Introducing Dahlia

1821 Words
'If watching is all you're gonna do, then you're gonna watch your life go by without ya.' ~Laverne, The Hunchback of Notre Dame I woke up with a daze at the back of a moving car. Everything is pitch black so I try to at least move to a more comfortable position only to hiss at the throbbing pain in my right arm. Man, I thought drugs were supposed to make you feel good. Suddenly, I feel the car halt to a stop and immediately footsteps rush to open the car so I quickly pretend to be asleep since I wasn't ready to talk to anyone yet. I hear the trunk open and a pair of warm arms wrap themselves under me.  "Don't touch her" Mysterious Guys voice rumbles in distaste.  "Sorry Alpha" another man apologises and I feel him back away.    Alpha? What the hell? Another pair of warm arms wrap around me and I flinch as I feel the electrifying sparks shoot up my spine, making Mysterious Guy press me close against his chest whilst holding me bridal style. I won't lie to you, it actually felt nice being held like this. I felt protected, something that I didn't feel for years. "You may leave" he stated and shortly after, the pair of footsteps walked away leaving it to just me and Mysterious Guy. "Open your eyes" he commanded. My heart was now caught in my throat but I ignored his command and continued to pretend that I was sleeping in hopes he wouldn't catch on.  He let out an irritated sigh, "I know you're awake, gatinha." (Kitten) Well there goes my cover, I think to myself as I slowly open my eyes and I'm shocked to see that the sun was already beginning to set. Did I sleep all day? Seeing that I opened my eyes, he gently put me on my feet and grabbed my hand. I quickly pulled my hand away causing him to growl lowly at me. "Excuse me, you just kidnapped me, injected me with some dodgy ass drug and now you expect me to let you hold my hand? I don't think so." I argue.  "Ok you're being overdramatic, first of all, that drug was perfectly safe." He argues back. "No drug is ever safe, even prescription medicine can harm you if you take too much of it." "I would never hurt you, if that drug wasn't safe to use, I wouldn't have used it on you." Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I can feel a small blush form on my cheeks. Clearly, Mysterious Guy caught on because he let out a small smile. "Follow me." He begins to walk past a massive gate with numerous spiral designs on it. I hesitate for a bit but at this point, what have I got to lose?  I start walking and soon Mysterious Guy and I are walking side by side and a large house comes into view. It looked like a mansion that I dreamt of having ever since I was a little girl, that's how beautiful it is.  Right now, the sun is already long gone so the house was lit up with its own artificial lights causing the luxurious swimming pool in front to shimmer under the moon's gaze. "Do you like it?" He asked staring at my shocked expression with amusement. I nod, not really trusting my own voice at the moment.  He let a small smile form on his face and opened the front door letting me in first. Now I cannot stress this enough, the inside looked about a million times better than the outside and that's saying something. The floor was waxed and cleaned that I can see my reflection clearly on it. There were two staircases on either side joining together to a second-floor ground. I didn't really have time to admire everything properly because Mysterious Guy was already halfway up the stairs. I follow after him and together, we pass about two more floors until we reach the very top. The very top floor only has three doors and he leads me to the third one and opened the door. "This is going to be your room temporarily" Mysterious Guy explains. Temporarily? "What do you mean temporarily?" "I'll tell you another time, right now you need to rest." I accept his answer as I was surprisingly getting tired again.  "What's your name?" I ask. "Adonis" He replies smoothly. Adonis, decent name. I thought. "How do you afford all this?" For a second, Adonis looked slightly startled at my question but quickly covers it up with a blank expression. "Well after our match yesterday, I thought it was clear that I'm a great boxer?" Boxer? Match? Everything became clear to me as I began to rethink everything that happened yesterday. "That was you?!" "I thought you realised it by now" Adonis smirked. "How dare you?! You choked me!" I shouted. "You broke my nose" he replied nonchalantly and I looked at his nose to see it looking perfectly fine as it did before.  "You drugged me" "Well, you stabbed me," Adonis said looking bored already. Well, what the f**k am I gonna say to that? "Touché," I said and I slammed the door against his face. I looked around my room and again, I was at awe. The main colour of the room was a goldish bronze colour, the bed was massive and the pillows look so comfortable. Honestly, this looks more of a hotel room than a guest room. Since I didn't have any spare clothes, I stripped down from my current clothes and slipped underneath the silky covers in just my underwear. And if there's one this that I should tell you, is that this was one of the best sleep of my life.  The next morning "Luna wake up" I was awoken by a pair of soft arms gently tugging me. "What time is it?" I ask with a hoarse voice still keeping my eyes closed. "It's 8 AM, Luna" the voice responded. "Damn girl, get some sleep," I say whilst turning to the right, away from the window. I heard a small laugh, "Sorry but you have to wake up. Adonis told me to take you shopping." Why did Adonis send someone to take me shopping? If I knew kidnapping was as luxurious as this long time ago, I would've gone with Adonis willingly and I wouldn't have had to get drugged in the first place. "Well I do need some clothes" I mutter opening my eyes, "Fine but on one condition." Since I opened my eyes, I could clearly see the girl next to me. Her red hair glistens in the morning sun and her wide emerald eyes sparkle in delight and... admiration? She has a bunch of cute freckles scattered under her eyes and over her button nose. She looks about my age, 17.  "What is it, Luna?" She leans in closer to me almost acting as if this conversation is going to grant her eternal youth or something. Well, I hope she doesn't mind my morning breath. "Stop calling me Luna, that's not my name, it's Amy." Her eyes widen with delight and her lips break out into a huge smile. Bruh, all I did was tell her my name.  "Sorry Lu- Amy," she said blushing a little.  She's so adorable! I'm honestly trying so hard not to reach out and pinch her cheeks. "Not to be rude or anything but who are you?" I question. "Oh I'm Dahlia, Adonis' cousin" "I never knew Adonis has a cousin; then again, I don't actually know anything about him." I chuckled. "Come on, you need to get up," Dahlia laughed, "I'll make you a quick breakfast and we'll head out to the shopping centre, I'll wait for you outside." I wait until Dahlia is outside before I climb out of bed and put on my outfit from yesterday. Since I don't have a hairbrush on me, I put my hair into a plait as neatly as I can and head out the door. As promised, Dahlia is standing there patiently waiting for me.  "Hey, before we go and buy clothes, can we go to a local store and buy some necessities like a toothbrush? I'm not planning to murder anyone with my morning breath." Dahlia giggled, "sure, now let's go get you breakfast." I follow Dahlia to the kitchen and I sit myself down by the kitchen island while I watch her make scrambled eggs with bacon for me.  After happily devouring my breakfast, I hop into Dahlia's car and we drove off to by a few essentials before heading to the shopping centre.  Dahlia parked her car and led me to the entrance.  "Umm Dahlia, I don't exactly have money on me right now," I confess. "Yes, that's why you're going to be using my money" smiled Dahlia. I smiled back, "Ok I'll be sure to pay everything back soon" "Oh no you don't have to, please I insist"  "Alright but only because you insist" I bought about two outfits from H&M and started to head to the exit. "Amy, aren't you going to buy more clothes?" Dahlia asked with a small frown on her face. "No, I don't want to waste your money," I explain, " plus, I bought two because I'm planning to go back home as soon as possible." I looked straight at Dahlia seeing hurt and sadness etched across her face. "Are you ok, Dahlia?" I asked concerned.  "Why aren't you staying? Did I do something wrong? I'm so sorry if I did Luna! I promise I'll be better I'll-" I quickly interrupt her rambling, "You seem like a very genuine person and I would love to stay friends with you but you need to understand, I wasn't exactly brought here willingly and it wouldn't make sense for me to stay." "I understand if you must go but can you at least buy more clothes. Think of it as a goodbye present" smiled Dahlia but I could still see the pain in her eyes. Why is she so upset at the fact that I'm leaving? We just met this morning.  "Ok but only because you really want me to"  ————— We spent the next five hours shopping and it was now almost three in the afternoon and I was starving. "Let's go back to the house and have lunch there, it will be easier since we have all these bags with us." I agree and immediately head back to the car. We drive silently back to Adonis' house in comfortable silence only making small talk here and there.  When we arrive, we get out of the car and carry all the bags into the house. As soon as we enter the house, we are greeted by an angry voice: "Where the f**k have you two been" ~~~
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