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xavier i was sitting on the balcony of my room were i could see almost everything around the pack,that includes chloe's bedroom window i could see her still sleeping and i knew she overslept almost everyday because she would wake up in frenzy everyday, and she would always be late for everything that she is my mate she is seven years younger than me she was only eleven when i shifted i am friends with her brother alex now im 24 she's 17 we are only a weeks time away from her birthday and i wont be able to see her anymore. she's still in high school i guess even thou she doesn't know that im her mate she still has something towards me cause she would never miss a chance to talk or even be near me i guess the moon goddess really has her ways. she was a cute little thing that i would love to protect but i cant im an alpha and not just any alpha but a royal alpha i took my seat at twenty i am the alpha king. "babe i've prepared breakfast" my train of thought and moment of peace were i could just watch my mate from a distance was intarupted by my chosen mate sabrina , she is an alpha's daughter she is a good companion she's considerate and also strong enough. and she is not my weakness so no one will use her against me she is a great suitor to bare my pups. i walked over and ate the break fast she made, it wasn't as tasty as the one made by chloe ,i know she cooks well because i would sometimes go fetch alex at his home when we go somewhere and she would insist on us eating before we left 'but it was good'. i thanked her after i finished my meal and left for my office. when i got there the was a faint smell of my mate so i pushed the door only to find alex sitting on the couch of my office waiting for me."alex why do you smell like your sister?" i asked with a content frown on my face he looked at me a casually said " i had to use her shower this morning mine had some problems" that only build in the annoyance i had inside as i hissed "the next time your shower has problems use the visitors bathroom instate" he looked taken aback but didnt go deeper into it probably thinking that i was moody he just sighed annoyingly as he threw his arms up in surrender and walked out while throwing a pillow he was holding at me " your a p***y in the morning" and walked out while closing the door behind him. i was left with a faint smell of a mate i did not want to smell and my wolf wanting more of it. i took the pillow i had thrown at me and put it on my note the smell was faint but it was enough to get my lower member excited.i stood to lock the door then started stroking my member with the pillow on my nose i did that calling her name and taking her scent for some minutes before i reached my climax and came roaring her name, i was panting and taking in the faint smell when i was done i sat there for a long time not wanting the feeling to go away but i was disturbed by a nok on the door.
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