Chapter two

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Third POV  A few hours earlier  When Darius had carried out Aleera's lifeless body for the moonlit packhouse he fell to the ground screaming up to the sky and the wolves joined him by howling up to the sky, James and Rex had shifted back and came over got down to give Darius hugs. The other Alphas had ordered some of the worries to keep an eye on the traitors. And some of the other worries had lit up the moonlit packhouse so it was burning and it would be burned to the ground.  "Darius we are so sorry, we should go back home," James said to him  "I can't believe that I was too late, I will not be able to live without her" Darius told James  "I know this is something no mate want to go through, I feel you, she was my luna and the loss of her have broken heart, but yours is even more broken, but even if it's hard to see it now you need to be strong for the pack, you are the alpha, maybe the moon goddess will give you a second mate in the future," James said to Darius  "I don't want anyone else than her, I loved her and I don't want to be without her" Darius said back to James, he was crying for the loss of his beloved mate and for the first time Darius stuttered when he was talking.  When they all felt that everything was done here and had let Darius gather some straight they started to travel back to Darius territory to have a funeral for the late luna. Darius took her bodily in his arms and carried her all the way back.  When they got back to Darius territory after a few houses of traveling, they met up with the pack member that was left behind and all of them was standing outside to packhouse, and when they saw us they were happy to see us back alive, but when they saw Darius carrying someone in his arms they somehow knew who it was, and when it was confirmed that it was their luna Aleera they all got said and started to cry.  Nicole screamed her lungs out when she saw Aleera's lifeless body in Darius' arms James had to go over to her and embrace her in his arms. Celia and Cassie embraced each other and cried. Darius just walked passed his pack members and walked inside to the packhouse.  ⚜⚜⚜ Darius POV  After I had walked pass all my pack members and walked inside the packhouse I walked straight upstairs to our room. I laid her lifeless body in our bed gently and I looked at her beautiful face that now was destroyed, bruised and swollen and dried blood all over. I got down on my knees beside the bed holding her hand that was cold as ice. I don't know how long I had been sitting there when I small knock on the door could be heard. I didn't answer but the door opened anyway. I didn't look who came into our room  "Darius, may I come in," Celia asked me, I moved my head towards the door and she was standing in the threshold  "What do you want Celia?" I asked her  "I now that you won't like this, but may I take her body so I can clean it and get it prepared for the funeral," Celia asked me, I looked at her  "No, I don't like it. I don't want anyone to take her away from me" I said back to Celia  "I understand you, your hurt because she is dead, but don't you want her soul to find peace?" Celia asked me  "Of course I want her to find peace, she is dead because of me, I was too late  and I did not protect her," I said back to Celia while I was staring at her hold my mate's cold hand in my hand  "Then please Darius let me do this, " Celia said back to me  I looked down at the floor and I heard Celia walking up to me she got down beside me. She put her hand on my shoulder and waited a bit before she embraces me in a hug  "She was my friend too, and what she had been through was horrible, when you brought her here for the first time, I was the only one she talked to, and every time she hurt herself I was there when he woke up, and this was not your flute, she knows that you came for her and she knows that you loved her," Celia said to me while she was hugging me  We sat there for a while she was holding me while I let everything out. Celia had been through the same thing a few years back when her mate was killed, and now she was here with me, it was nice of her. When she had convinced me to let her take Aleera's lifeless body away for cleaning and preparation for the funeral. I helped her to carry her to the hospital wing so Celia and Cassie could help out to clean Aleera's body and prepare her for her luna funeral. I didn't want to see it so I left the room to let them do the work.  It was hard enough to let them take her body away from me. Right now I wish I could talk to her or change or places so it was me that was laying there and she would be alive. I walked out of the hospital wing and walked out there James was standing there waiting for me. I walked up to him and he embraced me in our brother hug.  ⚜⚜⚜ Celia's POV After Darius had left the room I turned around and I saw her on the table, her body was covered in dried blood and bruises and cuts, her face was swollen. The beautiful dress she had on her combination was destroyed and torn. It hurt every single part of my body to see her like this. I closed eyes image her to be alive, to her smile and when she was laughing the few times she did. While I had my eyes closed tears escaped my eyes. But I need to do this I thought to myself. So I took so deep breath and then I opened my eyes. I walked up to her body I grabbed a scissor and cut up the dress from the bosom all the way down. I laid down the scissor and then I put the dress on each side of her. When I saw how her body looks like under the dress I drew in a quick breath, and put my hand over my mouth. It was too horrible to see. This will hunt me for a long time. I gadder myself I needed to do this for my late luna and for my alpha. I grabbed the shower host and hosted her down and washed away all the dried blood from her body. I scrubbed her body so all the dirt also dispersed, I washed her long dirty blonde hair. When I was some chasing her, Cassie came in and she had a long slim black dress that we put on her. I brushed her hair and then we covered her body white sheets. We were going to burn her body tomorrow at sunset so her soul could find peace. 
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