Chapter 1

1015 Words
When the sunlight successfully wake up Danaye, she felt someone’s heaving chest under her head as she slightly rise her body. As she turned around strucked by a man’s familiar scent, she froze at the moment while she racks her brain trying to remember how did she end up in Declan Carlsen’s bed. Memories of the hazy events from the previous night came crashing on her. While her mind’s a mess, she mindlessly gathered her scattered underwear and some clothes in the floor and immediately raced out to the door in panic. Danaye’s abrupt movements together with the sudden phone alarm woke Declan. He ignored it and changed position but when he noticed the empty space he was just hugging earlier, he immediately darted his eyes open and search for someone. Before he think it was just a dream where he’s hugging Danaye, the first thing he saw was Danaye clutching her clothes while slipping out of his room’s door. Even if it was just a blurry morning glance, he could clearly tell that she was completely naked with bright red vague marks on her white skin on her slim back. He was immediately jolted awake and wondering as flashbacks of the night starts explaining the situation. Danaye slowly undressing herself, kissing him, touching him, slowly unbuttoning his polo… Declan was immediately angered as evidences was sitting casually on his messy bed. As he scan the room, he saw the same clothes Danaye wore and undressed on the flashback in his memories tangled with his gray polo he was wearing last night. Garments were everywhere his room and if it wasn’t enough to confirm his theory, then what is? He remembered he was completely drunk as he entered their house but his mind didn’t blank off. He looked at the black laced panty lying across his bed that Danaye left out. So in just about a second, he figured out what had happened between the two of them. He was not dreaming of hugging Danaye as she was literally wrapped around in his arms. It was not a dream! His neurons were immediately awake as he almost run to wrap a towel around his waist and followed Danaye who was so eager to leave him without any explanation. Danaye quickly shut her own room’s door with her heart thumping so hard on her chest. She collapsed on the back of the door and took deep breaths as she scanned her sober mind to think of a valid reason aside from being intoxicated by the alcohol she drank alone just before Declan arrived. She really hates drinking as she often always did shameful things. However, yesterday her heart couldn’t take the information she received. She promised her teenage self she wouldn’t drink again for the sake of her pride and dignity around people but the pain she freshly felt yesterday was too much her sane mind couldn’t take. And so she drank the hard drinks her fake husband has in the kitchen’s refrigerator not knowing that she would create another wreck in the house. Declan was unwillingly married to Danaye on paper as Danaye had gotten into trouble and went to jail. Desperately, Danaye’s mother begged Declan to save her. The following day after signing their certificate of marriage, the two have separated their ways and continued with their busy lives. However, during the night, they must be at their registered home even if they particularly sleep in almost 10 meter separated room. They effectively avoided each other like a polar opposite charge that if the other is near, the other side automatically moves away. But now, she had broken the rule… What will he do? Her skin automatically shuddered in fear of what will come. She quickly stood up and grab the towel on her closet. Just as she was about to shower so she could leave the house, she heard the angry steps of someone approaching and instinctively knew it was him. She immediately remembered to lock the door so she ran to it but the door flew open at her face. She could not breathe. How could she not thought of locking the door when she was inside?! Declan charged angrily at her grabbing her left arm as he threw her at her own bed. Danaye quickly wanted to get away from his wrath pulled her legs to her body as she inched backwards but Declan was sober and quick. His long slender arms reach forward and he pulled her down underneath him while he grabbed her neck pushing her against the bed. “Danaye!” Deeply angered, Declan didn’t mind controlling his strength as Danaye started choking as she can’t breathe with his hand tightly wrapping around her small neck. Instinctively, she inhaled sharply but before she could even beg him, Declan growled, “EXPLAIN!” Declan hadn’t loosen his grip as Danaye almost moaned his name trying to get free. “D-Declan…you’re h-hurting m-me…” She choked. A surge of bolts travelled nonchalantly in Declan’s body as she heard his name on her soft voice and he almost momentarily forgot that he was supposed to be angry. “Don’t you f*****g play with me, Danaye! I’ll rip that throat if you don’t speak— “I-I c-can’t b-breathe…D-Declan…p-p-please…” Danaye cried. She felt dizzy and tears were flowing as she try to loosen his strong hands blocking the air to pass on her neck. Declan was mesmerized when he saw that she was slowly closing her eyes and immediately release her. Danaye coughed hardly and curled to her side to inhale enough air. Declan stood up and snarled, “Have you not warned me not to touch you after just signing the contract marriage?” He stared into her small frail body merely covered in towel. With a tone as cold as his eyes, he mockingly uttered, “ So does that mean you can climb into my bed whenever you want but would accuse me of rape when I touch you? Is that what you mean by what you said?”
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