Chapter 7: Kat’s Name Day

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“HAPPIEST OF NAME DAY’S KATERINA!!” Kat woke with a start at the sound of her mother, sister, and brother shouting Name Day wishes at her. She was so tired from the sleepless night she had that she tried to ignore them. Groaning, she turned over, covering her face with her pillow. “Awww, come now, Katerina!” Gee shouted, “we have presents!” Kat peeked out from behind her pillow. “Presents?” Kat asked, surprise in her voice. “Honestly, Katerina, did you think we’d let your Name Day pass without gifts? Of course, there are presents, silly girl,” said MaMa with a smile. Kat pushed herself upright. MaMa handed her a gold box with a big red ribbon that held it closed as soon as she did. She tugged at the ribbon, untying it, and lifted the box top-up. In the box, Kat stared at the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. It was a deep Forrest green color with an intricate swirling gold pattern covering the skirt of the dress and gold trim at the neck, sleeves, and bottom of the skirt. “Oh, MaMa,” said Kat with a gasp. “We had it made especially for you! We special ordered it the day PaPa received the letter.” Said Gee hopping up and down with excitement on Kat’s bed. Kat gave her a big smile. “Thank you so much!” Kat exclaimed. George was the next to step forward, holding a small rectangular box. This one is wrapped with a green ribbon tied in a bow. “Happy Name Day, dear sister.” Said George as he handed it to her. “Thank you, George,” she said with a smile before she excitedly untied the bow. She opened the box to find a new pair of slippers with the same deep shade of green and swirling gold pattern as her new dress. “I went to the cobbler while MaMa and Gee were at the dress shop. MaMa told me what your gown was to look like, and I thought you should have slippers to match.” Kat was so happy she could cry. “I’ve got a gift for you as well, Miss,” said Marie, from behind George. He stepped aside, letting Marie come alongside Kat. Marie handed Kat her gift. It was a small round box. Inside she came to find a green velvet headdress with a golden-colored tulle drape. Kat looked around at the four of them, unable to believe how lucky she was this day. With her eyes full of happy tears, she thanked them all. She was terrified to wear her dress for fear of tattering it, but it indeed was her best gown, and PaPa had made it clear that they were all to look their best upon arrival at Court. As everyone began to make their way back to their rooms, Kat pulled Josephine to a stop. “MaMa, might I wear my new gown to Court?” She asked “I had hoped you would, Katerina; if you do, it is sure to bring out your eyes.” Replied Josephine. Kat smiled at her mother’s response because she had her mother’s eyes. After Josephine left her room, Kat went to wash up. When she began to ready herself, she told Marie that she wanted to wear her best petticoat today. Her new gown and shoes were so beautiful she wanted to do everything she could to accentuate them. She hoped she might impress PaPa. Once dressed, Marie wound her hair into another beautiful braided bun and placed her headdress atop her head. Kat spun in a circle. Her dress was flailing a bit as she did. Marie then added a touch of rouge to her cheeks, brightening them just enough and a dab to her lips, making them appear full and bringing out their natural color. “I feel like a princess Marie,” said Kat happily. “You look, lovely Miss. It does me such good to see you so happy.” Said Marie. Once ready, Kat made her way down the stairs. George greeted her at the bottom, offering her his hand. He kissed her knuckles before she took the last step down. “You look beautiful, Katerina,” he said. They walked arm in arm to the dining room, where the rest of her family waited. There was a small cake on the table. PaPa stood and came toward her. She inadvertently tensed as he approached. George patted her hand, not leaving her side. “You look.....adequate, Katerina,” said Richard giving her a once over and nodding his approval. “Thank you, PaPa,” said Kat. “Now then, let’s eat quickly. It’s a bit of a journey from here to The Palace, so we’re to leave right after breakfast.” Breakfast was delicious. There was spice cake, eggs, and fresh fruit. Kat didn’t think the day could get any better for her. Once finished, she and her family went to the front yard, where the maids were loading their belongings into the carriage. To Kat’s delight, Lily was hitched up to the carriage. Kat was sure she’d be leaving her behind. She looked to her father. “PaPa?” “Yes, Katerina, Lily is to come with us to The Palace. She is one of our best horses. If you’re lucky enough to become one of The Queen’s Lady’s, I highly doubt you’ll have any time for riding. Don’t even think about embarrassing me by riding any other way than side-saddle if you find the time. Do you understand me?” He asked. Yes, “PaPa,” Kat said quietly. He gave her a curt nod before offering his hand to assist her into the carriage. She hesitated before taking it and climbing into the carriage. Gee, who was already inside, was staring out the window as if it were already moving. She looked at Kat with a big smile on her face. “Can you believe it, Kat? In just a few short hours, we’ll be in the presence of The King and Queen. And at The Palace, just like in the storybooks, MaMa would read to us as children!” Kat smiled at Gee’s innocence. She has wanted a fairytale ending since they were little. Perhaps tonight, she would meet her “prince.” Finally, it was time to go, and the carriage began to move away from home. Kat gazed out the window watching it get smaller and smaller as they went. To get to the Palace, they had to pass by the field of wildflowers where Kat met The King. As they approached it, Kat’s heart felt like it was beating out of her chest. She stared out the window so no one would see her wide-eyed grin. Gee squeezed her hand, and they exchanged a knowing look. As they passed by the field and Kat breathed in the beautiful scent of its flowers, she couldn’t help but wonder would Gee be right....would he remember her? She would never admit it to Gee, but she was honestly hoping he would.
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