Chapter Five - Talking and falling asleep

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Amelia’s P.O.V “What made you come here for the last year of school?” he asked “Um, things not great at home,” I said, not wanting to tell him too much “I know how that feels.” He said, a sadness to his voice “Sorry to hear that Ethan,” I said “It must be serious if you travelled eight hours away.” He said I was not sure if he was saying that to try to get me to tell him the reason or he was stating the obvious. I decided why not just tell him,.Matt will probably mention it to him at some point without meaning to. “My mum walked out a few months ago, left us for a younger man. We have not heard from her since. She never even had the decency to show up at my Uncle Toms funeral. Anyway, my dad took it badly. He spends his time working, sleeping around and drinking. He has no time for me cause I remind him too much of her. My dad isn't a bad guy. He was the most amazing husband and father until she ruined him. I am hoping with me away he will find time to heal you know?” I said with a sob, not realising I was crying as I told him.  “Amelia, I am sorry that happened to you. I am sure he loves you like he always has. He is only hurting, and he needs time.” Ethan said “I know,” I said through my tears.  I let out a loud sob, when that happened he reached over, pulling me close to him, wrapping me in his arms. If I was not upset I would pull away. It was giving me comfort. I snuggled into his side. I seem to fit perfectly into the crooks of his body. I heard him gulp when I did that. I was not sure if I should move. He answered my questions by placing his hand on my lower back, stroking my lower back through my nightie. His soft caressing touch made a shiver shoot straight down my spine. A silence fell between us as we lay in darkness. The light coming through the curtains beginning to become a little brighter due to the sun due up soon. “Amelia, can we talk about what you heard?” he asked Darn! I was hoping he had forgotten about that. I shifted uncomfortably at the mention of his words. His grip on me tightened, sensing I was trying to get away from him…Ethan not having it. “Amelia please don’t move away from me,” he whispered “I don’t get it, Ethan, you don’t even know me?” I asked “I know. I am hoping I can get to know you though.” He said “Why? I am sure you have girls throwing themselves at you. Why are you taking such an interest in me? I am not like all the other girls Ethan.” I said, pulling away and sitting up.  Ethan letting out a frustrated groan before following my lead. I turned to look at him. His face only inches away from mine. I felt my breath catch in my throat, his lips too close for me to keep my control around him. “Yes I do but I am interested in them for different reasons. As I said to you…to Matt, I don’t know what it is. As soon as you looked at me when we first met I was drawn to you. I am not one that gets drawn in this way especially by girls but with you, I can’t help it. I don’t know what it is Amelia but there is something and I know you feel it too. Yes, it sounds crazy cause we don’t even know each other. I am telling the truth though.” He said I sat there in shock, my mind going into overdrive. My heart beating nervously in my chest. He was right though there is something there, I don’t know what.I don’t know how to explain but it is there. “And I know I can’t do anything about it because of Matt.” He said “I know. Why tell me all this Ethan when we both know nothing can ever happen between us?” I asked “Cause I wanted you to know that is why.” He said “OK,” I replied I had no other answer for him. It was clear whatever this was we were not gonna find out exactly what it was. I hear him let out a disappointed sigh. “Can we try being friends?” he asked “Yeah, sure.” I smiled It was something right? He was not seeming in any hurry to leave since he lay back down. It would probably be the best if he did but I never wanted to be the one to suggest it that would be rude of me. He reached for me, pulling me into him again, “I want five more minutes of cuddles then I promise to leave.” He said, a seriousness to his tone “Can you give me five more minutes?” he added “Yes.” I breathed out I lay down next to him again, resting my head on his chest this time. My hand on his stomach. I hear his heart beating louder in his chest and I could feel mine doing the same. “This isn't gonna be as easy as I hoped to stay away from Amelia.” He said stroking my hair “I know, we need to know though for Matt’s sake,” I replied “I know.” He whispered ****** I woke to the sun shining brightly through the bedroom window. I went to move to check the time but I couldn’t cause I had an arm around me. It took me a minute to click and that’s when I realised it was Ethan. We must have fallen asleep. Crap! What time is it? I managed to reach for my phone, the time reading 1030am…double crap! “Ethan wake up.” I said louder than planned shaking him “What the?” he said jumping falling off the bed, landing on the floor with a thud.  I know it was not the time to laugh but I could not help myself. “s**t! We fell asleep. What time is it?” he said panicked, my laughing soon stopping “Ten thirty.” I said meeting his panic “f**k!” he said jumping to his feet “Matt is gonna f*****g kill me if he finds me in here.” He added “I know, you better leave now before he does cause if he had already then we would know about it.” I said.  “I will see you downstairs. I can’t believe we fell asleep.” He said I never got a chance to respond before he ran out the door and down the stairs. Matt usually sleeps late when he doesn’t have school. I  was hoping today was the same. I listened carefully, listening out for shouting but there was nothing, and he must not be up. I sighed in relief, glad we had not been caught, not by Matt anyway. But my Aunt would be away to work. I really hope she never checked my room before she left or I am in trouble. I would be worrying about that all day now until she gets home or calls. Crap. I really hope she was not in my room. 
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