Chapter 26

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"I really don't understand why all of a sudden you are accusing me of getting the Prince attention. Hailey, you don't have to feel some threat pf my existence. The Prince would never look at me like how you think he will look at me," she uttered. Amara was about to turn her back at Hailey but Hailey was so persistent of making a scene with her for this girl stopped her by grabbing her elbow with such strength. She shut her eyes and gritted her teeth for she don't like the commotion that was starting to be happen. She slowly turned back to face Hailey only to get surprised when Hailey surprised her with the force of her power. "Amara!" Gillian shouted and widened her eyes looking at Hailey with what she did. She ran through to succored Amara who just get thrown probably 5 meters away from them after Hailey surprisingly attacked Amara. Everyone was shocked with that as well, they didn't expect Hailey to do that for she never made a scene before, unlike her sister who always want to be the center of attention. "G," she coughed. She grimaced as Gillian helped her to get up. She almost lost her balance when she finally get back to be standing with her legs. "Are you okay? That was a full blast of strength, Amara," Gillian worriedly said, she nodded for she know how strong Hailey thrown to her. "What is your problem, Hailey? You are really crossing the line! Why would you do that to her? Amara and I, we are doing our best to never get into your sh*t! You and your group of a royal, we even declined the offer of being part of your group. And now, your unjustified accusations towards my best friend made her get hurt with your own hand?" Gillian fired at Hailey who didn't even lool like surprised of what she just did. She was still looking at Amara like she still want to strike for the second time. Amara was coughing and she couldn't really get her balance back, she was in dazed. "You will be getting much worst than that if you will not knowing your place, Amara. Don't ever forget who you are dealing with. I swear, in the next time that you will get into my way, I will make you regret that you were born in the Holy Land!" Hailey angrily said that she even yelled. "We always reminded you to stay our of our way. Amara, you really are getting into our nerves. You are so much alike with your mother!" And with that, in just a blink of an eye, Amara was now at Camille's back holding a very sharp water knife and was placed right in her neck. Camille as well as Hailey widened their eyes in surprised that even Gillian was in the midst of shockness. Amara's eyes were burning in anger, her blood was boiling when she just heard how Camille once again included her mother in the sh*t. "I don't make any moves in your insult against me. I don't fight with you all even if I can. I stayed in my place and not getting into your way. But you, you keep on getting my way and the worst part was, how dare you bringing my mom into everything! Let me hear once again that you are insulting my mom, I wouldn't mind taking your life with my bare hand even if you are a royal. Don't provoke, Camille, Hailey." Everyone was silent and was just listening to Amara's long speech. He voice kind off thundered all the place and every Holiesters that are watching them heard every single word she just said. They can even spot how Camille was panting in fright when Amara locked her arm around her neck with that sharp knife. Amara's hand was shaking, she was trying hard to control herself not to be eaten whole by the anger that slowly consumed her mind. "Put that weapon down, Amara!" The director's voice thundered the whole Holy University's corridor. Amara looked at the Director and he was with the other council's officer and even with the royal teacher, Lady Penelope. "What the hell you are doing, Amara! Let go of Camille!" Lady Penelope shouted in anger. Gillian stood up beside Amara and the both of them were facing them all that even Kean stood up behind Hailey. The Prince were not around and who knows where the hell he is. "I said, put that weapon down, Amara," Mr. Director once again said in a deeper and harder tone. Amara followed and let go of Camille without blinking and not even taking her eyes off of the Director and Lady Penelope who stood up infront of the council members. Kean catches Camille who seems like lost her balance for maybe, not maybe, but really couldn't believe that she was put in the situation where a class 2 Holiesteres are holding her life. Camille took a step forward with her head high with the thought of having the council and Lady Penelope in her back. But Amara who are looking fearless didn't even move from where she was standing. Gillian stayed beside Amara and was looking at Camille whom she saw that was sending a death glare to her and Amara. "Mr. Director, I am not sorry for pointing my knife at Camille's neck and I would it again if she will keep insulting my mother," Amara bravely said in front of these Holiesters she knew would mock at her. "You really are brave, Amara. But try to learn to where you are just supposed to be standing. Whatever you do, that won't make any sense if you do keep of opposing us, royals. You have no match against us Amara and that's the reality," Hailey said that made Amara looked at her with a sharp glare. "Step back, Amara," Kean uttered that made everyone looked at him. Amara gave Kean the most disgusting look and that went Kean even more serious than ever. She never looked at him like that before, despite of her anger towards this guy, she never looked at with disgust, although she always look at him with anger and despised him. "You should answer the questions in the council Amara. You will be charge for the crime you did," Lady Penelope said and that narrowed both Gillian and Amara's eyes. They looked at the royal teacher with confusion, Amara eventually smirked with that. "Lady Penelope, I didn't do any crime, I am innocent," she responded. "You just pointed that water knife in Camille's neck and that threat is a crime," Hailey replied. "Because she's a royal? Well then, you should also call a charge to Hailey," Amara retaliates that widened Hailey's eyes. She probably didn't expect her to spill it. Obviously, the witnesses are not a witness, they saw it but they didn't see it. Everyone here probably afraid with what Hailey and the other royals in their group can do. Royals are known to be heartless, it's just happened that no one was able to pull an evidence. That makes Amara wonder about the King and the Queen, why would they are letting these royals to run the Palace Council where all about the Holy Kingdom were talked to. "I didn't do anything wrong!" Hailey appealed. Amara smirked and walked towards Hailey. Kean even moved like she was protecting Hailey against her. Kean was really adding her arrears on Amara and Amara's counting them all. Time will come, that she will get even with all these Holiesters. "I can prove you did, Hailey. You just use your power against me. I am even bleeding." She said and showed the blood that stained on her clothes. She had wound on her stomach when Hailey attacked her. It wasn't visible earlier for she was covering it with her palm after the pushed Camille off of her. Everyone gasped and Hailey gulped. *"I will never let you all win by making us lower classes suffer because of your unbalanced justice*" she shouted over her head.
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