Chapter 11: My family

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The elders were stunned, looking back at the warriors that had taken offense to my words. “GREAT WHITE” I yelled again ‘just come in, you are disturbing the whole stable’ she said from inside, I snorted at her comment. “I'M NOT ALLOWED.” I yelled back, no answer came from the beast. just silence. I felt rejected by her, my heart felt like it took home in my stomach. “My Queen, you must be mistaken” The elders tried again. “You should really take this up with the real rulers of the castle” I said dryly as I continued to look at the stable. She never came out, silence other than the sounds from other dragons came from inside. “The real rulers are just you,” Lara said. “Cute you think that, one out of what, 189 people working at the castle.” I smiled condescending at Lara. She turned red with embarrassment. I walked over to her, taking my sadness from Great Whites rejection out on her. “You should not have chosen a rutting rope to hold on to.” Her eyes filled with water. The ground started shaking, roars and yells from inside the stables got louder. Warriors were running out, stumbling over themselves. “Seek cover” They yelled. I was confused and then I was not. The entire stable shattered in one big explosion, pieces of wood flying everywhere. I was looking at it when a massive body covered my line of sight. Major Rude was covering me from the back of wooden pieces, after a while he uncovered me and grabbed my shoulders. “Are you a total lunatic?! you could have been killed” He yelled. I looked at him, almost believing the concern in his voice. “Guess you missed your chance to be king there” I said and walked around him, he was looking hurt, I knew it hurt, as rude as he was he had actually never really harmed me, physically anyway. I looked at the rubble and when the fog had lifted, GW was standing with the black demonl and a lot of other dragons. ‘What rotten rope’ She said, I was looking at the dragons. I could feel my eyes overflowing with tears from her actually still caring for me, even just the tiny bit. I was not able to talk yet so I gave her a pitying smile and pointed at myself. The roar coming not only from GW but from all the dragons were deafening. GW came over and shoved me with her snout. ‘You are not a rotten rope Nadia’ She said, I huffed. “Could have fooled me, I was thinking even the Great White dragon had realized my worth, not even caring to answer anymore” I could feel the questioning eyes from behind, the people only hearing half a conversation. ‘You are not a rotten rope’ She repeated. “So you say. but do you actually believe it?” I sniffled and smiled at her desperate attempt to get me to see reason. “Why did you call for me? We both know I am not your rider” I asked after brushing away some tears. I got no answer. “I guess this is the rejection I felt coming for a long time then?” I asked, a gasp came from behind. I turned around to see the elders on the ground. “Please, we beg of you Great White” They were holding their hands as pleading as possible. “See, even the elders want me gone. Your master did wrong by choosing me, and you are now aware of that too, everyone is, so lets just end this, go our different ways and be content with it.” I said, more tears rolling down my cheeks, but funny enough my voice was calm. “No,” Jules yelled. “We were wrong,” I Smirked. “Don't worry, if she eats me you can probably still get that blasted Essence” I said, they looked confused. “What do you mean eat you?” Major Rude asked as he was getting shards of wood removed from his uniform hair and wounds. “Well she might as well eat me, at least I would have been used for something.” I said looking at the still quiet dragon. This cursed pity, this cursed self loathing I was tired of it.. “When you mentioned rejection,” The elders asked. “It was a reference to all the people in my life having rejected me.” I said a little confused about their question, they breathed out a sigh of relief. “We thought she said she would reject you” I smirked. “That would not take me by surprise, it's not like we know one another. Or care right Great White” I said, ‘don't you dare’ She said, I smiled. This was a stupid exercise, one I have been through so many times. I should not have gotten my hopes up by spending my birthday with loved ones. I apparently did not have one. “now that we are done. I think I have a web series waiting for me at home” I said, bowing to the dragons and walking in between the warriors. I made it to the other side of the forest where the Hut once was. But GW was there standing looking at me, huffing as if pissed. “What's really gonna eat me?” I asked, indifferent. This was getting old. Even the blasted dragon wanted nothing to do with me, but for some reason still glued to me, like I had scratched their stupid honor or something. ‘I was having a baby’ I smiled down to the ground. “Congratulations” I said. “what did she say?” Major Rude asked. “She had a child” He gasped and looked at GW. “My god. when?” He asked, astonished, the rest of the people catching up on the baby dragon. “How would I know, we are not that close.” I said, looking up at the dragon that was now right behind me. ‘What do you mean? we are family.’ She said. I snorted. “I don't know much about family, but I sure as hell know that leaving and not coming back, or telling me nothing about your life is not family. It might be an extended one, like a distant cousin or something. Wait, maybe you are right, cause that has been the relationship my family have had all my life” I said sarcastically, thinking what family even was, and I came up with the conclusion that the old man had been my one and only family I was probably ever going to experience. ‘I am not an extended cousin’ She said. I was getting tired, the damn portal took out a lot of energy. I was asleep for 3 days when I came home to the trailer and I guessed taking it twice in one day was gonna knock me out cold. I didn't answer GW and that got her annoyed. ‘We agreed that we would be family’ She said, sadly I might add. “Yes, but that was before you made your own right? Now I'm just in the way. I am happy for you though” I said, she took a step back not realizing what I had just said. ‘What?’ she asked. “Just think about it. If it had been the old man, would you not have told him you were pregnant or had layed an egg or whatever you do. And would you not have been around him all the time showing it off?” The dragon stood there digesting the words. “I found it funny that everyone else's dragons were around all the time, but mine. No mine decided to go to the coldest place she could find, and stay there, where I was not able to get to her” My desire to burn everything. ‘But he was different,’ she started but I cut her off. “Right, the old King that everyone adored was different from the orphan shitty girl he tossed into this world without asking, and I get you were angry, getting passed on to this unworthy girl too. Like a slave changing ownership.” She whined, the warriors were standing still and now it was the elders that spoke. “Is it true?” He asked. “You are aware that you cannot hear her voice right?” I ask the elder confused as to why he would speak to a dragon that was not his own. “I was talking to you, my Queen.” “ENOUGH WITH THE QUEEN!” I yelled angry and got past wanting to be accepted. “I am not your Queen, I don't want to be your Queen. I have a name, not that anyone has the courtesy to use it.” I said, looking at a taken back elder. “I never asked for the bloody titel. So you can have it, get the person that needs a kiss on the forehead and a bogus letter and i'll give it to them.” He was looking with big eyes at me. “Are you really an orphan?” Julia asked, shocked and terrified at the same time. “Why the need to act as if you give a f**k?” I asked. ‘I was not happy about his choice’ GW Said, “Then reject me and get it over with, live your own splendid family life and forget about me, only remember the old man and live happily ever after.” I looked at her. She looked up at the sky, the Black devil coming into sight. He landed on the ground and 3 small dragons jumped off his back, one yawned. one rolled around. and the last stared at me intensely. It walked cautiously over to me, like a cat hunting a butterfly. It sniffed my pants and sat promptly down on the ground. “Nice to meet you my distant cousin's child” I said, the dragon winked and looked at GW. ‘He is not’ she started “yeah yeah, I have seen your offspring now. Now can I go, I would like to go back before the store closes” I said, not looking down at the spotted dragon baby that was so cute I could eat it. “From what I can see, the baby dragon is yours” The elders said, I realized that he was talking about the same thing that the old man had experienced, GW had reacted the same way in the memory she showed me. “Guess it's a good thing you are this young, this way you will not remember me or miss me when you grow up not meeting me.” I squatted down. The baby dragon tilted its head to the side. ‘A dragon bonds for life’ she said, and I just looked at her “Unless they are passed on like an heirloom right?” She snarled at me. “But it's a good thing we have not bonded yet” The baby dragon came closer but I stood up and stepped back, clearly hurting the feelings of the being. “As I have been told my whole life. I am a rotten rope. A cursed child. And I would never let someone so naive and pure be hurt by that. I am doing you a favor and your mom can explain that when you get older and your siblings find their humans.” I looked at the big black eyes. ‘I already told you, you are not rotten’ she was persistent “Nah, just cursed” I said. I had forgotten the rest of the people around me. “So you know you are cursed?” Julias asked. I huffed. “Not really, it's just something humans say to explain the unexplainable, but I guess you know I'm cursed?” I asked, not actually expecting an answer. “You are a cursed child yes” Julia said, with what almost sounded like a caring voice, she even sounded happy. “Why? Does being cursed mean that you can take the Essence away if you give me some sort of drug or something?” “What?” Jules responded. “No, just you sounded happy lawyer Julia, and you are the one person that wants this Essence out of me more than anyone here, except for Major Rude that is” That got the Majors attention, he was quiet and then took to his forehead. “Jack” he said, I looked at him confused. “My name is Jack” I shook my head in disbelief. “And why would you tell me that?” I asked. “I am not Major Rude. My name Is Jack Hellfire” He started looking all serious at me. “Okay Major Rude, if you say so” I looked back at my dragon, the big one. ‘You are not going to form a contract with my baby?’ she asked. I looked at the tiny mix of GW and black demon. “Would it make a difference? I would just get two headaches when staying away from the dragon realm right?” I was fixating on the tiny thing that was moving its head from side to side. I was starting to see black dots in my vision but was ignoring them. I could make it to the portal building if I was fast. ‘You are going to leave?’ “You are going to leave?” both GW and The elders asked at the same time. “Why would I stay? There is not much for me here” I took a deep breath and sighedd, now feeling the full blow of my exhaustion, I swayed slightly seeing people yelling before I fainted. The ground is softer and warmer than I remembered it to be.
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