Stumbling Blocks

1430 Words
Leo’s POV: As I walked of the battlefield after burning the bodies from our recent fight, I felt numb, I needed my home. I started to walk in the direction of my friends and then veered of towards my pack, my home. Even though I knew Serena would be there waiting for me, but I needed to feel my pack around me. The thought of Serena had me cursing every step, but I needed to be alone for a while. Drake didn’t feel the same way and insisted on reminding me what a d**k I had been, leaving Harper. I already knew that though. I sensed Harper before she could say anything “Alpha, please wait” I stopped and turned to her “Look Alpha” I got annoyed with her addressing me as Alpha “Leo” She quickly looked up and then down again and I knew I wasn’t going to like what she had to say “Alpha, Joshua has invited me to stay awhile, and to later join his pack and I really want to.” She looked at me pleadingly “I need this Leo” I grabbed her arms and pulled her to me, I was frustrated and annoyed “You can stay for the visit, but I will not allow you to join his pack, we have already discussed this” “You can’t be serious” I pulled her closer to me “I am very serious, you can’t leave me, never” “What’s your problem, look you don’t want to mark Serena, you don’t want to mark me, make a f*****g decision here Leo, you can’t do this to either of us, it’s just not fair. You think I like seeing you with her, I can’t not anymore” I pushed my hair away from my forehead and then went in to kiss her, I wanted her to feel my need for her, feel how much I wanted her, to understand my frustration, but she pushed me away. “Make up your mind Alpha. But I am staying here until Emilia-Rose’s anointment, Emma needs me here, but I won’t give Joshua an answer, yet. But do me a favour, take this time we are apart and think about what you want, it’s me or Serena, I can’t live in limbo any longer” I watched as Harper quickly turned around, I stood there, staring after her, as she walked away, I wanted nothing more than to go after her. I ran into the forest again, wanting to get home, but hating what was waiting for me there. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid human’ ‘I made a commitment to Serena, I at least owe her that’ ‘You owe her nothing, you are walking away from our mate for what. Stupid, stupid’ I was getting annoyed with Drake ‘Just shut-up, let this go for now please’ ‘i***t’ he immediately retreated, deciding not to go on harassing me. I knew he was right but me finding my mate wasn’t Serena’s fault, she shouldn’t have to pay. I ripped at a branch at a nearby tree, this was my f*****g fault, I should have waited, trusted the Mother more. I was angry with myself, but there was nothing I could do about this now. I increased my speed with memories of Harper running through my mind. I knew what I had to do, I needed my mate. I finally exited the forest, and my pack house came into view. I saw Serena on the front steps, as if waiting for me. I stopped in front of her. “We need to talk Leo” “Yes, we do Serena, how could you betray me like that, you have been working against me from the beginning” I stared at her lowered gaze, her head suddenly shot up and I saw triumph in her eyes “I’m pregnant” she threw the test at me and as I caught it I saw the two blue lines. “Serena, we haven’t had s*x in over two years, how can you be pregnant” “She smiled at me, yeah, I know, that little b***h Harper has your mind occupied. But I had been trying to fall pregnant since our marriage, and the last couple times, we had used invitro, we still had 2 embryos left, I went back to see Dr. Parker and he implanted the two embryos. When I got back from the little fight thing, I listened to my messages and found out that I was pregnant.” I was shocked, I didn’t want to have pups with Serena, but there was nothing I could do, I would have to stay with Serena, and raise our pups. "You did that without consulting me" "You didn't seem that interested in our future anymore" I was devastated and I felt defeated by the news, somewhere in the back of my mind I always thought that Harper and I would end up together. In the last three years nothing worked, she was never able to fall pregnant, just my luck it would happen now. I was emotionally drained, I walked past Serena, up the stairs “I’m going to bed we can talk again tomorrow” “I’ll move my stuff back in your room, and I will start preparing for the marking ceremony” “NO, this changes nothing between us Serena, nothing” Serena stormed at me “This changes everything, you will mark me and you will be a husband to me, in all ways” I just looked at her and walked up to my room, I would never be able to mark Serena, never. I got in the shower, I put the water on hot, I needed to wash this day away. I put a towel around me and dropped into bed. My dreams were filled with Harper and our missed future. I woke up listening to the sounds of the night, something had disturbed me, I lay there listening. My senses immediately kicked in and I knew someone was in my room, even though they moved very silently, I could hear them. I lay there listening to the movement. This was no one I knew because the scent wasn’t familiar. The person was searching through my stuff looking for something. They must have been desperate because I was here. I shot up and grabbed the person by the arm, I threw the intruder across the room. I heard an audible “Ouch” and I knew it was a woman. I walked closer and picked her up by her arms. I immediately recognized the little witch, that saved Harper and Emma. I stared in her frightened face “What are you doing here, witch” She ripped her arms from my hands “Nothing” “You expect me to believe that. What are you looking for?” Her face changed from fright to stubborn and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to break her, not tonight. “I said Nothing” “Fine, maybe a night in the dungeons will change your mind” I mind linked Luke and handed her to him. “Put her in the cells, no one speaks to her, no one” Just before I got back into bed, I locked my door, I didn’t need another surprise. My thoughts quickly drifted back to Harper, and then back to the witch, what was she looking for? I felt the tension rip through me, I had thought all this s**t was over, but with the witch searching my room, it felt like something more, I remembered the warning from Selena, that something bigger was coming. I hoped this wasn’t it, but deep down I knew, something had started again. Unknown POV: “My man in Golden Sphere has sent a message” I felt annoyed the way my brother was dragging this out, I knew it wasn’t good “Spit it out then” “He discovered the witch in his rooms” “f**k, we need to find it, or all could be lost” “You should contact her brother” “Not yet” “Heed my advice, contact her” I smashed the cup before me “I said not yet” My brother stood up and started to walk out “Then this is on you” After he left, I practically destroyed the room, I was angry and upset, we had to find it.
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