
1328 Words
'You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.'                                       ~Dr. Seuss I raise my head and take in the surroundings around me. The Alpha's office looks organised and tidy with a bookshelf full of books standing proudly at the far end of the room. His walls are painted a soft cream colour which made me feel welcomed and his hard tiled floor shined brightly as the sun bounced off it from the window.  So far, nothing seemed out of order. I felt perfectly safe here. "What is it, Beta Lucas?" A deep voice grumbled. I looked at the polished desk in front of me and peered at the Alpha. His tousled brown hair sat comfortably on his head. It matched perfectly with his well-sculpted face: his thick eyebrows furrowed with confusion and his almond-shaped eyes showed off the deepest hue of hazel in them. Alpha Damon was clearly a handsome man but for some reason, I didn't find him nearly as attractive as Adonis. "She was found wandering around in your territory, Alpha," Beta Lucas explained, "she said that she's human yet she seems to know about our kind?" "Is that so?" Asked Alpha Damon eyeing me up and down. "Excuse me, my eyes are up here," I remarked. "Sorry," Alpha Damon chuckled, "you just seem so different." "Well I hope that's a good thing" "That depends, how do you know about our kind?" Alpha Damon asked with an eyebrow raised. "First of all, Fanfiction and second of all, my kidnapper happens to be one too." "Fanfiction?" "And my kidnapper" I nodded. "Do you know who your kidnapper is?" "He told me his name is Adonis." "Alpha Adonis?" "You know him?" I exclaimed with horror etched across my face. "Unfortunately, I do"  The Alpha seemed angry; it was clear that he and Adonis had a rough past so it's best that I don't ask any questions.    "Listen, you seem like a sane guy and all so is it ok if I could stay here for today?"  Alpha Damon smiled, "Of course, how long do you plan to stay here for?" "Just for today, I can leave tomorrow" I promised. However, the Alpha stood up to his full height, instantly towering over me. He looked scared. "Um, maybe you should stay here for at least two days? You know, so Adonis could calm down and not do anything drastic when you go back home again?" Damon reasoned. He does give a good point but why does he seem scared? "Sure, I guess I could stay." I mean I don't see why not, I've already been kidnapped once and I practically ran all the way here so I at least deserve a nap. "Great! I'll show you to your room!" Alpha Damon lit up. Beta Lucas opened his mouth to speak, "Um, isn't that my j-" "No, I distinctly remember that as an Alpha, it is my job to welcome any guests so you're dismissed." I try to suppress my laughter as I watch Beta Lucas bow and leave the room. I've never seen anyone so bad at lying before. "What?" Grumbled Alpha Damon. I didn't know what he was talking about until I realised my huge grin plastered on my face, "You're a bad liar, you know that?" I giggled.  "I know, I know" he sighed.  "So?" "So, what?" "So why did you lie?" I asked. "Well, I've never had such a beautiful human as my guest before," he admitted shyly, "so I wanted to make a good first impression. I watched as a light pink tint covered his cheeks and I smiled, "You didn't have to lie to do that, next time just be honest." "I will" he chuckled. "I guess I'll take you to your room now..." Alpha Damon started but stopped when he realised that he still didn't know my name. "Amy. Amy Gonzales." I smiled, sticking out my hand.  "Well, it's nice to meet you, Amy. As you may already know, I'm Alpha Damon but please just call me Damon." He said gently holding my hand and shaking it. He smiled and led me to the hallway. We walked beside each other but I made sure that I stayed slightly behind him since I didn't know where I was going. Damon led me to the staircase and we continued down the corridor on the next floor. Soon, we stopped in front of a few doors and Damon opened the one in the middle. "This is my room" he announced.  I looked inside and looked around the room. It seemed bland with white walls and a bed with a nightstand next to it and a door which presumably is a walk-in closet. "Why are you showing me your room?"  "As alpha of a large pack, we do get a lot of rogue attacks so in case of emergency just come to my room." Informed Damon. "Seems legit," I say.  "It is" he laughed. "How come your room is so plain?" I ask. It sounded rude out loud but I'm a curious person so I couldn't help myself. "I'm not bothered to decorate my room. What's the point when I spend more time in my office than in my bedroom? Besides I want my Luna to decorate it."  "Where is she?" I asked looking around the bedroom.  "I haven't met her yet. But I can tell I'm going to find her soon." Said Damon eyeing me as soon as he mentioned the word 'Luna.' I felt slightly uncomfortable from his stare since I had an idea of what he was trying to say. "Um well, that's kind of you" I compliment feeling extremely awkward. Damon smiles with a knowing look and he opened the door right next to his bedroom.  "This is your room." I walked inside and smiled at the very spacious room. It looked similar to Damon's room but it makes sense since it's just a guest room. "Thank you for helping me out." I smile. "What can I say? I'm kind like that." I laugh. "Well if you need me, I'll be in my office. In the meantime get some rest." Damon stepped away from the door frame and gently closed the door behind him. Instantly, I dropped my backpack to the ground and threw myself on the bed. Fast forward a few hours later I wake up from my nap and check the clock on the nightstand. 1 PM. Best nap ever. I say to myself. I slowly slide out of my bed and jump into the shower. A while later, I dry myself off and put on a clean outfit I had packed in my backpack before walking out of my room. My initial plan was to explore the house but a voice in a specific room stopped me. It came from Damon's office.  "Yes I have her... you know you can't walk on claimed land you don't want a repeat of 5 years ago to happen now do we?" Damon's voice was laced with venom as he spoke and the fact that I can't hear the whole conversation must be because he's on a phone call but the question is, with who? "Clearly she doesn't want to be with you, she escaped didn't she?" Okay, it's obvious he's talking about me. I leant forward and pressed my ear against the door. "My fault? Let's not forget who was the one that killed-" "What are you doing?" A voice startled me out of concentration and I quickly spun round to see the source of the voice. Beta Lucas.  I was about to say something until Damon spoke up. "I hear something so I'm gonna go see who it is and don't call back" My feet itched to move but Beta Lucas blocked my way and the doorknob to Damon's office rattled and out came Damon. "Amy?" Well, I done f****d up now. ~~~
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