The Ambush

1371 Words

Alex:     We were travelling in wolf form as it was the fastest way to the Green mountain pack, who lived deep in the forest. I had selected 6 of my strongest warriors to accompany us, 4 men and 2 women. Two of my men had custom backpacks on their wolves backs to carry our necessities such as our clothing. The rest of us were in formation surrounding our Alpha couple, on guard and ready for anything that might come our way. We were a few hours away from our own packland when s**t hit the fan. I think I was the first one who heard the arrows whiz by us. "Everyone get down!" I throw myself over Marie, making her flatten on the ground with me, protecting her from the arrows.  "Ashton and Damien, circle behind them and take them down" I mindlink Jackson is lying down a few meters from me.

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