Chapter 2: New acquaintance

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As I was reading the letter over and over again, hours flew by, a knock on the door, me assuming it was the doctor that came with the documents, but boy was I wrong an incredibly beautiful woman stepped in the door. “Guess I didn't make it” I looked at her, Slick black hair, dark brown eyes, slim face and a figure that did good in that suit. “My name is Julia. I was the lawyer of his highness” I swallow hard, what did she just say? highness, she must be wrong. “He even gave you his blessings huh?” She stepped closer to me and looked at my forehead, “Crazy old man, even gave you his essens, he must really not have wanted to see me again” She was talking low, but I could hear her, not understanding anything she was saying, but I could hear her. “Lets get him transported home” She said with a smile on her lips, she picked up the old man like he was nothing, I followed her, not really knowing what I was doing, or going. “THis yours?” She pointed at my trailer, I nodded, not being able to say anything to her. She opened the door and placed the old man in my bed. He was laying there comfortably. I smiled to myself, I had wanted to show it to him but he was too frail to see it when I had bought it. “Are you okay with me driving?” She asked and stretched her hand out, probably for the keys. I nodded again and sat beside her in the front, looking back at the old man from time to time to see if he was still comfortable. I know its stupid him being dead and all but I seriously could not control myself. “So your name is Nadia right?” Julia asked after a few hours of total silence. “Yes,” I said as I played with my fingers on my thighs. “How old are you?” I looked at her puzzled, but played along. “26” I state. “You know, he must have lied to me, he said you were a real talker and was fit for the position of queen” I looked at her again more puzzled than before. “Queen?” I asked only to get an annoyed huff back. Another few hours went by, I could not understand for the life of me how she could continue to drive more than 13 hours with no stops. At that time, I was thinking that the old man must really have trusted her if he decided for her to come and get him, so I thought to myself that I might as well soften up a bit. “He wrote that you were going to explain everything to me?” I ask, not looking at her, her eyes fixed on the road, looking contemplating. “How much did he tell you about us?” She asked as she slumped back into the seat relaxing some more. “Nothing, I actually didn't know that there was a ‘You’ before I read the letter several hours after his death.” She gritted her teeth and started swearing under her breath. “okay.” She finally said, another break for a few minutes without talking. “Do you believe in mythical things?” I looked out the window. “I believe in curses” I state, she looks at me shocked but does not question it. “What about mythical creatures?” She asks, I look at her, not shocked but just because.. “It would be fun if they were real, except I think Vampires, werewolves and that are more scary, but if fairies and nymphs. OH. and mermaids were real, that would be nice.” I say and smile to myself, I had always loved fairy tales and books all in all. “If I told you all of the above is real what would you say?” I thought about it for a while “Where do they hide?” I ask, she looks confused at me but then bursts out into laughter. “We have something called realmes.” I nod, it's not the weirdest thing I have heard, so I just let it pass. “So what are you and the old man?” I ask, thinking that this conversation was a little too serious for a lawyer to be messing around. “Dragons” Is the only thing she says. Dragons I say to myself. “You dont look like one, no offense” I say, she smiles, “we are not capable of changing here in your realm.” She says “Where are we going then?” I ask, figuring that we are going to their Realm but not really knowing how. “We are going to the overpass, that is where the portals are guarded for once that know nothing about them. SO that no one accidentally walked in and so that the once that is banished does not come back”  It took us 5 days to go to the portals, I was confused as to why the old man did not spoil but Julia said it was normal, because Dragons have a special way to go to the afterlife. The whole trip there, I became quite close with Julia, she was funny, kind and trustworthy, even when I say that I did not tell her my story, and she did not ask it either. We came to the portals, my home needed to stay here, it was not allowed to bring gadgets with us over the realms, but they were going to keep it safe and manage it so that it would be as good as new if I ever passed over again. The guards there were friendly, but I had a faint idea that even if they looked human, they were not. The paper work and what not were handled by Julia, the old man was placed in some sort of fabric and was carried in the portal. I say portal but it really just looked like a normal double sized door, that just so happened to be right out in the middle of the room. Together with about 15 other doors. We walked in and on the other side of the door was just another room almost identical to the one we had just been in. Julia grabbed my hand, “So you won't get lost” She said and smiled at me, I looked with my full attention on everything here, just to see if I could spot anything different, but I could not. That is until we came out of the house we were in then it became painfully clear that we were not where we were only a moment ago. The sky was a light purple almost pink color, the sun was hidden away by the same color, and everything else seemed more intense in color than it did at home. well former home. Julia dragged me along, I was looking everywhere and nowhere at the same time. That is until I crashed directly into Julia. I landed on my ass, “You okay?” She asked shocked about my sudden stop. “yes i'm good” I say as I get pulled up by Julia. “SOOO” A squeaky voice said, rather loudly. I looked up and quite a few people were standing in a semi circle around Julia and I. “This the b***h that slept with dad?” I was shocked, they could not have ment me, I was still a virgin and what dad? She looked like 60 or something. “We already discussed this, your highness. The former King decided to make Nadia his heir” I looked at the very displeased faces, in one second they were there, the next they had turned and left. They were all older than Julia by the looks of it. But it seemed like Julia had some respect when it came to them. “Sorry Nadia, I was not expecting them to come here. Hell, Fire is about to get loose”. After the very uncomfortable greeting we had gotten, we had driven to a big ass castle and I was now sitting in another uncomfortable setting. I was sitting on a couch with all the elders around me, none of them were sitting down just walking around. Or rather Pacing around and chatting, nope im sugar coating it. They were full out shouting.  Julia had left for something, and told me that they would not hurt me, but at this point in time I was not going to take her word at face value. The shouting and pacing continued until Julia came back. “I have summoned the closest kins to the former King, I have made them sit in the dining hall since you guys take up quite a decent amount of space, so let's go there, and I will explain everything.” Julia opened the door completely and went to get me. She dragged me along but this time I was looking at my feet instead of my surroundings. We walked a fair bit, before getting to a big room with tables all around it that looked like that of a wedding venue. All seats were taken, Julia pulled me up in front of them all and started talking.  “Roughly 2 weeks ago, I was summoned to the Human realm by our King” She stated the whole room went silent, way too many different colored eyes were looking at us, well they were ignoring me and focussing on Julia. “Our King had fallen ill while on vacation, he was dying. He could not go to the portal and he was not going to even if he could. He said that himself. He summed me up because he wanted the heir to be settled before his death. He had chosen someone he had never met, seen or even knew existed before he fell ill” murmurs started in the whole room. Julia was unfaced. “He chose her because” She took a deep breath, put one hand on her forehead as if a headache was coming around. “And i'm quoting. My kins, are noicy, lazy, fat, spolied, and rude bastards that do not deserve to get everything on a f*****g golden platter. I have chosen this fine specimen of a child, and I will make it so you cannot question my authority.” The whole room fell silent only for a few seconds before the elders started yelling and screaming. it was everything from ‘How dare he’ ‘We took care of him’ and soo on. “JULIA!” A voice boomed over the others, a man I had not seen before came in through the door. But not alone, he had 4 women with him holding his arms around them. Total playboy. “Yes?” Julia said. He walked up to us, “What do you mean we can do nothing to stop his verdict?” he was smug, not much older than me I would presume maybe like 32. “It means exactly what I said, he gave over the throne willengly to her Highness Nadia, and as I have felt it has manifested and there is nothing we can change.” Shock, shock was everywhere in the room. “Willingly?” a rather petite girl said, maybe my age. “Yes Celia, willingly. Your lineage has now come to an end. Your family is now to be removed from the castle and find another way of income. Your assets are being frozen as we speak and will be estimated what you have earned on your own before being giving back to you” I would have expected the whole room to go up into flames, but nothing really happened, they all just looked at me with puzzling eyes, some were even crying, I didn't even know what was going on, other than the old man had taken their inheritance from them and apparently giving it to me.
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