The Masons

1239 Words
Dear me, It’s Monday. New day, New Family. Not that I have a new family every day but yes I’m going to a new family today. I just wish I could have a permanent family that’ll adopt me because I’m so sick of moving around all the time. I want to be part of a family again. This new family seems like a nice family. I know a little bit about them. They’re a married couple and they have 2 kids, Steph and Chloe. Steph is 5 years old I think and Chloe is around my age. I hope I’ll have a good time here. I close my diary when I finish writing and put it in my backpack that I’m taking with me to the new family I’m moving into. I’m not excited at all. I just wish they’re a better family than my last one. I’m tired of moving around all the time, I’ve been in the foster system for about 5 years, a lot of people have been in it for much longer but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be allowed to complain about it right? I get in the car of my social worker, Mark. He’s been my social worker ever since I’ve come into the system. He’s really nice and I like him. People tend not to like me so I’m not sure if Mark likes me but that’s okay, I don’t have to live with him or anything. Mark starts driving to the Masons house. I look out of the window and start wondering what this family will be like. Will I share a room with Chloe? Will they treat me like their own? Will they abuse me? Will they make me do all the chores around the house? Foster homes are usely bad, I’ve never really been in a good foster home, that’s why I move around so much. Suddenly Mark starts talking snapping me out of my thoughts. “This home will be good for you, I promise.” He tells him and I just shrug my shoulder. If you haven’t noticed I’m not much of a talker. I don’t really open up to anyone, I don’t talk to anyone. I’m very anti social. I just never know what to say. We get to the Masons house and I get out of the car. I get this feeling in my stomach of nervousness as I look at the house I’ll be living in. They’re complete strangers to me at the moment and I have to live with them. Anyone who doesn’t find that scary is a god to me. Mark and I walk to the front door and he knocks. The door opens shortly after, they must have been expecting us to come. “Good afternoon Sherley and Jack.” Mark says to the couple. They shake each other’s hands and let us in. “So this is Emma.” Mark says introducing me. I shyly smile but don’t say a word or do anything else. They put their hand out for me to shake and I look at the hands in shock. I’m so uncomfortable in these kind of situations. Suddenly time stands still and it seems like they will never return their hands to their own personal space. I hear mumbles coming from Mark but can’t make out what he exactly says. Just then Sherley and Jack move on and put their hands away. I must seem like such an i***t to them. Suddenly I hear people coming downstairs. “Ah Emma, these are your foster sisters. Steph and Chloe.” Sherley says. I look at them and smile slightly. “Why don’t you go and talk to them a little and I’m going to get some paper work done with Sherley and Jack.” Mark says. Talking to people, that’s what I’m best at. “Hey.” Steph, the little one, says excitedly. She’s cute, I think I would be able to talk to her because she is little and it’s easier to talk to little kids. Chloe I’m going to have trouble with I think. Chloe already looks like she wants to kill me. “Let me just get one thing straight. I’m supposed to bring you to school and show you around. Yeah don’t expect me to do that, I’ll bring you to school because otherwise my parents will take my car away but once we’re in school, you don’t talk to me or look at me.” Chloe says harshly and I take a step back. Chloe goes back upstairs and I’m left with Steph. “How old are you?” Steph asks me like Chloe didn’t just say what she said. “16.” I say quietly. “I’m 5.” She says proudly and holds up her 5 fingers to show me how old she is. She’s adorable. At least that’s one good thing about this house. “So everything is handled. Are you going to be okay?” Mark asks me as they all come back in the room. I nod my head, although I know I’m not going to be okay. Mark leaves the house and leaves me alone with these strangers. “Where’s Chloe?” Jack asks. “She went back to her room.” Steph says. “Alright. Emma I’ll show you to your room. Steph why don’t you go to your room and play, lunch will be when Emma is all settled in.” Sherley says. Steph nods her head and goes back upstairs. Sherley follows Steph upstairs and motions for me to come with her. “Chloe is not really on board with this, but she’ll get used to you being here.” Sherley says and I nod as we walk upstairs. “This will be your room.” She says opening a door. It’s not that big but also not small. I’ve never had a room to myself since I’ve been in the foster system. I always had to share it with someone. I’m glad I don’t have to share a room with Chloe, that wouldn’t end well I think. “I’ll leave you to it, this room is all yours, you can do with it what you want, if you need anything else, just ask me.” Sherley says and I nod my head and smile. Sherley is nice, I like her. Sherley leaves me alone and I close the door to my room and sit down on the bed. My last family was so horrible, I’m glad I’m out of there but starting over again is scary. I think this is a better family.
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