Chapter 9

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Maddox's POV "What are you people doing here?" I almost scream at them and I do not care if Troy is watching us or if I am blowing my chance with Ophelia or Zelda. "Are you out of your f*****g mind?" I scream at Ian and he flinches a little. I never really screamed at him so this must be new to him. "Oh My God. Troy" Ophelia finally says something again and rushes to untie him, but I grab her arm and pull her back. "Don't" I say and she is looking into my eyes. "Mr. Bohen, you are hurting me" she gasps in pain and wiggles, trying to get out of my grip. "I will. But if you stand beside Ian or better, leave from here. Forget everything you saw" I say and look at Ian. He walks to us, and takes Ophelia's arm. She looks at him, then at me and she pulls her hand away from my grip. She looks at Troy and then at me again. "Did he deserve whatever this is?" Ophelia asks and I nod. She looks at Troy one last time before she walks with Ian towards the door. I am surprised she is even listening to me right now. I expected her to protest. To ask me about it and to even help Troy rescue. Both the sisters just simply amaze me with their actions everytime I predict something. "Ophelia! Do not believe them. They are monsters. The monsters we should hunt" Troy says and Ophelia stops walking. "And the so-called monster never tried to take advantage of my sister like you did, Troy" Ophelia says before she walks out again. And I stand before Troy, thinking about what happened in the last one minute. Ophelia seriously went from a fragile girl to the one who can think real fast. Sometimes, Zelda starts thinking irrational. Like the one time she asked me if I wanted her number and that I am stalking her. But Ophelia weighed the pros and cons of each person standing in the room just in one minute and even acted accordingly. "So now, do you have something else to say?" I ask him with a smirk and he doesn't say anything. "I would rather die" he says with his face still bruised and his lip swollen. "Then go ahead" I say and walk out again. Troy is not going anywhere at this point. But I owe an explanation to Ophelia. She deserves that and I would be an asshole if I don't give her one. I follow Ian's scent to his room and I knock on the door once before I open it. I see Ian on the bed but no sign of Ophelia. I did not even focus on what her scent is. Maybe the Omegas cleaned Ian's room just a few minutes away, because I can smell many different scents right now. Ian tilts his head towards the bathroom and I nod. So Ophelia is still here. "Why did you do this?" I ask Ian now that we are the only ones in this room. "Because Sunday is not far away. And I have another vampire friend to do the compelling job" he says and I exhale out loud. "You know what you are doing, but you could have just told me about it, Ian. We are dealing with The Vampire King himself. So why use one of his minions now and lose the only strong ally we can have?" I ask him and he doesn't say anything. "I am sorry for yelling at you. That wasn't my intention" I say and pull him closer. "You should never be sorry for something like that brother. I realise I crossed a fine line too" Ian says, nuzzling his face into my neck. We both stand that way until Ophelia clears her throat. Ian and I pull away from each other the very next second and act like we just did not hug. It is not really a manly thing but that is what others expect us to do. "So, who is going to tell me about all of this?" She asks and I look at Ian. "And don't even try to convince me otherwise. I heard half your conversation already. Enough to know that The Vampire Diaries is indeed reality over here" she says and I laugh. I did watch that though. Because of Kelsie. She was a huge fan when she was a teenager. Not that she is old now, but she forced Ian and I to watch it too. "So you two are brothers? Vampires?" She asks and this time, Ian laughs. "Would you promise to keep this a secret if I tell you?" I ask her and she nods. "Go ahead, and bring that vampire you were talking about. Someone who can compel and delete a memory" I quickly mindlink Ian. He walks out, and I tilt my head towards the bed asking Ophelia to sit. She stands there for a minute, but when I sit on the bed and pat at the empty space next to me.. she finally gives in and walks to me. We both sit silent for a while. It might take Ian a while to get his friend here so we can use that one hour to talk about so many things. She will be compelled, after all. And she would forget everything. "You are correct. Maybe The Vampire Diaries is a reality. But not for us" I say and she looks at me with her eyes squinting in confusion. "We are werewolves" I say and her eyes go wide, but later she just nods. "That explains why Nathan and Troy's place is always buzzing with silver weapons" she says and maybe, she can give me any information before it's too late. "What do you mean by silver weapons?" I ask her. "Well, for starters, always so many silver weapons come to their house in huge boxes. Guns with silver bullets, arrows with silver heads and even silver knives. You name a weapon and they make that in silver. No one knows about it. And I saw that accidentally. When I was with Nathan at his home" she says. Something doesn't add up here. In whatever she just said. "Nathan and I used to date. We were together the first year of college" she says and now it makes sense again so I nod. "Is that also why you quickly agreed to go to a party even though your sister wasn't interested? Because the party was at Nathan's place" I say and she nods. "Does that make me a bad person?" She asks and I give her a half smile as I shake my head. "Everyone was once a fool in love, Ophelia" I say and she smiles slowly, looking out of the window again. "So what does being a werewolf be like? Like they show in Teen Wolf?" She asks and now I wonder how many movies or series did humans actually make on supernatural creatures. "I am not sure. I never watched that. But we are all a pack. Silver Dawn Pack" I say and she nods slowly taking in all the information. "And you are the Alpha, I suppose?" She asks. "Well, half true. But I will be The King soon and Ian will be the Alpha. We are destined to be so" I say and she nods again. "Then why is Mr. Ian Bohen still working as an economics lecturer instead of just taking up his role?" She asks . "To be honest, Ophelia.. even I have no idea why he wouldn't take up either" I say and we both chuckle. We look at the clear skies just outside the window and Ophelia is taking all of this a lot better than I thought she would take. "So why aren't you married? Aren't kings supposed to have balls where they choose their suitors or find a girl they can see as someone who can have potential to be the Queen?" She asks and I chuckle. "I found one. But I lost her" I say and the smile on her face slowly fades away. "I am so sorry, Mr. Bohen," she says. "Please.." I say with a half smile, "Maddox would do just enough too" And she nods. We don't talk about anything for a while. Until Ian mindlinks me that the borders need the King's permission for them to open the gates when there is another supernatural creature. The vampires reek of rotten blood and it is impossible for any werewolf to not notice that smell. "Why are you not afraid of me? I am a predator, you can say" I whisper looking at her. "Because you were never harmful. Troy was, but you even saved my sister and me. I will always be thankful for that one night" she says with a smile and I return the smile too. "I lost Deborah to someone like Troy. They killed her with a silver bullet" I say again and she looks at me with her soft eyes. I notice her blue eyes and brown hair are so different from Zelda's. But both girls are equally beautiful in their own way. "I am so sorry that happened to your wife because of someone like Troy. We humans are egoists. We always love to prove ourselves as the superiors" Ophelia groans and I chuckle because I know she is right and she does too. "It's time" Ajax says and I nod. "Is there any way I can help you with?" Ophelia asks me and I shake my head. "I actually like your sister. I don't know what is happening, but I do know that I am intrigued" I tell her and then notice a frown form her face. She quickly masks it when Ian walks in with his vampire friend who looks like he came out of a 90s movie. I show Ophelia to him and Ian introduces Ophelia to that man whose name I now know as Daniel. Daniel talks to Ophelia and she starts to loosen up, and in one swift moment he catches her off guard. He stares into her eyes as he compels her to forget the last five hours of how and where she met Ian Bohen. Now the task is for Ian to leave her at human land in just an hour and half. He would make it. But I am afraid of my dearest car. Daniel leaves with Ian too, and Ophelia turns around to look at me. I smile but she doesn't smile back. She moves robotically. This is so hard on my part but I have no other choice. She already dated a member of a werewolf hunter family. For all I know, she would sell this information if he asks her to get back with him. I fall on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I smile when I think of Zelda. I wasn't joking with Ophelia when I said that I might like her sister. Because Zelda is something different. If she was in Ophelia's place today, she would have connected the dots based on all the fantasy books she read and even then she would come up with a rubbish theory. I chuckle imagining her in the situation, and weird enough .. I close my eyes and I fall asleep even though it is still afternoon.
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