Chapter Four

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The Lords trained in Khalon for six months, after which the King retired to his throne in the Capital, Conrad was to take his place in sword lessons, they were to move on to the next retreat of Layrim that was in Lalin, Conrad's tribe. So far the training went well, Isabella had a great time training with the Lords and she also enjoyed teaching the other nobles of Layrim the art of archery, of all things she was happy about she was most excited to visit the retreat of Lalin, she had been banned by her father Lord Anderson from the retreat because her study of the Lost was getting in the way of her duties as a Lady of his house. The King allowed them to ride on their own to Lalin as he believed they should spend time together and get to know each other better, for the rest of the training Conrad was in charge of discipline and survival. The young Conrad was not happy with the idea because he knew this was the King's way of putting him in charge of the other Lords and Elizabeth's word of him being head of the League was still fresh in his mind, once he began accepting responsibilities from the King, he knew there was no end to it... So on the way to Lalin, he kept a reasonable distance between himself and his comrades. Elizabeth wasn't going to let him have it so she slowed down her horse until Conrad caught up. "You know, in the eyes of observers, you are watching over them "But I know that is not the reason you are here is it Lord Conrad?" "I will ask this just you practice sorcery?" Conrad remained amazed at her manner of speaking, she spoke clearly, slowly, and confidently with a rhythmic accent that made it seem like every word of hers was a law. "I do not, I do not believe in it either, yes I know of the Magician’s guild which has no logical explanations, but I keep my thoughts away from things over which I have no control" "Then is it true you write on your palms your mistakes of the day?" "Many of the songs from the Bards are no myth. Why Conrad? Do you doubt the scrolls? Do not forget there are songs about you too. And the elders have written many scrolls on you" she asked showing him her palms. Sadly she quickly retracted it so he could not read from them. She nodded in satisfaction when he whispered 'it is'. They rode in silence till they approached the water beside the Calvary Legion between Khalon and Lalin... (The tribes of Layrim have spread apart, between them was the out-lands) "You know water hold fundamental truths and I believe every knight should be as it is" she spoke up as they passed by the bay. "Why? Why water?" Conrad asked he thought the Knights would be horses or torches... at no point did he imagine the Lost to be a simple thing as water. "Because it keeps control of itself, it heals and ends destruction, it represents hope and strength, a future and status. Is this not a Knight Lord Conrad?" she asked not expecting an answer from him. "Do you think Layrim needs the Revival?" Conrad asked curiously wanting to know why the knights were necessary. "Water to the people is life, and with hope, one fights to live. Conrad, you have no idea how the people would feel seeing you as head of the Revival, they look to you with such fervor and honor that you do not see in yourself, Layrim needs no more royals- it has those in numbers, what we need is a leader for our soldiers, an example for our children, a shoulder for the older ones and a face for the men, you do not see it in yourself but I see it in you." Again Conrad was amazed at the wordplay of such a young maiden, he was older than her, she was no more than sixteen or fifteen yet here she was speaking wise words like that of the elders. "We rest here!" he called out to the Lords, he wanted to observe the waters more and understand why Elizabeth thought it her element. The other Lords didn't want to arrive at Lalin on the same day, so they pressured Conrad into letting them stay the night by the bay, they made a fire and were singing by it the songs of the Lost. Conrad walked away from the group in search of Lady Elizabeth...he found her closer to the water scribbling some words on her palms. "I'm surprised you found something today" "Since the first day of the training I have found a lot of things to write" she answered absentminded, it was like she was in a sort of trance as she closed her eyes and wrote with ink on her palm. "Oh, why?" "Because you were there" Conrad was surprised by the reply and walked closer to see what she had written but the Lady wouldn't let him, she raised her palm making him halt in his tracks. "Why?" he asked frustrated by her short and confusing replies. "Knowing my mistakes may not be a good idea... at least not now" she paused and continued writing. "You have another question" it was not a question, it was a statement. "Huh? No, I do not. How do you know? "Do you read my thoughts?" "No it is not reading your thoughts, I know because I made you curious" "Why is my presence a cause for a mistake?" "Because you are Conrad and I am Elizabeth" Conrad frowned when he heard her, he could not help but think of Isabella's words, but if that was right how could Elizabeth speak so freely? When Conrad perceived he would not get any direct answer from her he gave up his questioning and approached to sit beside her waiting for her to finish, he did not violate her wishes by peeking. When she was done, they talked deep into the night about how long it would be before Rolin approached the lines of Layrim and what strategies they might be using.   The next day they arrived at Lalin by noon, as soon as they entered the castle, - the retreat of every tribe was beside the castles- Lord Anderson sent for his son. Conrad searched for his father in the throne room until he was directed by Vivian to the gallery. The gallery in the castle of Lalin was very magnificent, there were portraits of great Lords and Knights hanging on the walls. At the end was a large portrait of Sir Lalin, it was the oldest and largest of them all and it still hung beautifully as it was well cared for, every year an artist would come to repaint it so it kept its color and magnificence. Conrad saw his father sitting on the chair in front of the portrait of Sir Lalin the great, he approached him and his father motioned him to sit in the chair beside his. "I hear you have become acquainted with the Lady Elizabeth" Lord Anderson spoke after a moment of silence, gaining a nod from his son. He saw no need to beat around the bush. "That's good, I was with Lord Huston a few days ago" "I'm not sure I understand you, father" "We have come to an agreement, me and the Lord of Taliha" "And?" he asked impatiently "You will be getting married to Lady Elizabeth" Conrad was dumbfounded, he wasn't ready for marriage, even though the maidens were killing themselves for him, nor did he even consider Elizabeth. What in the world would move his father to such a decision? "I...I...I can't!! I'm still in training for the Revival, I have many years to live free...and even Elizabeth is still very young to think about marriage" Conrad objected resolutely. "Conrad this arrangement wasn't made recently, and Elizabeth knows about it already, you think the Lady is still a kid? She knows well the scroll, she acts better than any girl in Layrim that I know, that is except your sister. You have heard the songs in her name, yes?" The Lord knew his father was right, he felt inferior to Elizabeth in knowledge. "Please father, she deserves more, I am just me, just Conrad, more a mercenary than noble, think about Elizabeth if not me, and I know she wouldn't want this" "Conrad you talk of yourself as a mercenary before others but I forbid you to do it before me. You are my son and the next Lord of my House, do not bring shame to me. Besides I hear you talked with her? How is it you know so little of her?" Conrad raised a brow at hearing his father's question, "You ever talked with the Lady?" he asked and Lord Anderson nodded in understanding. "Well, son you think you are not worthy of her? Then give her your best, which is what she deserves" "Fath..." "Stop Conrad" Lord Anderson interrupted cutting short his son's objection. "You think I deserve to lead Lalin? Look there" he pointed to the magnificent portrait of Lalin.  "Sir Lalin the Great founded this great tribe and who am I? I have not even a scroll in my name nor a song, but you, Conrad, my son… I do not approve of your work as a mercenary but even so, you excel in it. You give your best to prove to me you are better as that than a royal and you have outdone yourself!! 'So that the son of Anderson is greater than the Lord himself " He quoted from the scroll and paused. "Conrad you are stupid to think so lowly of yourself, yet that stupidity is something I admire, now you think you are not worthy of Knighthood? If not you then no one should be knighted. I will not watch you with any other girl than someone who matches your glory son. Isabella is your sister else you would be marrying her! Lalin forgives me Elizabeth is the only one closer... So if you haven't found someone already, Elizabeth it will be and we will say no more on this" His father ended with a threatening and firm tone. Of all his father's words, he was surprised that the great Lord of Lalin who he looked up to believed in the songs about him, and the humility his father showed on this day changed his view on everything, from this day he made a mental vow to Sirve Layrim with his life and everything he had- to be his father's son. "Your mother...she...she would have wanted this too" Lord Anderson added, there was a distant and complicated look in his eyes. "I'll follow you, father" Conrad quickly said noticing the pain in his father’s eyes. "The marriage has not been arranged, you take your time, it will be when you want." Anderson said and rose from his chair. "What? Why did you not say that first?" "Where is the fun in watching you scared if I did that. Besides I know well about your doubt and that I had to fix" The Lords burst out laughing as Anderson held his son in a tight embrace... Isabella came in and saw the two of them laughing heartily. "That's the closest I have ever seen you two, either a fight of nobles or war for quests...What changed" she asked with a wide smile. The two turned to her smiling, they were happy to agree once. "Really father? You’d give me off to this lowly mercenary? For the first time, I am happy to be your sister" "Isabella, you are a Noble, and you shouldn't be..." "Listening in on conversations... I know" she completed her father’s words rolling her eyes. "But if you want to know, yes, now Conrad to whom do we betroth" "Father!!!" Isabella screamed and held her heart pretending to be hurt. "Who knew the Lords of Lalin were such jerks" she earned a smack on the back of her head for that comment and once again they burst out laughing.
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