Episode 53-Need not want

1605 Words
Vera was running crazy after being denied to see her mother because she was a ticking bomb, so she requested to see Claus immediately but she was denied entrance so...she got mad. She had just left her room to visit Claus study but the guards claimed Claus was in the throne room and when she turned to go see him, to demand an explanation for denying her the chance to see her mother the guards stopped her again. Vera moved close to the guard at the door then held his hand...watching him as he started drying up, eventually he shrunk so much that he fall and broke out of lack of stamina with his eyes wide open. Vera sighed watching the dessicated corpse of the guard in both pity and disgust. "Won't you open the door right now? Or you would have me mummify you too?" Vera questioned and the guard trembled to have the door opened for her. Claus was in a meeting with every important members of Vera's court but Vera had no idea why the meeting was called. She strolled down the aisle with her long black illusion neckline dress that had transparent material flying about as she walked down to the throne room while meeting Claus eyes briefly, at least she was still the queen and she demand respect from him, as if reading her mind...Claus smiled and said. "My queen" and on cue the rest of the court members showed her respect. "I have been unwell I'm afraid...I have been recuperating and I think now I'm fit to continue to rule this court. So, what is the meeting all about- "It's about-" Claus was about to explain when Vera adamantly cut him short. "Not you Claus, I will...call on you when it's time" She forced Claus a smile who also did the same. He knew too well Vera would not like what they were discussing, there was no way the court members would know that since he claimed it was her command. "You chancellor" Vera pointed to the human angel that was appointed a chancellor by Vera herself. "Well, we were sharing the news of the angels captured while leaving the city, we tortured them to tell why and where they were leaving too...they haven't been any leads because they all claim they have no idea where they are going, they just want to leave the city" the ginger haired man speak and Vera met Claus' eyes. "Is that so Claus? You...captured and tortured angels leaving the city?" Vera asked while resting her chin on her palm while her elbow rested on the armrest of the throne. "Yes my queen, it was the only way we could stop more angels from leaving the city...we had to set examples- "It didn't occur to you you'll motivate them to find a better way to escape, or it didn't occur to you they Willa question my fitness for the throne since I will be bias...it's not just the angels that's revolting Claus, even some demons sect doesn't want to be part of the new kingdom we all wish to bring up...I want to rule it all but it shall be on my terms Claus and not yours...you should get that in your head" Vera didn't show any signs of anger or aggression as she spoke but she needn't broadcast it. Claus knew she was furious. "But there's a rumor that you're sick and you're not really fit for the throne, you can't even control your powers-" The council member who was speaking paused as he felt his throat run dry, he started to cough, this was surprising because Vera wasn't moving a muscle...just looking at the man who kept coughing until he start vomiting blood, blood escaped from his eyes, nostrils and ears until he dropped dead on the floor earning gasped from all the council members who were now terrified. "Such a pity, and he was trying to say something...does anyone have any idea what he was trying to say?" Vera questioned but everyone was too terrified to voice anything against her. "He was an angel?" One of the group voiced out in terror. "Probably not a pure heart...I mean why else would I still have my powers?" Vera smiled not wanting to reveal to the angel population she could actually kill them without losing her powers...it was against their nature to kill, against who do so lose their powers and their wings turn black...they become a black angel who is destined to be on the run forever or be killed but Vera was now certain that she was a different breed. "I would not have anyone disobey my orders again...I want a the wall sealing the gate of Angel Bay expanding throughout the city, no one is allowed to leave but people who try shall not be killed but sent to the dungeon...I hope that is clear enough?" Vera maintained her locked gaze with Claus as she speak and Claus knew she was actually talking to her. Vera rose to her feet, then stride down towards the entrance of the court but before she left she turned to Claus to threaten him further. "If you don't have your men removed from my mother's room I will send you their skeleton" She said before she left, she don't know how the words get to the men before her; but they were gone by the time she arrived to check on her mother. "Mother" Vera sighed closing the door behind her before going to hug her paralyzed mother. "Tight" Hara forced voiced and Vera instantly released her, first because she spoke in a very long time two because she was afraid her power was still unstable and she might end up hurting her. "Mother...did you just-" Hara was asking when Claus appeared on the room with her. "Vera I-". Vera raised her palm not wanting to hear any of it but then the heat started, she was suddenly uncomfortable...her heartbeat increased and she felt inner walls pulsate with need. "Vera...is something wrong?" Claus called out to her. "I...the mating season, it's here" Vera croaked out, finding it hard to retrain herself from jumping Claus. Claus did something surprising to her though, he moved back. "Vera...your power is unstable right now" Claus reminded not just afraid to get close but annoyed. "Claus, this is the very first day of mating season, you know how painful it can be without your mate to satisfy you, Claus...please, I can't..." Vera groaned. "I have to mate" She croaked out roughly. "That's not a good idea...not right now that you can accidentally kill me, how can you be sure you won't go out of control?" Vera couldn't assure him either but she was so desperate to satisfy her raging desires. "I won't hurt you" She sounded more like she was convincing herself. "I won't...I want...no, not want...I need to mate. Right now" Vera was finding it hard to resist jumping Claus, she needed to be satisfied, filled and pleasured...the sudden lust that comes with the season also come with pain if not satisfied. "Huhhhh" Vera groaned out feeling her inside clasp, she wanted her release. "Claus" She called out pitifully but seeing her so vulnerable was enough for his retaliation. He was humiliated because of what she did back in the courtroom but seeing how she stood begging for him to have her...it made him sad and happy at the same time, he couldn't stand and watch her suffer they were mates after all. "Claus please" Vera begged feeling her body tremble, Claus scent wasn't helping matters...his scent filled her nostrils and cloud her senses, a very uncomfortable feeling. Claus groaned and draw her out of her mother's room to her room, Vera couldn't wait, she suddenly grow claws which she used to tear away Claus clothes like scissors tearing away paper. Claus froze for a minute as he was shocked by her actions, how can claws be that sharp he wondered? He knew...he was mated to the most dangerous type of their species. "Vera...Vera" Claus was trying to protest as she slammed her lips to his wanting to devour his soft, plump lip at a go...Claus was seized complaining when she felt Vera’s pleasure explode inside of him making him moan at loud...Vera was in a hurry, and her powers seems to be going out of control without knowing it, Claus figured. The glass plant decorating her table suddenly broke and burst the glass, she was getting too excited and things are starting to get really bad. "Vera-" Claus moaned out how named as she slowly go down on her knees to take him. "Veradine stop!" Claus finally managed to snap her out of her lust trance. "What's wrong?" Vera worried as he haven't call her by her full name in quite a while. "You're too excited Vera, you have to. Calm down or you'll go out of control" Apparently, Vera had already lost control...her eyes dilated and a black rim formed in her iris. "You shouldn't have stopped me" There was echo in her voice as she spoke. Claus swallowed hard not knowing what to do for once in her life. "Ve-" He froze as Vera made a small pinch with one of her nails. He landed on the floor with a loud thud. "Maybe it'll be better if you can't resist" Vera's Phoenix cackled before drawing up the immobile Claus to her bed and making him watch as she let loose her garment and climbed unto the bed to have her way with him. ----------
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