Chap 2: The Enemy in Sheep's Clothing

1450 Words
***Third Persons POV*** "Mommy, daddy, please don't leave me, please I don't want to be alone" Beaula stated as she was crying profusely. Pleading for her parents to stay with her, she quickly rushed to hug her mother tightly as well as her dad. " We are so sorry for leaving you all alone, baby. You are stronger than you think, baby", her mother said, as tears ran down her face. Beaula shook her head, saying "No Mommy nooo....please mommy, I don't want to be all alone. I want to sleep on your lap every day, I want your sweet fragrance to lure me to sleep. I want to train with daddy every morning, I want to wake up to you both every day. Please don't leave." She couldn't stop her tears and the trembling of her hands and legs. "My beautiful daughter, never forget that we love you very much and we are super proud of how strong you have become. We will continue to watch over you baby", her father chipped in. She released her parents from the hug and out of nowhere blood started flowing from their heads and separated into two. She screamed loudly and jolted out of her sleep. Beaula was sweating profusely and began to shiver as if she had been in the cold for a long. The dream felt so real. Due to the dream she had, she couldn't sleep anymore and decided to take her bath since it was about 3:30 am in the morning. After she was done with her normal morning routine, she dressed up in her servant uniform. She left the servants' quarters around 4:00 am and headed towards the kitchen to begin her morning duties. She later met with her newfound friends Lizzy and Ruby and they made their way to her previous home to pack her things as well as her parents. They made fun of each other and laughed their hearts out as they moved toward the place she used to call home. Beaula's smiles and happy expression vanished when they got to her previous home. She felt a lot of emotions passing through her sadness was the strongest one. She smiled slightly as she thought of how her father used to chase her around the house when growing up. Ruby knocked on the door when the got there because she knew that Beaula was just going to stand watching the door in sadness. She understood what Beaula was going through at the moment just by looking at the sadness in her eyes. The door was opened by the maid, who asked in confusion. "Who are you?" Beaula replied, " Lilly, it's me, Beaula." "Ooh Ms. Beaula, I didn't recognize you. I'm sorry about that. I heard what happened to your parents. I am very sorry for your loss. By the way, what are you doing here? Are you by any chance here to see Ms. Shelly?" She asked. "Yes and no, I'm here to get my things, but if she is available it won't hurt to meet her. What do they normally say again.....hmmm yes I remember now ...killing two birds with one stone " she giggled with her friends at the end. " Come in, Ms," Lilly said. "Please stop calling me Ms. I'm a servant just like you, so just call me Beaula". Beaula replied " If you say so, Beaula, the newly appointed Beta of the royal family came in immediately after you left the house, I decided to pack your things into the storage room, so follow me. I will show you", Lily muttered, "Okay thanks," said Beaula. They made their way towards the storage room and Lilly opened the door for them but left quickly to get her young mistress for Beaula. "Wow, Lily has made our work so easy, everything is well packed," Beaula said in excitement since she was already tired after doing her kitchen duties. "Yes, let's bring these boxes out and go for your parents' things later. What do you say?" Ruby said. Beaula just nodded as they made their way to the main door. She saw her childhood best friend, Shelly, leaving the box she was carrying, run to her and gave her a very tight hug. She was so happy to see her best friend but her happiness turned into confusion and sorrow as her so-called best friend pushed her to the ground. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Do you know how much I bought this dress?" Shelly said angrily. Lizzy and Ruby gasped as they helped Beaula up from the floor. They were all surprised at her reaction. Beaula walked to Shelly and tried touching her once more but Shelly quickly pulled away, saying " Don't ever in your miserable life touch me ever again.....Do you know who I am?" If you don't, then let me refresh your memory.... I am the only daughter of the newly appointed Royal beta, so I don't roll with a lowlife like you. " Shelly said proudly and smirked at Beaula. "Shelly, it is me your best friend, Beaula," she said in anguish. "So what?? I only befriended you for my personal gain, since your parents used to be royal betas but now that they are no more". She snorted, " I have no use for you. And I can't befriend an omega like yourself. What will people say about me?" Shelly replied, laughing heartlessly. "No no no this can't be true, you used to say you have got my back and we are best friends forever, so was all that a lie?" she queried in disbelief. Shelly began to laugh once more before she replied "You are more stupid than I ever thought. Didn't you see all that was fake ...ooh my dear Beaula, you're a little naive, you need to grow up. Besides, you were just a stepping stone for us." "You will surely live to regret this Shelly. I promise you" Beaula stated as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand. "We will see about that. Now take your filthy belongings and get the hell out of my house. Never return. We are done". Shelly smirked as she said this. She was definitely happy she had gotten rid of her so-called best friend Beaula. Beaula went out of the house with tears running down her face. The more she cleaned, the more the tears flowed. She couldn't believe what just happened. Her friend of ten years had just told her it was all pretends. This world is full of evil, she thought. "Beaula, I know how it feels to be betrayed but don't cry, because that girl in there does not deserve your tears, okay," Lizzy said in anger and disgust towards Shelly. Beaula nodded, wiping her face. When they got to her room, Lizzy and Ruby told her they would go for the rest of the things and that she should arrange her things and rest. They also informed her they would cover for her at work. She thanked them for their help and began to arrange her things. Later in the evening, she went out to the back of the castle for fresh air and sat on the bench in the backyard. She observed how the full moon was giving light to the darkness. She wanted to be just like the moon. She thought of her future and what the future held for her. "A penny for your thoughts" came a deep masculine voice. She turned to the person, smiling. "Char char, it's been a while" Beaula muttered as her lips twitched in a smile. "Yes it has and how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that? Call me Charles. I'm a man now.....char char is for a little boy" he jokingly said. she giggled before saying "you have told me so many times but I can't help it. I love calling you that." "If you say so, I heard what happened to your parents, I'm sorry I was not around to help you through these difficult times" he stated sadly, "No worries, talking about help there is something you can do for me. Since you're one of the best warriors in the pack and the future Delta at that.....I want you to help me train in the mornings as early as 3:00 am and in the evenings around that time." Beaula said with seriousness. "Sure, anything for you, my beauty...I hope you will be able to keep up" he replied. smirking. She then shook her head, giggling. They said their final goodbyes as they went to their respective rooms.
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