New Friends

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Alex: I wanted to do a last sweep of the area before Kenzi`s shift ended. Better safe than sorry right. Plus I needed to keep myself busy in order to forget the look on her face when I shifted back into my human body. I don`t know if I`ll ever be able to erase the look of utter terror from my memory. Chelsey came running up to me with a big smile on her face. Wasn`t she supposed to be with Kenzi? And what the hell is she smiling about! My life is falling in pieces here. “Your mate is so awesome!” “Well yeah I know that…wait…so you talked to her? Is she ok? How about the baby? Does she hate me?” “Whoa buddy, chill out. She looked fine but Dr. Cassandra will give her a checkup once everything around here calms down. Your mate is a tough cookie. She was already back to taking care of her patients when I arrived. I thought you said she was a mess?” “She was. She was shaking like a leaf and wouldn’t speak, that is until she yelled at me to leave her alone. It was awful Chels” “Well can you blame the girl? She was almost killed by a rogue today, I think I would be shaking in my boots too if I had been in her situation” Chase let out a ferocious growl. “Chill Chase, she is safe. Nothing will happen to her. I already planned a date with her for tonight. She won’t be alone.” “She agreed to go on a date with me tonight? You are a miracle worker Chels.” “Whoa tiger, she is going on a date with me. I’m not sure she is quite ready to see you yet. But give her some time, she will come around. Plus I can be pretty persuasive, and I’m rooting for you. I totally want her as my sister in law. She seems bad-ass!” “Fine. But it`s your turn to tell me everything after your little date with MY MATE” I say, emphasizing the last two words. “Yeah yeah” We sat down in the grass in front of the clinic, our backs leaning against the trees and chatted away for what seemed like just a little over an hour. Before too long the smell of lilacs engulfed my senses. She was here. I spotted her coming out of the clinic. Her scrubs were stained with blood and she looked tired but she had a smile on her face. That was encouraging. I jump up from my spot but managed to stay in control enough not to go running to her and hugging her tight. It took all I had to keep Chase at bay. He did not like the sight of blood on her. “Chase chill, seriously, we scared her enough for one day. You know that’s not her blood. She has been patching up our warriors all afternoon. Please Chase calm down” “Mine!” “She is ours Chase, RELAX. No one touched her” She walks in our direction. My heart feels like it's going to pop out of my chest. I don`t recall ever being this nervous, except maybe when I was trying to convince her to move here. Kenzi: With every patient treated and my own checkup done, I can finally leave the clinic. I was mentally and physically drained, yet I couldn`t wait to tell Chelsey I saw my baby`s heartbeat. It was such a big milestone. I see her talking with Alex by the trees we normally have our lunch at. I hesitate for a second. I take a big breath in to calm my nerves and I head towards them. Chelsey did promise he wouldn`t hurt me and he did save my life earlier today. I owe him at least a thank you. “Hey guys” Alex has a bewildered look about him. A small smile slowly makes its presence on his beautiful face. “Hey, how are you” he asks “Uhm…I`m ok I guess. Thanks by the way for saving my life earlier.” “I`ll always protect you Kenz” “OK, that’s enough, Kenz promised me hot chocolates. Bye Alex!” Chelsey says as she grabs my hand and pulls me along. I must admit I’m grateful she dragged me away. I didn`t know what else to say to Alex. It was awkward and brought back some not great memories from earlier in the day that I would rather just forget about. “First lets head to your place. You need to change if we don’t want to scare everyone in the coffee shop” I look down at myself and sure enough my scrubs were stained with blood. “Good idea” So I head home with Chelsey. I quickly strip out of my dirty scrubs and dump them in the bathroom sink to soak overnight. Lets just hope I can get those stains out. Once dressed comfortably in a pair of black sweats and fitted purple t-shirt, me and Chelsey make our way over to the coffee shop. Its the same one I had stopped by on my way to my parents house that had snowballed into me living and working in this small town. We both ordered some hot chocolates and each chose a sandwich and cookies. I was starving. I went with the chicken pesto on a baguette with chocolate chip cookies. Chelsey went for the ham and cheese sandwich on a croissant and some flower shaped sugar cookies. The conversation flowed easily. I don’t know what it is about her but she makes me feel quite at ease, I even managed to forget about the dreadful events of the day for a little while. "Guess what, I got to see my baby today! Dr. Cassandra did an ultrasound and I got to see his little heart beating! It was the most precious little blob in the world!" "Wow that's awesome Kenzi. I'm glad your baby is doing well. How about you. We haven't really talked much about what happened this afternoon. How are you doing with all that?" "Honestly, I don't know if I have really processed any of it yet." "How about thing with you and Alex. Do you think you guys can make it work? I know he is crazy about you" "I don't hate him. For some reason I don't think I would ever be able to hate him. However I don't trust him right now. My gut tells me he would never hurt me but my head can't get over the fact he killed the other wolf like it was nothing. I know he did it to protect me, and I am grateful for it. I just don't think I'm ready to hang out with him again anytime soon. I need time to process everything" "Alex would never hurt you, he loves you. The mate bond is a powerful thing. I hope you too can make it work, even if it's just so I can call you my sister." she laughs "Let's just see how it all plays out" I yawn, “Sorry, this has been really great but I'm exhausted. I am going to head home and get some sleep.” I tell Chelsey “Sure thing, I’ll walk with you” “Do you live close by?” “Yup. We live in the same building, I’m on the second floor. That’s were my brother got the soda crackers and the orange juice the day you visited the apartment” I could feel my face burn with embarrassment “Don’t worry about It. Our older sister was sick a good chunk of her pregnancy. She would carry a bottle of ginger ale everywhere with her. It was almost comical, well for us, not for her obviously” “uhm thanks. The nausea hasn’t been too bad. I guess I'm lucky. Maybe it was the nerves of that day that made everything worse, or the excitement of getting the job. I can’t believe your brother had to witness that. It was so embarrassing” “He was just worried about you, you don’t have to be embarrassed” The rest of the walk was spent rather quietly. I couldn’t wait to get home and sleep, blissfully unaware of the world around me. “Goodnight Chelsey. We should hang out again sometime soon. I had fun” “Yeah that would be great. See ya soon neighbor” she says as she skips up the stairs. I let myself in and let myself fall into bed. I’m too exhausted to get changed, so I stay in my sweats and wrap myself up in my blankets. Sleep overtook me quickly but it wasn’t the blissful emptiness I was craving. Instead I dreamt about a big grey wolf with bright blue eyes.
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