Episode 46-A friend in an angel

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“My breakfast’s all burned out” Crystal complained before as she dumped her burned breakfast into the trashcan.   ‘I’m so sorry about that, it was hard to pull you out, you were so engrossed’  Angelique apologized in her head again but Chrystal just proceeded into making herself some sandwiches instead.   “It's okay, your sister said the world is in trouble and they needed your help, your sister is a really lovely person” Crystal assured filling her bread but Angelique just sighed in her head.   ‘After what they all did to me, I don’t really think I want to help them’ Crystal could guess what she was going through and felt really bad for her but was just quiet.   “So, where do you think your body will be? Do you think you’ll be able to find it on on your own?” Crystal asked after she had successfully made herself some sandwiches.   ‘Even if I’m able to find it, I still won’t be able to get into my body; my mother is a smartypants….even if I’ve been gone for more than 21years, she had planned out everything…she will definitely try to strike a bargain with me…if she’s not dead yet’ Angelique sounded pained and it made Crystal paused what she was doing to sigh.   ‘I need hr to be alive so I can make her life as miserable as she made mine; both her and my father unfortunately ever since my father died, I don’t really know how to feel about it anymore…what if…she also died before I could even get to leave this body?’ Crystal can’t pinpoint a reason why she understands her so well, maybe because she was in her head but she couldn’t say, she felt really sorry for her and wished to help.   Looking lost and feeling awkward from the sudden silence as she a have her breakfast, her thoughts clouded her mind recalling when she first met Helen who had came to claim her sister, she was very nice and did everything to protect her, she had felt drawn and suddenly attached to her…but she wonder: could she also have started out Angelique’s misery.   Angelique knew what she thinking but Crystal had no idea Angelique could see into his thoughts, rather than try to explain she let Crystal into her memories again.   Crystal found herself watching Angela as she grew, she lost two of her brothers again and she refused to love the others the same way. Terrified of losing them just like her earlier brothers, she was considered the most powerful after she sparred with the king and ended up wounding him. The king was happy she had surpassed him but everyone was rather worried, her life was basically all about smiling in the face of everyone while crying inside but that changed after she found someone.   Crystal watched her call him mate after someone pushed him off a cliff and he landed in the waters she was having her bath. She seems to have known they were meant to be together right before she rescued him from the waters since it appears he couldn’t swim. She had brought him to the edge of the river and controlled out the water in his longs but kissed him. Crystal would have insisted it was crazy to try that the moment just after meeting someone but the guy’s hand moved around her and cupped her waist, Angelique was only wearing a white linen around her body, it was wet and transparent and the way the guy’s hands moved around her made Crystal think she’ll rip the clothes of and get down to things with her, the two don’t even know each others names.   They both moaned into each other’s mouth before the guy rolled her over wanting to claim her but suddenly he sprouted his wings and fly back breathing heavily before staring at Angelique with a questioning gaze.   “You shouldn’t do that, I might not be able to stop myself next time-” The brown hair guy who was wearing his hair long and had weird type of clothing on had told Angelique while he slowly landed in front of her.   “You’re my mate, why would you need to sop yourself” Angelique had replied stood watching him, she had moved closer to him and the guy had sucked in a breath biting down on his lower lip.     “You know you want to…come on” Angelique had urged and the guy closed the gap between them and kissed her again, the princess throw her arms around his neck and the guy pinned her to himself by cupping his waist with his big strong hands but they were distracted by another set of guys who had the same type of clothing on like the princess mate.   “We throw you off the cliff and you’re kissing…looks like you found your mate lucky you” One of the guy with blonde here and extremely gorgeous brown eye spoke.   “Hixin..we don’t want any trouble, if you just leave her alone, and leave, I won’t tell mother you threw me off the cliff-   “Nice offer but we’ll pass” Hixin chuckled and the other guys around him laughed. They don’t seem to recognize Angelique as the princess; Crystal guessed as she watched water moved from the river and make a dress over the white transparent linen the princess had on.   “You are trespassing on the royal land-   “And who’s the lady?" The last guy laughed and the princess rolled her eyes.   “I hate bullies” She muttered under her breath and had controlled an incredible amount of water out of the river to sweep off the boys into the main river and she kept immersing and submerging their heads inside the water until the boys cry out for forgiveness.   “That’s enough; they are my brothers” The Princess  mate spoke softly but she wasn’t done with them yet. She made a huge flamingo out of water around the boys and have it racing around the river with the boys behind it…it was an entertainment for her so she started laughing, so hard that his mate couldn’t help it either until a royal guards came.   “Princess, the queen request your presence” The guard relayed and the princess lost her concentration leading to the flamingo dissipating into an heavy water body that splashed back into the river slamming Hixin and his group back into the water and by the time they raised their head they were shocked by what they saw.   It was one of the maids putting the princess robe on her and her face faced up staring at the queen who was on a flying dragon, the shock sent Crystal straight out of the memory only to find herself shutting the windows and the doors.  Crystal knew all the time she was in Angelique’s memory, Angelique has the control.   “What are you doing?” She asked after she successfully pushed Angelique to the back of her head.   “Actually, there are demons around your house at the moment; is there any like…secret exist or something, I’m guessing that evil sister of mine have finally found me” Angelique doesn’t look too happy about that though.     “There’s a small door in the kitchen that led to the garage…we should be able to get out from there”  Crystal assured and run for the the door which of course was lock. She ran upstairs and rampaged her parents room for the key which she later found on her father’s study table. She raced back to the kitchen but froze for a second when the heavy banging on the door wouldn’t stop.   “Go” Angelique screamed in her head and she eventually regained her composure and ran for the kitchen. She opened the door and race down a dark but short corridor that eventually led them to the garage. Then she raised up the glass window in the garage and started running down the street not bothered about looking back because she knew what awaits her if she does.   “What am I gonna do?” She asked as she kept running. ”We have to find a way to call my sister…you have to sleep” Crystal stopped in her tracks and frown.   “Sleep? You’re kidding right?” Crystal brows furrowed tight as she scoffed her question.     “No, you have to find a safe place to sleep it’s the only way I can communicate with my sister…I will find away to draw her out of her consciousness and talk to her-   “Is that what you always do…talk to her when I’m sleeping?” Crystal questioned and Angelique shrugged in her head.   “Not always; it takes energy-   “I guess I found the reason why I always wake up tired” Crystal muttered sounding a little annoyed by the act.   “We don’t have much time-   “Okay, okay…the sky is clear today at least. I should probably  catch a bus and head to mom’s hospital…that way, I’ll be able to sleep in her examination room for a couple of minutes-   “The hospital…for some reason, I think that place would be flooded with demons” Angelique disagreed.   “Where would you have me go?” Crystal questioned and heaved a sigh. Then her eyes fell on two demons approaching her, she instantly took a turn and walked into an alleyway but before she walked to the end a spider looking demon appeared at the other end.   “I think we’ve been cornered-   “No, you don’t think…we have been cornered” Angelique corrected in her head and she heaved and she sighed.   “What do we do?” Crystal questioned but Angelique was quiet for a minute.   “You can’t just stop talking now we need to-   “Let me take control” Angelique requested after surveying the demons around Crystal using her eyesight.   “And how do I do that?” Crystal inquired.   “I think you should just relax; keep calm and I’ll do the rest” Angelique suggested and Crystal nodded but she was suddenly finding it hard to relax.     “I don’t think I can relax not with them getting closer and closer Angelique” Crystal started panicking as the demon with spider legs started to approach her.   “I’ll do it myself” Angelique groaned in her head opening her memories for Crystal to get drawn into before she took control of her body.   “So, who are you guys and why are you following me?” The question from Crystal had them exchanging confused looks.   “I don’t think she can see us for who we truly are” The demon behind Crystal spoke while narrowing her face at Crystal in a questioning glance that had Crystal frowning.   “What are you guys  talking about?” Angelique spoke through Crystal again hoping to confuse them but the spider-demon was very smart.   “Have seen angel’s pretend not to see demons before but I can still your aura slowly oozing out, you must be a very powerful angel to be able to suppress your aura…how spectacular but I’m a 150years old and I know when an Angel is pretending not to be an angel…I’m a bounty hunter and I was sent to capture the girl that could be harboring the soul of the late princess and I am very certain you are that girl” Angelique knew she was going to be the smart pants amongst the three demons that had rounded her up judging from her spooky looks and sharp fangs. How disgusting she thought…she inhaled deeply and let her aura out suffocating them with fear.   “Me not letting my aura out; was to help you…even if…I am in the body of some young girl? Do you seriously think you can withstand it?”Crystal had a smug look on her face as she watched them all tremble in fear but she had to shut off aura or she was going to draw the attention of the demons in the whole state.   “So…you know who I am? Do  you still want to fight me?” Crystal folded her hands while staring at them looking all strange.   “You can’t let her intimidate you…she’s without her powers. Together we can-” A flying rod instantly got stuck in her mouth.   “You talk too much” Crystal sneered at the spider looking woman before she fell with a loud thud, and she slowly turned towards the other two demons who instantly took to their heels after watching the scene.   “Now let’s go talk to my sister” Angelique muttered before passing by the disintegrating spider demon, then out of the alleyway. ------- 
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