The Scapegoat

2917 Words
~ Hazel’s POV ~ I don’t know why, but even though I am living in such a pathetic condition, I still don’t want to give up on my life. All I want to have is ordinary life and nothing else, but the moon goddess is not even able to fulfil such a simple wish of mine. Well, the feeling of numbness and emptiness is not that bad. I can embrace this darkness with open arms if I can get this peace that I never got in my life.  When suddenly, I felt someone’s hand on my arms and after that, I felt that person's lips on mine. I wanted to open my eyes, but I was not able to do that thing.  My eyes were still kind of heavy and all I heard was a single word which he just mumbled to himself, “Mate.”  Yeah, that’s what he said.  So, that means the moon goddess finally heard my desperate pleas. Now, I have my mate by my side. He will surely protect me from all the troubles, he will rescue me from this horrible place and people.  I want to open my eyes to look at my mate, but my damn eyes are just not opening.  For some reason, I think that mate is not happy to find me.  Does he not want an omega as his mate? No, he is my last resort, I can’t let him abandon me at any cost.  After trying my best I was finally able to open my eyes, but only a little. I saw my mate’s grey eyes. I have never seen such rare eyes in my life.  I want to see his face, I want to touch him, I want to be with him.  While I was thinking all these things, suddenly, I lost my consciousness and when I again opened my eyes, I saw the same eyes, but this time it was filled with concern.  “Oh, you are finally awake. I was getting worried about you. Come on, rise and shine, love. As your mate, I won’t be able to see you in such a condition”, the man whispered in a hushed voice whilst he pulled back his brown hair which was looking quite damp. So, he is the one who rescued me and he is the one who the moon goddess has chosen for me. I don’t know what happened to me, but I suddenly threw my arks around his neck and my mate just lightly patted me on my back.  Tears started to fell on my cheeks while I pulled him closer to me.  “You don’t know for how long I waited for you. I gave up on the thought of finding you in this life of mine. Don’t... don’t ever leave me again. I don’t think that I will be able to live my life without you”, I said in a low voice whilst mate gently caressed my head. No one ever treated me in such a nice manner. I promised him that I will never become a hindrance in his path and I will do everything which he will ask me to do. I can’t even imagine the pain that I will feel if he ever thought to leave me.  “It’s funny that you didn’t recognise me, Hazel. Did you forget that I am going to be the next Beta of the Moon Stone Pack? It’s quite disheartening that you didn’t remember about me”, he exclaimed in a deep voice whilst he looked straight into my eyes with a smile on his face. Wait!  So, that means Beta Alaric is my mate, huh?  Is the moon goddess pulling some kind of prank on me?  He then threw the suit jacket which was covering my body.  Who covered me with the jacket? Maybe it belongs to Alaric, but why is he taking off my clothes and that too in the woods?  I tried to stop him, but he glared at me.  Will he abandon me if I try to stop him?  No, I don’t want him to leave me. I only clenched my fists tightly while Alaric kissed my forehead.  “I promise that it won’t hurt, love. I will be as gentle as possible”, he said in a calm voice whilst his warm breath was fanning my face. I only nodded at him and Alaric immediately pushed me on the cold ground whilst he removed all his and my clothes.  “You should try to smile more as you look beautiful when you smile, love”, Alaric again whispered to me in a deep voice whilst he adjust himself between my legs. It was not gentle, but a painful experience for me. I yelled in pain, but Alaric hushed my voice by keeping his hand on my mouth. He still didn’t mark me as his, but why?  Alaric then finally got up from the ground and after that, he pulled up his pants.  I was still lying on the ground, but before I could ask him the reason for not marking me, he just turned his back on me.  I picked my clothes which was lying on the ground and then I covered my body with those tattered clothes. “Why... why didn’t you mark me?”, I asked him after gathering all my courage.  Alaric turned around to face me and he then replied to me with a smile on his face, “Well, I want to take you as my mate in front of all the pack members. Let’s go. I will introduce you as my mate at today’s welcoming party.” “But... but I am not allowed to attend the party. I can’t go against the Alpha’s words”, I told him while my eyes were fixated on the ground.  I don’t want Alaric to face any danger because of me, I don’t want him to get scolded by the Alpha and that too because of me.  “You are not attending the party as an omega, but you are going to attend it as my mate. So, dress up nicely, alright?”, he said whilst he helped me to get up from the ground. After I wore my clothes, he covered me with the jacket which I found after getting my consciousness back.  Alaric then helped me to walk as my whole has become quite sore. After walking for a while we finally reached the packhouse and he then let go of my hand.  He told me that he will meet me at the welcoming party as he wants to surprise everyone that he finally found his mate. A smile appeared on my face when I heard his words. He then kissed the back of my hand and after that, he walked straight to the packhouse without even turning back. I don’t know why, but I felt a twinge of pain when I saw his back which was turned on me. No, I should not think too much.  I should feel happy that I finally found my mate and he will surely take care of me. I should try to be optimistic just like Kara.  I then quietly entered the packhouse without making a noise. There was no one and the place was empty. They must be busy in the preparation of the welcoming party. I carefully entered the garret whilst I glanced here and there as I don’t want to get caught by anyone. When I entered the small place, I saw a beautiful dress which was lying on the floor and there was also a letter which was kept near the dress.  When I picked the page, I saw Kara name written on it with a smiley emoticon. I can’t believe that she prepared all these things just for me.  I am so lucky to have her by my side.  After wearing the beautiful off-shoulder royal blue dress, I glanced at myself with a smile on my face. I may not able to see my reflection as I don’t even have a mirror, but I can tell that Kara chose this dress after deep consideration.  I am not sure if I am worthy of such a beautiful gown, but today is seriously a special day for me and I want to look my best for Alaric.  I then glanced at my wristwatch. I don’t want to get late for today’s welcoming party. Alaric must be waiting for me. I dashed towards the backyard of the packhouse while I carefully held my gown. I seriously feel like a princess in this dress. Finally, I reached the venue, but the Alpha and his son was nowhere to be seen. My eyes then fell on Alaric and he just raised his glass of wine in my honour.  “Now, I will introduce my mate to you all. Yes, I have found my beautiful mate and from this day onwards I vow to protect her in the name of the Moon goddess. She is none other than...” before he could complete his words, I walked towards him with a bright smile on my face.  Alaric did tell me that he loves my smile and I will surely maintain this smile for him.  “Kara, my love, come here and join me. She is soon going to become my wife”, he declared in a loud voice while the pack members and all the other Alphas of the pack congratulated them.  No, this can’t be happening.  Alaric is my mate, isn’t he? Why is he telling everyone that Kara is his mate?  I need to talk with Kara.  He must be kidding, right? Are they both trying to pull my leg together?  They must be.  Kara walked towards him and they both shared a deep kiss.  My whole world crashed down just by seeing them together.  How can Alaric treat me in this manner? Why is he behaving like he doesn’t know me, why is he ignoring my gaze? Did he forget what happened between us in the woods?  Suddenly, I heard a loud voice from my behind, “The Alpha... Alpha Elliot and his son died. Their bodies are lying in their rooms. There is no blood and neither any sort of marks on their bodies. Someone has used black magic to kill them. Now, what should we do? We will be in danger without the Alpha’s protection. You need to do something, Beta Alaric. We don’t have too much time to think.” What!  The Alpha and his son died, but how? I hated them, but not to the level where I wanted to see them dead.  What exactly is happening here?  Alaric then cleared his throat and asked everyone to calm down. Kara was still holding his arms whilst her eyes fell on me.  “Oh, I did find this piece of cloth around their bodies and also this old bracelet”, said the man whilst he gave all the evidence to Alaric. That piece of cloth and bracelet looks quite familiar to me.  “Hey, isn’t that the late Luna’s gown, but why is Hazel wearing it and that bracelet, I think, I have seen it somewhere. Oh, yes. That bracelet belongs to Hazel, but why will she kill the Alpha and his son? I can’t believe that she used black magic to finish off the Alpha. Why did you do this, Hazel? If you were so disturbed by the treatment of the pack members then you should have told me. At least, I would have helped you to run away from this place. Why did you stoop to the level for killing someone? I am so disappointed in you. What should we do, Alaric? I took her as my friend, but she betrayed the whole pack in the end. I shouldn’t have pitied her condition”, Kara said all those words without even a hint of shame in her eyes.  How can she lie through her teeth? Everyone started to whisper and mumble in low voices and Alaric just walked in my direction with a smirk on his face.  “Capture the traitor and throw her in the dark prison which the ex-alpha specially prepared for the likes of her. She will face the consequences of her actions by tomorrow morning. I, Alaric Katz, the new Alpha of the Moon Stone Pack banish Hazel from the pack. She is no longer a member of our pack”, exclaimed Alaric in a loud voice whilst everyone bowed their heads to show their respect to the new Alpha.  I tried to open my mouth in my defence, but before I could say anything, Alaric simply cut off my tongue with the silver knife which he took from one of his men.  I winched and squeal in pain while I rolled on the floor grabbing my face.  The floor was covered with my blood and my face was covered with tears.  They then hold me by my arms and after that, they threw me in the dark prison to rot.  While I was thinking hard about all the things, I heard someone’s footsteps.  “Oh, what happened, Hazel? Don’t tell me that you are not happy to see me. Were you expecting someone else, huh? Well, Alaric is my mate so, he won’t be here to send you off. I seriously can’t believe that how can someone be so stupid to believe in others? I am not here to do chitchat with you. I forgot that you no longer have a tongue and now all you can do is yelp in pain and nothing else. Here, I brought poison for you. Drink it if you don’t want to die painfully. Think of this thing as my last gift to you as your friend, alright?”, Kara said in a calm voice whilst she gave me the bottle of the prison and after that, she took her to leave.  I immediately threw the bottle on the floor as I don’t want to die like a loser. When I haven’t committed anything then why should I go through all this torture? Is having trust in someone is seriously a mistake of mine?  The whole night I thought about the wrong choices which I made in this life.  “Oh, here you are my scapegoat. Judging by your dark circles, you didn’t sleep the whole night, right? Well, it’s not like I will hear any response from that useless mouth of yours. Even I had a steamy night with Kara. Let’s go. The pack members are demanding your death and as the new Alpha of the pack, I can’t deny their wishes, right?”, Alaric asserted in a cold voice whilst he walked towards my direction with a smug on his face. Scapegoat?  What does he mean by that and why is he doing this with me? I want to ask him all these things, but I am so helpless that I am not even able to open my mouth. Alaric then asked one of the men who was guarding the prison to come forward and open the door of the prison. He then took me out of there and after that, he started to drag me out of that place. After walking for a while, he asked someone to chain me to the tree and they did what he ask them to do.  Alaric and Kara laughed at my condition while they were holding each other hands.  The pack members started to throw stones at me and some even spit on me because they believe what Kara and Alaric told them about me.  They think that I used black magic to kill the Alpha and Jarred, but I am not guilty.  “Aaa... Aaah.... aaaa”, I yelled, I cried, but there was no one interested in listening to my pleas. They already decided that I am the one who is responsible for everything.  Alaric then set on the fire while Kara also spits on me. My body might burn, but my soul won’t forget the scars that they gave me today by betraying my trust.  I mated and got rejected on the same day.  If there is something like a second chance and if the Moon Goddess feels even a little pity for me then I will return and make them pay for what they did with me. The pain will be their, not mine. The tears will be their, not mine. The only thing which will be mine is the revenge that I will take from them.  I will burn them in the same way, I will let them experience the same things, but the pain will surely be different and much worse than mine.  I swear vengeance on all those people who dared to hurt and betray my trust for their selfish motives.  I will surely return to finish what they started.  This weak omega will show them that she doesn’t need anyone’s help to fulfil her revenge.  I didn’t cry, I just embraced the flames which was burning me down.  My so-called mate and my friend were kissing and laughing in each other arms while everyone was celebrating that they finally punished the criminal who dared to kill the Alpha.  I will be back and this time, I won’t repeat the same mistake. 
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