Chapter 5: Within a Fortnight

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Richard stood stalk still in front of the door he had just closed behind Captain Spencer. He was staring down at the letter in his hand, unable to believe that The King himself had written a letter to him. It had been so long since he’d had direct contact with King Lyndon Richard had assumed The King had forgotten him. He read the letter silently at first, then he walked into the sitting room, letter in hand, and a smile on his face. “Girls, how would you feel about becoming one of the Queen’s Lady’s?” He asked excitedly. “We’ve been invited to Court by The King and Queen. The Queen bids that one or both of you shall become a Lady in Waiting. I don’t imagine you’ll gain such a title Katerina,” he said. “But it’s worth a try, I suppose.” Kat said nothing in response. Instead, she fiddled with hair. Marie had left it down today to hide her cheek. She did, however, fashion her a tiny crown made of white flowers. It went wonderfully well with the light pink gown she wore today. Gee, however, shrieked with glee and clapped her hands like a child. “Truly PaPa?” Gee asked. “Truly Darling,” he said. He went into his desk and took out a small coin purse, and handed it to Josephine. “Go into town and get new dresses for the girls and new dress clothes for George. If we’re to go to The Palace, we must look our best.” He told her. MaMa took Gee and George into town for new clothes. Kat wanted to go with them. Marie had done a great job fixing her hair, so the bruise didn’t show, but when she tried to go out the door, PaPa stopped her and forced her upstairs to her chambers. So, instead, Kat sat by the window waiting for MaMa and her siblings to return. While she waited, she started thinking about how much her life will change in a short amount of time. In a fortnight, she and her family would attend Court for the first time. Would The King remember her? Kat wondered. What’s more, her Name Day is in exactly a fortnight. She is to turn twenty-one. Katerina was sure that instead of joyous, the day would be miserable for her. PaPa is quite ashamed that she is “so old” and yet has no prospects for marriage. Kat hopes that changes for her when she goes to Court. She suspected that Queen Amberly might require a new Lady’s because her current Lady’s were to be married and leave The Palace. Kat wondered what Queen Amberly was like. She’d heard tales of her generosity, kindness, and beauty. “If I could just impress her.” Thought Kat, “maybe it will lessen PaPa’s disappointment. ************ It was nearly dusk now as Captain Spencer and his horse Finnegan trotted along. The Palace is now in his sights. As he drew closer, he could see Queen Amberly on her balcony, looking up at the stars. He smiled at seeing her there. He remembered many a night when they were young, gazing among the stars guessing at constellations. She noticed him just as Finnegan slowed to a stop. They stared at each other for a full minute before she broke the silence by waving and greeting him with a smile. “Hello, Captain,” she called out to him. He returned her smile. “Good evening, My Queen,” he replied, inclining his head to her. She nodded back with another wave before disappearing into her chambers. He watched the doors to her balcony close before dismounting Finnegan and walking with him to the stables. Once there, he removed the reins and saddle from Finn and began brushing him. Sighing, he said, “what am I gonna do, huh, Boy?” “We love her, don’t we?” “We hate seeing her sad.” As if in response to him, Finnegan shook his head and gave a small neigh. He put Finn in his stall, locked it, and stroked his nose for a moment before heading inside. He made his way through the halls of The Palace and headed up the stairs that led to the entrance of bed chambers reserved for the guards. As he changed into his nightclothes, he wondered what Queen Amberly was doing, what she could be thinking. He remembered the sadness he’d seen behind her eyes when they discussed the letters two days prior. It was so hard for him to see her that way. He was the one who used to comfort her when she was saddened. They were inseparable as children. King Francis proclaimed her marriage to King Lyndon on her fourteenth Name Day. He was devastated at the news. Unbeknownst to her, he had asked for her hand a year before the announcement. To his dismay, King Francis turned him down. Saying that though he admired his dedication to The Princess, were she to marry him, she would be marrying below her class, and King Francis couldn’t have that. “His girl” was going to have a marriage that would better serve his Kingdom. When Thomas told her father that he was in love with her Francis laughed, and said marrying for love never got anyone anywhere. Even at sixteen, Thomas knew full well that The King did indeed fall in love with Queen Gwendolyn. However, it wasn’t until a year after their wedding Francis finally realized he had. After Amberly’s fourteenth Name Day celebration concluded, they snuck outside to the stables, where she cried and told him she didn’t want to marry Lyndon. She wanted to marry for love. Little did she know that she would love Lyndon long before they were wed. It was on that day while she cried in his arms that he made a vow to himself that he would do all he could to ensure she never cried like that again. He knew his Queen well, and so he knew that soon his vow would be broken. He knew that because watching your love with someone else is the most painful thing in the world. She would cry for Lyndon just as he cried her back then. Now and again, he still did...
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