means we will me spending much time in the Holy University than before. "Of course. You two have to take your meals first and I will wait for you both," she responded. Gillian and I immediately went to the kitchen and dig the food that mom prepared for the two of us. Gillian was just living with her grandmother and not knowing who was her father. Her mom died after trying to work along with the class 1 who are earning much to support her and their needs. And until now, we still have no idea the real reason of her mom's death. Working along with the class 1 is really not a good idea for us class 2. They were greedy and they won't allow class 2 to earn in the same wage as them. One day, they will get the karma they deserves. Now, we were walking toward the next town to give them foods. I winced when I lifted up the bag full of foods because it was legit heavy. was carrying them in her shoulder while walking for more than 2 hours just to get there. And luckily today, I can use the air to lighten up the bag for us. How can she this pure hearted? How can mom be this kind of Holiester? She was so pure that she won't complain the pain as long as she can give a hand to those who are in need. "Where are you going, Emilia?" The old woman from the group of those who are in-charge in our town asked. She looked at me and Gillian who are standing behind mom. "We are going to where we should go," mom answered with no fear. She was about to throw her power to mom when I immediately released a water in my hand. She looked at me with fearful eyes. I don't care. "I don't fight elders but if you touch my mom, I will." I said without even blinking.
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