Episode- Finding out the truth

1936 Words
Back in Angel Bay Vera had her hands folded and her head bowed as she silently stared into the setting sun of the day, she had a lot on her mind and she knew she had to address it soon or else their biggest treat was yet to surface yet but after her mother’s seizure, she didn’t want to address it yet and just think, her mate I’ve been pushing for her to summon a meeting with every angel that had pledged allegiance to her but she feared the result of the action and requested to be alone for a while, eventually, Vera made up her mind, even if there was a water angel out there, an Aqua Angel that was as powerful as she is she believed she had an advantage over her and that advantage was being a Hybrid, a demon and an angel, a rare species. “Summon the meeting” Vera after leaving the lounge and opening the huge door that separated the room to the hallway she faced her mate who seems to be waiting for her to arrive at a decision. Claus nodded and immediately headed away to do her biddings. Unlike the council of ministers and family chief, Vera appointed her own circle of the council which mostly contained power-hungry people, the greedy generations of Angels that had been eying power for a very long time. They all greeted Vera demon style as she walked into the huge courtroom, with a change of dress, her dress had an extremely long cloak and a black stone sequined dress that glistened as the soles of her black shoes clicked the ground on her way to the throne which repelled her every time she gets close, Vera knew the throne had a feeling of her own and could tell if the wrong person was sitting on the throne but she had never paid any attention to the throne, after all, it was just a mere object… “Each one of you is called here, so I can ask you a very important question, and should you fail to give me a proper response, you know what happens…you won’t have me tell you” Vera smiled with a threatening demeanor after she settled properly on the throne. Each member of her council had ear written all over them, they look terrified but she didn’t mean to just scare them, she wanted to know every single thing and wanted to eliminate every possible threat that might pose to her in the future. “Your words are our commands queen” The younger brother of the Fotia family chief spoke, he was one of the few who had immediately pledged their allegiance to Vera because he had always envied his brother’s position as the family chief though he knew that post was never his to own. Vera stared at the greedy man and gave her a quick glance before turning to the others who would also do anything to impress her. “I want everything you know about Princess Angelique” The queen’s question had murmurs immediately rising to the air and mumblings could be heard around at the mention of the name. “You all knew her, don’t you? So now, tell me everything you know about her…everyone of you in a single pile and to avoid wasting my time you must not repeat whatever it is the previous person has said” Vera instructed and her council members immediately formed a row. Fetronus, the younger brother of Alexandrite’s father went first. “Princess Angelique was the queen and the King’s first born child, she was peculiar because unlike the female angels that mostly learnt how to weave, knit, and use their abilities for minor things, princess Angelique picked up the sword at the age of 7 unlike every other angels that have ever existed, before 16 she has not only mastered the arts of bending, the philosophy of the royal family…she had also managed to finish the study on Angel laws and weapon arts, she was closer to her father and because she was a warrior, on her 12th birthday she tamed her dragon and become the youngest to ever successfully done it, she beat King Kyrio in combat after she clocked 25 but it was heard that she was a late bloomer, unlike every other angels she started experiencing the mating dream when she was 26 after she had given up about ever finding a mate, everything about princess Angelique would have been perfect if she wasn’t mated to an hybrid” This immediately gained Vera’s attention and she adjusted in her seat on hearing the word ‘hybrid’. “A hybrid, a demon-angel?” Vera asked to be certain and Fretronus nodded. “It took the princess 8years to find out though because the hybrid chose his angel side over his demon side, only a few people had managed to see his true form but the king knew though, from the very first day he saw princess Angelique’s mate who was from the Earth family. “Their union was not supported by the king as he felt he tainted the royal family” Vera from the look on her face seems to be completely engrossed in the story and got lost in it because she relates far too well with it, then she recalled what the queen said about a hybrid she knew that had successfully managed to balance his two natures, Vera started to think if she could find the hybrid before him perhaps she’d be able to properly use her powers and also put an end to the voices in her head. “So where is this hybrid?” Vera got impatient and just wanted to find Angelique’s mate that way, she could have all of her answers at once. “Dead… rumors had it that the royal family had him killed as well as Princess Angelique first bore the night she was most vulnerable, during childbirth. They slain her mate and killed her child to keep Angel Bay safe but the princess was enraged, even though her clothing was soaked with the blood of her childbirth…she managed to stand and leave for the palace going ice-cold and freezing every living soul in Angel Bay in retaliation to what they did to her, then she challenged her father to a duel of death- “What is that?” Vera interrupted Fretronus. “A dual in which if an angel kills the other he still maintained his identity as a white angel; if an angel kills a pure soul of another angel or human, he turned a black angel but in the duel of death, the winner if he killed his opponent would not become a black angel, the king after many thoughts accept the challenge and killed princess Angelique that night” Fretronus concluded and Vera heaved a sigh of relief because she figured out she had been worrying over nonsense. The man behind Fretronus took his place after Fretronus left the queue. “Well, it was rumored that the princess was not actually dead” Vera’s eyes immediately shot up. “As the king couldn't kill his own daughter, but this was only peoples guesses but the actual truth was that the princess died and her body was taken to the ancient tombs, my family oversee the event” Vera narrowed her eyes at the man and study him for a minute. “Do you know where the princess was buried, that ancient tombs?” Vera quirked her brows at the man and the man nodded. “Bring me the royal physician” Vera commanded figuring that the woman might have tricked her somehow since the two council members claimed the princess was dead. “I will like you to take me to those tombs” Vera stood from her seat and walk up to the old man who nodded almost immediately, soon afterward…they came dragging in the female royal physician who was from the time family. “Your vision seems to be blurred old woman because it turns out your only source of hope has been tarnished and your princess seems to have been killed a very long time ago, how’s your queen doing by the way I heard she’s stable now…I hope she doesn’t hate me too much for making her lose her child. She just proved to be very stubborn. Everyone in the courtroom gasped in disbelieve, making Vera smile as she had successfully instilled fear in them. “I will take you to go see your princess tombs, so you would stop spread false hope among your people, no one…no one is coming to rescue you” With that Vera turned to the man and asked for him to lead the way while swerving her cloak to the back. The head physician tried to struggle as they drag her behind the queen who was led by Claus, two guards, and the councilman who took them to the sacred grounds where the ancient tomb was, the queen halted for a minute on seeing the tomb that had he father’s name on it, she wasn’t sure if her father would have appreciated what she was doing; she wondered for several minutes how it was going to be if he was alive. “My queen” Claus called to get her attention and eventually did after she heaved a heavy sigh and continue the walk past the spooky road, the ancient look like every other graveyard was quiet, spooky, and dreadful-looking, in such a way that every creaks and sound heard sent cold chills down their spine. “Why is it that no one has ever mentioned the princess's name?” Vera suddenly asked out of curiosity. “After her death, it was too painful for the queen and king and ordered for her name never to be mentioned ever again except she surfaced again after Princess Angela came, she turns out to be as powerful as her and went ice-cold once but somehow they managed to put her under control before she could hurt anyone” The councilman leading them to speak as they all kept working. Vera considered Angela as the biggest threat and vowed she would have her knelt before her no matter the circumstances but the princess was far too stubborn. They arrived at Princess Angelique’s tomb and a frown formed on the council man’s face because he felt someone had been there recently since there were no weed coverings on the tomb entrance before, but he wasn’t sure so being from the Geo family he could manipulate earth, he unlocked the tomb with his powers and lead the queen down the cave. “You can’t go too far my queen, the princess is guarded by her demon Unique, a direct descendent of the king’s dragon, she would not have anyone come near her sleeping mistress- “But…I thought once an angel dies the bond she had with the dragon dies with her…why is this particular dragon still tied to her mistress- “Because their heritage fathoms it, they are very strange dragons that pay they are paid their allegiance to their mistress or master even in death…even the king’s dragon still guard his tomb and will continue to until they starve to death since they wouldn’t blink an eye” The man replied trying to catch a glimpse at where Princess Angelique lies. “I want to claim him” The princess declared shocking everyone present with her in the tomb. ---------------
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