Chapter 4: Major Rude

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After the exile of the entirety of the former king's family, the whole castle was quiet, there were no sounds of yelling and the maids and butlers had more time for themselves. I got a chance to go over most of the paperwork for the castle, and honestly it would be millennia before I would need to adjust to the economy. If things continue as they did. I have fired quite a few maids and butlers after their disgusting behavior, some went to my bedroom to breed with me, who the hell calls it like that? and some of the maids just plain out abused me, or tried too. Julia was there to stop me whenever the whole power s**t got the best of me. I have yet to kill someone, by accident or other ways. The commanding Guard was a very good man, he is nice, respectful and I am pretty sure he has a thing for Julia, and who the hell am I to judge. She is damn amazing. They had been spending a lot of time together, so that means I had a lot of time for myself and all the studying I had to do. two months flew by fast, and the Sergeant Major Jules. I love it matches Julia so well with Julia. Jules had come into the office that I had taken over. “My Queen” He said and bowed down to one knee. “You are aware that I don't really like that titel” I say while flipping the papers over and looking at them. “And why is that?” He asked, questioning. “Because that titel got me a s**t load of work and a realm of dragons that I might have never seen before” The answer got him confused. “Right,” he said. “If you have time, I was going to ask you to meet our army, but going to the Dragons might not be such a bad idea.” He said, I almost flew out of the chair. “We can do both,” I said, standing up and almost running out the stuffy room, I make it all the way out the office doors before I turn around seeing a Jules that is working hard to not laugh, “Why don't I escort you my Queen” I look at him. “O.H H.E.L.L N.O” I said and pointed left and right until Jules gave in and pointed left. “This way” I jump and start walking. I think I'm walking fast, but Jules is actually having trouble with the tempo being so slow. We get out into the yard where the big stone table is. I walk over and lightly grace it with my hand before we venture out onto a path that goes through the garden. This place is massive with trees and flowers of all colors and then some. We walk roughly 20 minutes before making it to a stoned path that leads us to a lot of sweaty, not very clothed men working out, huffing and puffing while grunting. “ATTENTION” one yells and they all get into lines of 12. Jules goes over and makes them stand relaxed. “This my Queen is the First, Sixth and 38th platoon” He said, I looked at him. “Forgot how to count Jules?” I ask, I try to whisper but some snickers come from the warriors standing in front of us. “No my Queen” He said with a smile “Today's training is recommended but not something they have to do, therefore I looked out and saw who was here and from what platoon they were from” that's neat I guess. Before talking more Jules starts to yell again. “The Queen wishes to meet the Dragons today.” The guards light up. They get dismissed and we walk yet again down some paths. We walked a long way this time and I'm getting sore on my heels. Jules realices it, “Keep it up we are almost there” And he was not kidding, we arrive at stables 4 times bigger and taller than I have ever seen before. Jules nudges me towards some benches that are standing in front of the stables. “I'll go and get something for you to drink” He said, bowing and ushered off. I look at the magnificent buildings. when air is coming out of nowhere. Some of the warriors stand at attention and some don't, I find myself questioning the behavior. Out from the sky comes 6 Dragons, some big as… and some rather smaller than I thought. When landing one of them, a smaller gray dragon with only two legs and no fronts looked at me, out of nowhere the dragon turned into two, one dragon and a person. A woman stands beside the dragon, looking at me with a questioning and challenging look all at the same time. The 5 other dragons do the same, turning human and dragon. “Looks like we got a new recruit” The woman said and walked over to me. “Looky looky, aren't you all pretty and clean? '' She said, I'm confused and enraged but I try to keep my temper under control, I don't know if it will upset the dragons if I go and hurt their humans. “My Queen” Jules comes over and looks at the woman, the woman pales and stands at attention. “This is Major Lydia.” Jules said and handed me a bottle of water. I get up from my seat but soon realize my feet are killing me, so I lean up against the table. “I have a question” I said to Jules, while looking at Lydia. “Yes my Queen” He was really underlining the Queen s**t right now. “What are they?” I point toward the 5 men that had come with Lydia. “They are Majors as well. These five are Majors of the 40th to the 45th platoon” Jules said, the 5 men came over to stand at attention as well, bowing and standing straight. A Lot of others had come over to see what was going on, the warriors I had followed here were snickering away. “What are they?” I point at the warriors I sure as hell knew where was from, considering I had been introduced to them. “They are the ones I introduced earlier” Jules states “I know, but what rank do they hold?” Jules looks over at the men shortly and back. “They are recruits, corporals and sergeants.” Jules said. I point over to the men who stood at attention when the 5 dragons arrived. “And those?” I ask. “The same my Queen '' Jules was confused as to what I was doing, whether or not I was going to punish the Mayors. “So from what I can tell these 5 have the second highest position here?” I ask Jules, still confused. “No, third” now I was confused. “You my Queen is the highest, there after myself and then the 5 Majors” I nodded, Jesus he could have just rolled with it. “So my rank everyone here, other than you and me should be showing respect and standing at attention like those over there did, when the Majors came back?” Jules got my line of thought. His men had f****d up. “What is the punishment for disrespecting, even when knowing the facts?” I asked him. He noticed that I was insinuating that Lydia had not known that I was the Queen, but his subordinates knew full well that they were disrespecting Majors who were of higher rank than themselves. He landed on the ground on one knee with his own arm on the standing knee and his forehead on his arm. “I apologize for my lack of leadership my Queen, the men will be punished and I will take along with their Majors the same punishment. “Did you know?” I ask Jules as he lifts his face. “No, whenever I am near they would respect the ranks” I nod. “Then stop doing foolish things and just punish the ones who really need it” I say, Jules gets up from his knees and looks back at the 5 Majors. They are quiet lookers, around late thirties early forties. Except for Lydia. “I apologize to my Queen for the rudeness and disrespect” I look at Lydia who is not meeting my eyes. “It's okay, you did not know that I was … Ehm is the Queen, and you need to establish your own respect so that this would not continue” I smiled at her, a grateful one appeared on her and I thought to myself, this is going great. “I apologize for being blunt” The biggest Major of them all said, he took a step forward never looking down to me, in the literal sense, he was freaking tall like a bear on two legs. He was buff, broad, with purple eyes and dark blond hair. “Okay?” I said I did not really know what he was referring to. “I will not see you as my Queen before the Big white has accepted you” He said. I looked around and people noded. “Okay, Major rude. Mind telling me who this big white is?” I just about finish when I feel a cold breeze from behind, I turn around and see the biggest white spiked dragon. standing there with its head held high and its eyes fixated on me. It felt homy for some reason when looking at it, like the old man had felt when I met him. I turned back to the warriors and everyone was on their knees showing respect. I was about to turn again when I felt shivers down my neck to my back, the dragon was standing inches from my skin with its nose sniffing me. I had no idea what was going on so I just stood there. I turned after a while thinking that if it was going to eat me it would have. When I turn I see those blue eyes that the old man had. They were beautiful. I missed them. The dragon moved its face closer and closer to me, and when its forehead met mine, I was no longer standing by the stables. Memories from when the old man met the Great white to his crowning and even to the day he said he was going to the human realm for a bit, because he had never been. I saw it all. In split seconds and then it was gone. The dragon withdrew its head from mine, it took a step back when I heard the voices behind me talking about me being rejected and other stuff. The dragon was un faced. It laid down on its front all the way, completely vulnerable “She accepted you My Queen” I could har Jules say behind me. “So what do I do now?” I didn't look at Jules. My eyes were stuck to the white giant lying on the ground. “Anything that you feel is right” I was confused. “Gee thank you, mighty dragon warrior for your vice words” I said to him sarcastically. But I did it anyway. I went by her side and layed down with her, I layed on my belly looking at all the stunned warriors even Major Rude was stunned. “You know Miss or Mrs. Dragon, this is really uncomfortable.” I said while turning my head to her. The dragon nudged at me with its shoulders “I'm not going to ride you” I said, shock came from Jules, “If that is what she is telling you, you have too. You need to form a bond” He almost sounded scared for what would happen, I smiled and got up. kicked her shoulder a bit. “I never had a family.” I said as the dragon got up and sat down instead, her face was around 2 meters over me. “The old man promised me one though. Are you what he promised me?” I was a little afraid of the answer. The dragon once again got its forehead to me and in that moment it felt like I had become whole, like I had just walked around without a goal because I was missing her in my life. ‘I Will’ I heard a voice. I looked at the dragon, she nodded and flew off. I was shocked this time. Jules came over. “You okay, my queen?” He asked, I looked at the place in the sky she had disappeared into. “Dragons can talk!?” I said and looked at Jules. “Thank you for the heads up,” I said. A little pissed I walked off, Jules just looking at my back as I left the stables. I walked past Major Rude and his other Majors. “She accepted you, my Queen,” Major Rude said. “Does not mean I accept you, Major Rude” I said as I walked past him. I got to my bedroom, looking up at the ceiling of the room was calming my rage a little, when I heard the knock on the door. Julia came in. “You okay my Queen” She said, I blinked but did not answer her. “My Queen,” She said again. “I have a name you know” I took in a deep breath hiding my face in my palms. “And if you of all people do not want to call me by it, then f**k off and do your actual work Ms. Julia. Or is it Miss Lawyer?” I was angry, silence was what I was met with. The door closed and I did not look if she had stayed or if she had left. A while continued and I only got up when my belly was being noisy, so I decided to go to the kitchen. “My Queen,” The cheffs said in unison. “Hmm” I said and grabbed some veggies and meat. Since I have been here, I have always cooked my own food. After the first meal they prepared where there was enough food to last a month and they did not want to change the amount, I just took away their choice and made it myself. I had gotten my fair share of bitching for it, but I was getting annoyed with me being Queen but being treated like a child. I finished making my food, eating it in the kitchen just to piss on their old rules some more and even cleaned my own dishes today. I left after finishing and went on to take a bath and go to bed.
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