Chapter four.

1447 Words
    Azalynne walks to James door and knocks. "Come in" He yells from the other side.  Following directions, she walks in. She stops dead in her track as she shut the door behind her.  There he was, bottom half wrapped in a towel. His top half showing his 6 pack, water dripping down his body. Her eyes slowly makes their way up to his chest. Oh goodness his chest. No its not bare, its not overly hairy either. She feels herself tingling as her eyes drifts to his lips, oh his lips are just as kissable as Brad Pitts. Her eyes finally meets his. His eyes, so beautiful and green. She feels her self go red, and quickly looks around his apartment. Exact set up as hers. "Now we're even" His voice broke the silence. "I wasn't expecting you so quick. Normally when a woman say's 20 minutes they mean an hour." He said chuckling to himself.  "I... I...I always mean what I s-s-say" She stutters, still looking away.  "I'll go get dressed. So Where are we going?" He asks as he's walking to his room.  "I was thinking Momma Llama's" She responded staring after him. 'Oh goodness he has back dimples'. She thought to herself.  "Never heard of it. Give me 5 and I'll be ready" He said back closing his door.  'Oh please no, keep it open' She thought to herself. "What the f**k Azzy" She then whispered to herself.  She has never seen another man's bare body. She hasn't even had s*x for that matter. She was still a virgin, but yet she was all tingly inside. The only man she ever seen bare is Brian. But he don't count. They never seen each other like that. She never felt like that with Brian either. What is that feeling? Its new, different, exciting. ' oh please you're a 21 year old virgin (technically,your stepfather don't count), what do you know?' she thought to herself. She did know she was wanting him in a way she never wanted Brian. She never had a boyfriend, never kissed a guy. Ok yea her and Brian kissed once to see if there was something there. Felt like she was kissing her brother, if she had one.   She was still deep in thought, not realizing James was standing there watching her look baffled. It was cute. Like she was trying to wrap her head around the whole event. Her green eyes were looking up to the right, while her face was in a thinking, but confused look. 'Goodness was she beautiful' He thought to himself still watching her. Her red hair fell perfectly around her face down to her chest.' My goodness her chest was nice.' She wasn't petite, she had some meat on her bones. Her lips were nice and luscious. She was just beautiful. She didn't even have make up on. 'I bet she has a boyfriend' he thought to himself. 'One way to find out'  "Is my corner talking or are you in Lala land?" James asked grinning as he walked out of his room.  Azalynne snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Jame's. He looked good. A black T, with a pair of store bought ripped jeans. His dirty blonde hair is in a messy style. Sexy.  "You know your corner has some interesting stories." She responded back chuckling.  "Oh yea?" He asked slowly walking to her.  "Yea" She said as she looked at him. Still walking slowly towards her, he's face to face with her. She begins to breath nervously. 'Is he about to kiss me?' She thinks to herself. Then he leans in. 'Oh goodness, he's about to kiss me.' She closes her eye's waiting for the kiss. A few seconds goes by and she opens her eyes. He was leaning over to get his shoes.  "Oh, I'm in your way." She said embarrassed moving out of his way. "You're fine." He responded back putting his shoes on. "Ready?" "Ready" She said.                                                             ***********      "So, this is Momma Llama's?" James asked as they approached the local cafe.  "Yup. Best cafe in town." She responded as he opened the big glass door.  The aroma of coffee and fresh baked good's filled their nose. The cafe was a small, vibrate place. The walls were caramel brown. About ten four person seats. They make their way up to the register. "Hello, Welcome to Momma Llama's, my name is Stacy, I'll be your greeter today. How can I help you." Stacy said with a smile on her face.  "Let me get the... uh.... What's good here?" James asked looking at Azalynne.  "Everything." She responded back.  "Well let me try the Momma Mocha Llamattee and the bacon, steak and cheese croissant " He said looking back at Stacy.  "Ok. And for you miss?" Stacy said looking at Azalynne.  "I'll do the same." She responded.  "Ok, thats two Momma Mocha Llamattee and two bacon, steak and cheese croissants. That'll be 14.85." Stacy said still smiling.  Azalynne takes her wallet out to pay.  "I got it." James said handing the greeter his card.  "Now wait a damn minute." Azalynne said " I invited you to brunch for me to pay." "Uh.. Huh.." Responded James. " And I'm paying."  "That's not how it works." She said looking at him.  "Well that's how it's going to work. It's now paid for, nothing you can do now." James replied smiling while putting his wallet away.  "Please find a seat and I'll bring your order to you." Stacy said handing James the receipt.  "I can already see me and you won't get along." Azalynne said while gently punching his arm.  "Ow! Has anyone told you, you hit like a girl." He said pulling out a chair for her.  "No, I've been told I hit like a man." She said as she sat down. " Thank you." "You're welcome." He said as he sat down. " So tell me about yourself, since we are going to be neighbor's and all."  "Well, there's not much to say." She said nervously picking at her nails."I had a terrible child hood. The only man I ever knew, that was there for it all, was killed in a drunk driving accident. I went to college to study business, in hopes to open my own restaurant. Dropped out last year, couldn't afford the tuition anymore. Work in a dead end job, live in a small shitty apartment, and I now for the first time of my life am alone." She finished looking at him.  "Parents?"  "Dad died when I was 3, my piece of s**t of a mother if that's what you want to call her married another piece of s**t of a human being. He went to prison when I was 13, he was released last year. Yay for the justice system. My mother went back to him open arms." Azalynne said while looking past him.  "Wow, I'm sorry. Wh....Oh thank you." He was interrupted by Stacy bringing their coffee and croissants to them. "Enjoy" Stacy Happily said sitting their order down.  "You're going to love your food and latte." Azalynne said quickly turning the conversation to the food.  "Well if I don't, you can buy me a new drink." He replied back looking at her, wondering why she was quick to change the subject. "So, I have this burning question to ask." He said taking a sip of the latte "Mmmm this is amazing." "Told you. And what? How bad is it going to burn?" She said giggling.  "A woman as beautiful as you, must have multiple men chasing you. So who is the lucky man to have the chance?"  Azalynne puts her latte down and looks at him. "No boyfriend, and defiantly no men chasing me."  "What?! No way you're single?" He said surprised.   "Yep. Why does that surprise you? I've been single since the day I was born. Like I said, the only man I ever knew, died." She said looking away from him again, saddened and embarrassed.  "So your best friend. Did ya'll ever like date or anything?" Still shocked from what he was hearing.  "If you're asking if we ever f****d, no. We never dated. We kissed once and agreed it was awkward. And honestly I'd rather not talk about it anymore." She said as tears broke free and streamed down her face.  "I... I...I'm sorry" He said quickly giving her a napkin. She accepts and wipes her face. "No I'm sorry. Know what, I'd like to go home now." She said getting up leaving half her latte and full croissant on the table.  "Yea, uh no problem." He replied grabbing the drinks and food.   
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